A Repository Created for #Hacktoberfest to Help Beginners Get Started with Code. Go to the issues, pick one of the ones labeled Hacktoberfest for more instructions on how you can contribute and make your first (second, third or forth) pull request.
Remember to sign-up for Hacktoberfest to qualify for your free Tshirt, or to have a Tree planted in your name. The event runs for the Month of October each year - and you can sign up now. I am merging Pull-Requests at once a day during #Hacktoberfest
If you would like to know how you can contribute to this project - do read the Contributing.MD. There are issues for begginers set-up for #Hacktoberfest and labeled as such. Each issue should give you enough guidance to complete your first (2nd, 3rd or 4th) Pull Request - but if they do not, feel free to ask for help by commenting on the issue. Do not be afraid, there is nothing but support here.
Also, I'd love it if you've found this Project useful - Could you please click on the ⭐ for this repository.
A curated list of the 10 things Beginners need to know to get started in code (and interesting things to help the more advanced progress). Dip into them and try to just do a little bit each day
- What, Where, Why?
- Get into Github
- Try Some Code
- Follow Some Mentors
- Get Involved
- Practice
- Listen to Some Podcasts
- Subscribe to Some YouTube Vids
- Watch Some Twitch Channels
- Conferences
- And Then What?
Name | Author | Step | Comments |
Learn web development as an absolute beginner | Coder Coder | 1 | A great video to get you started |
JavaScript For Cats | @maxogden | 1 | A fun way to introduce Javascript |
Why's (Poignant) Guide to Ruby | Why the Lucky Stiff | 1 | A legend in the Ruby Community who disappeared without a trace, remembered mostly by this enigmatic guide to Ruby |
The Definitive Guide to Contributing to Open Source | Piotr Gaczkowski | 1 | This is the What and Why of Open Source |
Open Source Guide to Etiquette | Kent C. Dodds and Sarah Drasner | 1 | Let's play nice |
How to Contribute to Open Source | @nayafia, @bkeepers, @stephbwills, and @mlinksva | 1 | Really good Why and What Guide of Open Source |
Description | Author | Step | Comments |
Hello World | GitHub Guides | 2 | Everyone starts with Hello World, it's like ABC for Coders |
How to Contribute to an Open Source Project on GitHub | Kent C Dodds | 2 | A kind mind gently introduces the concept of Open Source |
Prefer GUI Over Command Line Tools | Github Desktop | 2 | You don't have to code in the command line |
An Introduction to GitHub | GitHub Learning Labs | 2 | A bot can teach you to code |
Communicating Using Markdown | GitHub Learning Labs | 2 | Creating Simplified Webpages |
Make Your First Contribution to Open Source | FirstContributions | 2 | You'll always remember your first contribution |
Writing a Good Commit Message | Chrissie Muhorakeye | 2 | Start as you mean to go on |
Writing Good Pull Requests | Keavy McMinn | 2 | Help yourself and others who come after you |
Create a Github Profile Readme | Monica Powell | 2 | Build your own pretty webpage on Github |
Name | Author | Step | Comments |
Learn to Code by Playing a Game | Code Combat | 3 | Learn the concepts while having fun |
Hour of Code | Code.Orf | 3 | Try and byte-size snippets |
Full Stack Developer Course | Free Code Camp | 3 | I'm doing this one - it's excellent. A bit each day |
Pathway Courses | Microsoft | 3 | These courses are also very popular |
Basic Web Development Course | General Assembly | 3 | As it says on the label |
Foundation of Programming 2 (Java) | Fariz Darari | 3 | Easy to understand slides for learning Programming with Java! |
Learning on the Go | Solo Learn | 3 | Do little bits on your phone |
Guided Tracks | @JonHMChan | 3 | Take a byte each day |
