Releases: hathach/tinyusb
- New MCUs:
- Add esp32p4 OTG highspeed support
- Add stm32 u0, c0, h7rs
- Better support dcache, make sure all usb-transferred buffer are cache line aligned and occupy full cache line
- Build ARM IAR with CircleCI
- Improve HIL with dual/host_info_to_device_cdc optional for pico/pico2, enable dwc2 dma test
API Changes
- Change signature of
tusb_init(rhport, tusb_rhport_init_t*)
, tusb_init(void) is now deprecated but still available for backward compatibility - Add new
tusb_int_handler(rhport, in_isr)
- Add time-related APIs:
for non-RTOS, required for some ports/configuration - New configuration macros:
enable data cache sync for endpoint bufferCFG_TUD/TUH_MEM_DCACHE_LINE_SIZE
set cache line sizeCFG_TUD/TUH_DWC2_SLAVE_ENABLE
enable dwc2 slave modeCFG_TUD/TUH_DWC2_DMA_ENABLE
enable dwc2 dma mode
Controller Driver (DCD & HCD)
- DWC2
- Add DMA support for both device and host controller
- Add host driver support including: full/high speed, control/bulk/interrupt (CBI) transfer, split CBI i.e FS/LS attached via highspeed hub, hub support
- RP2: implement dcd_edpt_iso_alloc() and dcd_edpt_iso_activate() for isochronous endpoint
- iMXRT1170 support M4 core
Device Stack
- Vendor Fix class reset
- NCM fix recursions in tud_network_recv_renew()
- Audio fix align issue of _audiod_fct.alt_setting
- UVC support format frame based
- Change dcd_dcache_() return type from void to bool
- HID add Usage Table for Physical Input Device Page (0x0F)
Host Stack
- Fix an duplicated attach issue which cause USBH Defer Attach until current enumeration complete message
What's Changed
- Add STM32 B_5585I-IOT2A board by @UweBonnes in #2803
- DWC2 DMA support by @HiFiPhile in #2576
- Migrate hil vm by @hathach in #2822
- HIL have dual/host_info_to_device_cdc optional for pico/pico2 by @hathach in #2823
- Fix vendor class reset. by @HiFiPhile in #2820
- Add esp32p4 OTG HS support by @hathach in #2818
- Ci dwc2 dma by @hathach in #2827
- support stm32U0 device by @Maerdl in #2824
- make all python files executable and standardize interpreter by @shuffle2 in #2809
- fixed video_device.c _find_desc_format by @YixingShen in #2720
- more dwc2 enhance by @hathach in #2833
- add new tusb_int_handler(rhport, in_isr) and update tusb_init(rhport, role) by @hathach in #2834
- change tusb_init() to use init struct by @hathach in #2836
- Rp2040 audio corrections / Merge to master by @pschatzmann in #2846
- Extend callback information by @bollenn in #2861
- NCM: avoid recursions in tud_network_recv_renew() by @rgrr in #2713
- Implement Host Driver support for synopsys dwc2 by @hathach in #2870
- [ESP32P4][HS] Solved rhport selection for tusb_rhport_init() in Device mode by @roma-jam in #2854
- Update Hil for dwc2 by @hathach in #2875
- Fix _rhport_role warning by @HiFiPhile in #2863
- Fix Usage of Bootsel Button for Pico 2 by @subsonicpulse in #2869
- Fix 2 UAC issue by @HiFiPhile in #2866
- Add support for STM32H7RSxx by @chintal in #2871
- Enhance dwc2 dcd by @hathach in #2881
- [DCD_DWC2][ESP32P4][HS] Added cache synchronization (cont) by @hathach in #2883
- [DCD_DWC2][ESP32P4][HS] Added cache synchronization by @roma-jam in #2877
- More Esp32p4 dma with cache sync by @hathach in #2884
- change dcd_dcache_*() API return type from void to bool by @hathach in #2887
- Esp32p4 host dma by @hathach in #2888
- Fix missing protoype warning, change TUD_EPBUF_TYPE_DEF order by @hathach in #2889
- Add support for the STM32C0 and the NUCLEO-C071RB by @DavidEGrayson in #2848
- USBH: Recover from unexpected descriptor size by @GuavTek in #2852
- Rp2040 - ISO API to make Audio work / Merge to master by @pschatzmann in #2847
- net_lwip_webserver example fix and improvement by @HiFiPhile in #2829
- refactor(usbd_control): Updated the buffer name for deeper debug by @roma-jam in #2892
- fix(dcd_dwc2): Fix EP IN counters assignment and usage by @roma-jam in #2891
- Disable DWC HCD interrupt with MAX3421 by @tannewt in #2895
- try to run arm-iar with circleci with new token by @hathach in #2890
- feat(uvc): support format frame based by @lijunru-hub in #2656
- correct clock setting for h563 nucleo by @hathach in #2898
- fix correct DWC2_EP_COUNT by @hathach in #2901
- skip iar build with forked pr by @hathach in #2902
- Adding HID Usage Table Physical Input Device Page (0x0F) by @shdeb in #2897
- Add ra8m1_ek by @hathach in #2906
- RT1170 enhancements by @HiFiPhile in #2865
- update doc, bump up release 0.18.0 by @hathach in #2913
New Contributors
- @Maerdl made their first contribution in #2824
- @pschatzmann made their first contribution in #2846
- @bollenn made their first contribution in #2861
- @roma-jam made their first contribution in #2854
- @subsonicpulse made their first contribution in #2869
- @chintal made their first contribution in #2871
- @DavidEGrayson made their first contribution in #2848
- @GuavTek made their first contribution in #2852
- @shdeb made their first contribution in #2897
Full Changelog: 0.17.0...0.18.0
- Improved CI: build both cmake and make. Make use of CircleCI for part of build process to speed up CI
- Add CodeQL Workflow for Code Security Analysis
- Add Clang compiler support
- Add default implementation for weak callbacks functions for better Keil compatibility
- Upgrade hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) testing with more boards and examples: including dual stack example
Controller Driver (DCD & HCD)
- Support MCXA
- Fix tickless issue with stm32f7: disable ULPI clock during sleep when using internal phy
- Fix SOF interrupt handling
- Fix fifo level half/empty issue
- Add DWC2 Test Mode support.
