- loads React app
POST /api/users
PATCH /api/users
POST /api/session
DELETE /api/session
GET /api/boards
POST /api/boards
GET /api/boards/:id
PATCH /api/boards/:id
DELETE /api/boards/:id
For creation and deletion of board shares:
POST /api/boards/:id/board_shares
DELETE /api/boards/:id/board_shares
POST /api/lists
PATCH /api/lists/:id
DELETE /api/lists/:id
(No index and show routes, as lists will always be available with and accessed through boards)
POST /api/cards
PATCH /api/cards/:id
DELETE /api/cards/:id
(No index and show routes, as cards will always be available with and accessed through lists)
For creation and deletion of card labels (join table between cards and labels):
POST /api/cards/:id/card_labels
DELETE /api/cards/:id/card_labels
For creation and deletion of card members (join table between cards and users):
POST /api/cards/:id/card_members
DELETE /api/cards/:id/card_members
POST /api/comments
PATCH /api/comments/:id
DELETE /api/comments/:id
(No index and show routes, as comments will always be available with and accessed through cards)
POST /api/checklists
PATCH /api/checklists/:id
DELETE /api/checklists/:id
(No index and show routes, as checklists will always be available with and accessed through cards)
POST /api/checklist_items
PATCH /api/checklist_items/:id
DELETE /api/checklist_items/:id
(No index and show routes, as checklist items will always be available with and accessed through checklists)
POST /api/labels
PATCH /api/labels/:id
DELETE /api/labels/:id
(No index and show routes, as labels will always be available with and accessed through boards)
POST /api/teams
PATCH /api/teams/:id
DELETE /api/teams/:id
(No index and show routes, as teams will always be available with and accessed through users)
For creation and deletion of team members:
POST /api/teams/:id/team_members
DELETE /api/teams/:id/team_members