learn by building a fictional startup | Upskill | 3 | If you want a story around what you build, start here |
The Odin Project | Thinkful | 3 | Very popular |
Learn to Code HTML & CSS | Shay Howe | 3 | Beautifully done |
A Tour of Go | The Go Programming Language | 3 | An easy-to-ramp-up language |
The Javascript Guide | MDM Webdocs | 3 | How to Use and Overview |
Kids STEM Workshops and Resources | Nuevo Foundation | 3 | Teach kids with fun coding scenarios |
Twilio Quest | Twilio | 3 | Learn to code and save The Cloud from the Legacy Systems |
Laravel 6 Beginner | Coders Tape | 3 | Level up your skills |
Name | Author | Step | Comments |
Scott Hanselman | Scott Hanselman | 4 | Be Kind |
Kent C Dodds | Kent C Dodds | 4 | Be Kind |
Patricia Aas | Patricia Aas | 4 | Be Open Minded |
Amy Kapernick | Amy Kapernick | 4 | Be Tolerant of Quokkas |
Michelle Sandford | Michelle Sandford | 4 | Help yourself by helping others |
Jessica Chan | Coder Coder | 4 | Be Kind |
Tania Rascia | The Missing Instruction Manuals of the Web | 4 | Be Kind |
Nina Zakharenko | @nnja | 4 | Python Software Foundation Director |
April Speight | @vogueandcode | 4 | Be stylish |
Dona Sarkar | Do The Thing | 4 | Be brave |
Cecil Phillip | Away From The Keyboard | 4 | Podcaster, Teacher, Swimmer & Music Lover |
Sarah Drasner | I Make Things | 4 | A FrontEnd Master |
Aaron Powell | Microsoft | 4 | Awesome speaker at DDD Melbourne |
Bea Gandica | Nuevo Foundation | 4 | Changing the World at pace |
Heather Downing | Okta | 4 | .NET, APIs, Voice and Identity |
Layla Porter | Twilio | 4 | Twilio .Net Azure Co-host of MK.NET MVP |
Jessica White | DDD East Midlands | 4 | Microsoft MVP in Developer Technologies, an international speaker and a mentor |
Florin Pop | Freelance | 4 | JavaScript enthusiast 🙌, Front-end developer 💻, Blogger and YouTuber |
Dylan Beattie | Ursatile | 4 | Creator of the Rockstar programming language, a Microsoft MVP for Visual Studio and Development Technologies |
M0nica | Monica Powell | 4 | Founder of React Ladies a community for React JS developers |
alphacentauri82 | Diana Rodriguez | 4 | Python Developer Advocate @ Vonage, GDE: web/cloud/maps/firebase, Microsoft MVP, Auth0 Ambassador |
Ovilia | Wenli Zhang | 4 | Passionate Dataviz Developer & Creative Designer; PPMC of Apache ECharts (incubating) |
potatoqualitee | Chrissy LeMaire | 4 | SQL & PS MVP, creator of @psdbatools member @thelivecoders & @PowerShellLive author http://dbatools.io/book |
Vanessa Aristizabal | Vanessa Aristizabal | 4 | Frontend Developer GDE in Angular & Web Technologies |
Name | Author | Step | Comments |
Get Involved | Pluralsight | 5 | Scott Hanselman and Rob Conery offer suggestions and advice on how you can get out there, and get involved |
Python Community | Python.Org | 5 | Love of Python |
100 Days of Code | Alex Kallaway | 5 | Love of Learning |
CodeNewbie Community | CodeNewbie | 5 | Official Website for the Challenge that gets you addicted to coding |
Humans of IT Community | Microsoft | 5 | Be Kind |
Probot Community | Probot | 5 | Be Kind |
Stack Overflow | Stack Overflow | 5 | Stack Overflow is a question and answer site for professional and enthusiast programmers |
Eddie Jaoude Community | Eddie Jaoude | 5 | OPEN SOURCE is NOT about code, it is about people and collaboration |
Name | Author | Step | Comments |
Frontend Mentor | Frontend Mentor | 6 | Fun front end challenges with solutions, resources and an open slack community for discussion |
Achieve Mastery Through Challenges | CodeWars | 6 | Love of Learning |
Practice and Learn by Playing a Game | Codingame | 6 | Love of Learning |
Technical interview prep and coding challenges | Coderbyte | 6 | Love of Learning |
Interactive Challenges | Edabit | 6 | Love of Learning |
Tutorials and Practice | Scotch | 6 | Love of Learning |
Name | Author | Step | Comments |
