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File metadata and controls

215 lines (163 loc) · 6.26 KB

Mini Tutorial


Lesson 1: Reading Meta Data

A Simple Example

require 'mini_exiftool'

photo = 'photo.jpg'
puts photo['DateTimeOriginal']

Smart Tag Names

In the example above we use photo['DateTimeOriginal'] to get the value for the time the photo was taken. But tag names are not case sensitive and additional underlines are also irrelevant. So following expressions are equivalent:


It is also possible to use symbols:


Nicer Access Via Dynamic Methods

Using the []-method is the safest way to access to values of tags (e. g. Self-timer you can only access this way) but the smarter way is using dynamic method access. You can write:


or also


Value Types

Following types of values are at the moment supported:

  • Array (e. g. Keywords => ['tree', 'gras'])
  • Integer (e. g. ISO => 400)
  • Float (e. g. FNumber => 9.5)
  • String (e. g. Model => DYNAX 7D)
  • Time (e. g. DateTimeOriginal => 2005:09:13 20:08:50)

Be aware, if there is only one value in a tag which can hold multiple values the result isn't an array! But you can get one with the Array method:

# only _one_ keyword
p1 = 'p1.jpg'
p1.keywords # => 'red'
# _more than one_ keywords
p3 = 'p3.jpg'
p3.keywords # => ['red', 'yellow', 'green']

# if we want to get an array in both cases and don't know
# if there is one ore more values set let's take Array()
Array(p1.keywords) # => ['red']
Array(p3.keywords) # => ['red', 'yellow', 'green']

Using options

The ExifTool command-line application has an option (-n) to get values as numbers if possible, in MiniExiftool you can do this with setting the :numerical option to true while generating a new instance with new or using the numerical=-method combining with calling reload.

Let's look at an example:

# standard: numerical is false
photo = 'photo.jpg'
photo.exposure_time # => '1/60 (Rational)
# now with numerical is true
photo.numerical = true
photo.exposure_time # => 0.01666667 (Float)

This behaviour can be useful if you want to do calculations on the value, if you only want to show the value the standard behaviour is maybe better.

The Time class of Ruby cannot handle timestamps before 1st January 1970 on some platforms. If there are timestamps in files before this date it will result in an error. In this case we can set the option :timestamps to DateTime to use DateTime objects instead of Time objects.

There is another option :composite. If this is set to false the composite tags are not calculated by the exiftool command-line application (option -e).

Further options are

  • :ignore_minor_errors to ignore minor errors (See -m-option of the exiftool command-line application, default is false)
  • :coord_format set format for GPS coordinates (See -c-option of the exiftool command-line application, default is nil that means exiftool standard)
  • :fast useful when reading JPEGs over a slow network connection (See -fast-option of the exiftool command-line application, default is false)
  • :fast2 useful when reading JPEGs over a slow network connection (See -fast2-option of the exiftool command-line application, default is false)
  • :replace_invalid_chars replace string for invalid UTF-8 characters or false if no replacing should be done, default is false
  • :exif_encoding, :iptc_encoding, :xmp_encoding, :png_encoding, :id3_encoding, :pdf_encoding, :photoshop_encoding, :quicktime_encoding, :aiff_encoding, :mie_encoding, :vorbis_encoding to set this specific encoding (see -charset option of the exiftool command-line application, default is nil: no encoding specified)

Using an IO instance

require 'mini_exiftool'
require 'open3'

# Using external curl command
input, output = Open3.popen2("curl -s")
photo = output
puts photo['ISO']

The kind of the parameter filename_or_io is determined via duck typing: if the argument responds to to_str it is interpreted as filename, if it responds to read it is interpreted es IO instance. Attention: If you use an IO instance then writing of values is not supported!

Look at the show_speedup_with_fast_option example in the MiniExiftool examples directory for more details about using an IO instance.

Lesson 2: Writing Meta Data

Also A Very Simple Example

require 'mini_exiftool'

photo = 'photo.jpg'
photo.comment = 'hello world'

Save Is Atomar

If you have changed several values and call the save-method either all changes will be written to the file or nothing. The return value of the save-method is true if all values are written to the file otherwise save returns false. In the last case you can use the errors-method which returns a hash of the tags which values couldn't be written with an error message for each of them.

Interesting Methods

Have a look at the changed?-method for checking if the value of a specific tag is changed or a changing in general is done. In the same way the revert-method reverts the value of a specific tag or in general all changes.

You should also look at the rdoc information of MiniExiftool.

Lesson 3: Copying Meta Data


require 'mini_exiftool'

photo ='photo.jpg')

# Update the author tag of photo.jpg with the value of the author tag
# of another_photo.jpg
photo.copy_tags_from('another_photo.jpg', 'Author')

# It's also possible to use symbols and case is also not meaningful
photo.copy_tags_from('another_photo.jpg', :author)

# Further more than one tag can be copied at once
photo.copy_tags_from('another_photo', %w[author copyright])

Look at the file copy_icc_profile.rb in the examples folder of MiniExiftool.

Further Examples

Have a look in the examples folder of MiniExiftool.