This is my personal collection of templates for Python development.
$ pip install mr.bob $ mrbob
- pyramid
Opinionated Pyramid skeleton with:
- Buildout staging/production configuration
- SQLAlchemy integration
- Alembic (database migrations)integration
- Travis-CI integration
- Jinja2 as default templating engine
- Babel for internalization and localization
- pyramid_marrowmailer for sending emails
- Raven (Sentry) integration
- dogpile.cache for caching API
- python_package
Replaces paster's basic_template with more modern ideas :-)
- Python 3 ready
- Uses nose to run tests
- Travis-CI integration
- add django template based on
- add plone template based on
- pyramid
- add bpython
- pyramid_layout
- alembic:
- write tests
- docs for initial migration
- docs how to use this package (, )
- pyramid_mailer # TODO: provide patch for printing mailer when in debug mode
- auth + root factory?
- fabric with staging/production deploy scripts
- setup a way to detect locales/languages
- local command to add new app for pyramid project
- python_package
- Nothing