CodeNewbie Podcast | CodeNewbie | 7 | Love of Learning |
Scott Hanselman Podcast | Scott Hanselman | 7 | Love of Learning |
Talk Python To Me | @mkennedy | 7 | Love of Learning |
Softskills Engineering Podcast | Softskills Engineering | 7 | Love of Learning |
Frontend Happy Hour Podcast | Netflix, Twitch, Atlassian, Evernote, and LinkedIn | 7 | Love of Learning |
Syntax FM | @wesbos and @stolinski | 7 | Love of Learning |
Programming By Stealth | Podfeet Podcasts | 7 | Love of Learning |
FreeCodeCamp Podcast | FreeCodeCamp | 7 | Love of Learning |
Learn To Code With Me | Laurence Bradford | 7 | Love of Learning |
Cod[ish] | Heroku | 7 | Love of Learning |
Name | Author | Step | Comments |
Learn Code Academy | Learn Code Academy | 8 | Love of Learning |
Learn in One Video | Derek Banas | 8 | Love of Learning |
Programming Course by Videos | Codebind | 8 | Love of Learning |
Free Videos from Programming With Mosh | @moshhamedani | 8 | Love of Learning |
Coders Tape | Coders Tape | 8 | Level up your Laravel, PHP and Marketing skills with fresh weekly content |
Name | Author | Step | Comments |
Phil Nash | Twilio | 9 | Love of Learning |
Amy Kapernick | Amy Kapernick | 9 | Love of Learning |
Clarkio | Microsoft | 9 | Love of Learning |
Twilio | Twilio | 9 | Love of Learning |
Pair Programming | Jason Lengstorf | 9 | Love of Learning |
Data Visualisations | Shirley Wu | 9 | Love of Learning |
Coding tips, tricks, and techniques | Brian Lagunas | 9 | Love of Learning |
DevChatter | DevChatter | 9 | Love of Learning |
Learn with CodingGarden | CodingGarden | 9 | Love of Learning |
Chael Codes | Chael Codes | 9 | Love of Learning |
Layla Codesit | Twilio | 9 | Love of Learning |
Microsoft Developer | Microsoft Developer | 9 | Love of Learning |
Adam13531 | AcAdamy | 9 | Love learn and teach |
Name | Author | Step | Comments |
Web Directions Summits | Web Directions | 10 | A conference for the whole team |
NDC Conferences | NDC | 10 | High-end events for software developers |
YOW Conferences | YOW | 10 | Emerging technologies and best practices in the software industry |
PyCon | Python.Org | 10 | See what's going on in the Python world |
Microsoft Build | Microsoft | 10 | Empowering Developers to Fuel Business Performance |
Web Directions Summits | Web Directions | 10 | Love of Learning |
DDD Perth | DDDPerth | 10 | Love of Learning |
JSConf | JSConf | 10 | Locally run events driven by passionate individuals dedicated to the community |
GitHub Universe | GitHub | 10 | Explore the future of software development |
Signal Conf | Twilio | 10 | Twilio’s Annual Customer & Developer Conference |
DockerCon | Docker | 10 | DockerCon is a place for the Docker community to come together and thrive |
Name | Author | Step | Comments |
Learn You A Haskell | Miran Lipovaca | 11 | A need for more |
The most quirky parts of the JavaScript | Javascript Garden | 11 | Advice on avoiding common mistakes |
Create own workshop | Nuevo Foundation | 11 | Teach kids with fun coding scenarios |
Code with Rockstar | Dylan Beattie | 11 | Rockstar is a computer programming language designed for creating programs that are also heavy metal power ballads - it's not for the faint of heart |
- @msandfor for starting the list.
- All the contributors for keeping the list updated by adding new resources.
MIT Licence
- Yash2737
- Newbietestuser
- Msandfor
- Beagandica
- Keatnuxsuo
- Nessaamorgan
- Amykapernick
- Premkiran7
- Sam0hack
- Soumyajitnandi1
- Muhmudrik
- TechGirl007
- jilloestreicher
- LucasDamascenoS
- Aashwin Vaish
- jilloestreicher
- divyanshi-ojha
- Spencer Taylor
- Sanxy
- Jayant0jha
- punitaojha
- APalpattuwar7
- gabrielhicks
- utsav00
- ArvindR07
- 2KAbhishek
- pranavbaitule
- Retnuh1337
- aortiz24
- MykolaKolotylo
- Raysa Dutra
- AmieCroteau
- Divya247
- yamini27
- Plingooo
- Abhijit Roy