This rbenv plugin adds the rbenv env
command that shows relevant environment variables.
Run the command
$ rbenv env
To see what environment variables rbenv / plugins pass to commands (Shows PATH and any variables that start with GEM, RAILS, RBENV or RUBY). Also shows environment variables that start with NODE_, NODENV_ or NPM for use with rbenv based node.js switching
To install rbenv-env, clone this repository into your ~/.rbenv/plugins directory. (You'll need a recent version of rbenv that supports plugin bundles.)
$ git clone "$(rbenv root)/plugins/rbenv-env"
- Travis-CI for the Continuous integration test results
Copyright (c) 2013 Ian Heggie - Released under the same terms as rbenv's MIT-License
Since I no longer using rbenv, I am happy to include pull requests, but I am not actively developing this plugin. If you are interested in taking on this project, either completely or in partnership, please contact me.
- Fork the project.
- Make your feature addition or bug fix, with tests
- Commit
- Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.
Thanks go to:
- Various people who have given feedback and suggestions via the issues list and pull requests