issues Search Results · repo:juj/kNet language:C++
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injuj/kNet (press backspace or delete to remove)The .h files use WIN32 but that s a depreciated macro, the correct one is _WIN32. Visual Studio 2015 documentation lists
_WIN32. There s a drop-down ...
- Opened on Nov 13, 2015
- #24
It appears that NetworkServer::CloseListenSockets() is never called when shutting down the NetworkServer, which makes a
restarted server within the same process unable to take in connections. In Urho3D ...
- 1
- Opened on Oct 4, 2014
- #21
Personally I would say this undesirable as kNet functions totally fine without boost::thread, at least on Windows.
- 1
- Opened on Sep 27, 2014
- #20
KNet uses UNIX precompiler definition for detecting UNIX-like environments. For internal usage this is fine, but this
definition is also used in headers meaning that client code using kNet must remember ...
- 1
- Opened on Sep 27, 2014
- #19
Due to MessageConnectionTreeItem having a shared ptr to MessageConnection, a connection is never freed even after it
closes, when the NetworkDialog is open. In a network client usage, this means leaking ...
- 2
- Opened on Mar 25, 2014
- #17
When enabling the Qt dialogs for kNet (USE_QT), using Qt 4.8.5 and CMake version on Windows, the header file
for the UI file Graph.ui is not generated and as a consequence kNet build fails.
The ...
- Opened on Jan 20, 2014
- #16
The online documentation seems a bit out of date with the latest code. I compiled the test server and client code, and
had to adjust and fix a few things to get it working.
For instance, the API to network.Connect ...
- 1
- Opened on Sep 2, 2013
- #14
The following error occurs when using Windows 7, VS2008SP1, and Qt 4.7.4:
pre .\src\qt\GraphDialog.cpp(81): error C2589: ( : illegal token on right side of :: .\src\qt\GraphDialog.cpp(81): error
C2059: ...
- Opened on Dec 4, 2012
- #10
The INetworkServerListener::ClientDisconnected(kNet::MessageConnection* source) callback is signalled when a connection
on the server is fully bidirectionally closed.
However, there does not exist a corresponding ...
- Opened on Aug 24, 2012
- #4

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