This example shows the reduction to find the sum of a vector.
You must have Python and PIP installed in your system. PyCUDA can be installed through PIP:
$ pip install pycuda
If you have problems trying to install pycuda, check out this post.
Open a terminal and type:
> sh
A typical output should look like this one.
Running: <pyopencl.Platform 'NVIDIA CUDA' at 0x55d92e306510>
In GPU: <pyopencl.Device 'GeForce GTX 750' on 'NVIDIA CUDA' at 0x55d92e2d00a0>
<pyopencl.Context at 0x55d92e41cbb0 on <pyopencl.Device 'GeForce GTX 750' on 'NVIDIA CUDA' at 0x55d92e2d00a0>>
<pyopencl.cffi_cl.CommandQueue object at 0x7f5cb6658050>
[ 0.01009034 0.45293984 0.01079417 0.83157623 0.90878093 0.70061123
0.59555459 0.79681021 0.21314494 0.0314641 0.0355786 0.08317823
0.53474879 0.83492547 0.5472874 0.36738539 0.13216178 0.3760058
0.9857192 0.5069688 0.57565147 0.42967793]
Vector Reduction with Vector Size = 256
Suma CPU: 128.382
Suma GPU: 128.382
Time CPU: 0.000293970108032
Time GPU: 0.0103480815887