- for esp32 force disconnect/connect using USB_WRAP otg pad override
Rewrite and Generalize driver to support non-stm32 mcu such as wch
Simplify PMA, HW FIFO access and bit manipulation for different access scheme 1x16, 2x16 and 32 bit
Add support for ch32 usbd e.g ch32v203
Add support for STM32G4 and STM32U5 microcontrollers.
Fix h5 (32-bit) errata 2.15.1: Buffer description table update completes after CTR interrupt triggers
ISO EP buffer allocation improvements, implement dcd_edpt_close_all()
Fix ch32v203 race condition and stability issue with
- fix ch32v203 seems to unconditionally accept ZLP on EP0 OUT.
- fix v203 race condition between rx bufsize and RX_STAT which cause PMAOVR, occurs with WRITE10
- correctly handle setup prepare at dcd_edpt0_status_complete(), which fixes the race condition with windows where we could miss setup packet (setup bit set, but count = 0)
- Add support for rp2040, esp32 (c3, c6, h2, etc..)
- Add hcd_deinit() for max3421
- Retry NAK handling next frame to reduce CPU and SPI bus usage
- add cpuctl and pinctl to tuh_configure() option for max3421
- Implement hcd abort transfer for Max3421
- Properly Handle NAK Response in MAX3421E driver: correctly switch and skip writing to 2 FIFOs when NAK received. Otherwise, the driver may hang in certain conditions.
MSP430: support non-bus-powered
- Add support for Analoog devices: max32650, max32666, max32690, max3278002
- Fix dcd_edpt_open for iso endpoint
- Handle ISOOUT CRC errors
- Add compile support with old nordic sdk
- Fix a few race conditions
- Allow more than 16 devices
- Correctly abort control transfer when new setup arrived. Due to RP2040-E2 only able to fix B2 or later
- Implement hcd abort transfer for rp2040
- Add support for rp2350
- Support ra2a1 pipe number scheme
- Added support for USB OTG/FS and FSDev Driver. Update CH32V307 to allow manual select FS or HS driver.
- Fixed various bugs in CH32v307 usbhs driver: endpoint handling and data transfer management.
Device Stack
Add tud_deinit() and class driver deinit() to deinitialize TinyUSB device stack.
Add support for generic SOF callback.
Add set address recovery time 2ms per USB spec.
- Add audio_test_freertos & audio_4_channel_mic_freertos
- Improved support for Audio Class 2.0 (UAC2) with various bug fixes.
- Add feedback by fifo counting.
Bluetooth HCI
- Issue ZLP on ACL IN ep when transfer is multiple of endpoint max packet size
- Add tud_cdc_configure_fifo() to make RX/TX buffer persistent (not clear when disconnected)
- Add missing capability bit for CDC ACM serial break support
- Enhanced CDC class with better handling of large data transmissions.
- Add missing capability bit for CDC ACM serial break support
- Added missing key codes for keypad
- Added HID Lighting and Illumination functionality
- Fixed issues in the HID class for more reliable device enumeration.
- Support HID Mouse with absolute positioning
- Use separate buffer for control SET_REPORT, fix conflict with interrupt endpoint out
- Rewrite of NCM device driver to improve throughput
- removed obsolete tud_network_link_state_cb()
USBTMC Added notification support
- Migrate to new endpoint stream API, support non-buffered TX/RX
- Add ZLP for write() when needed
- Enhance UVC descriptors and example
- Video Added support for USB Video Class (UVC) with MJPEG.
- Fix multiple interfaces, add an example of 2ch video capture.
- Fix race for tud_video_n_streaming check
Host Stack
Added tuh_deinit() to de-initialize TinyUSB host stack.
Added support for new USB mass storage class APIs.
Improved error handling and retry mechanisms for unstable devices.
CDC Serial
- Add support for ch34x
- Allow to overwrite CFG_TUH_CDC_FTDI/CP210X/CH32X_VID_PID_LIST
- Enhanced stability of CDC-ACM devices during enumeration.
- Add tuh_hid_receive_abort()
- Add tuh_hid_get_report()
- Prevent status request to invalid ep_num
- Fix double status xfer
- unroll hub removal
What's Changed
- stm32h750-dk support by @antoniovazquezblanco in #2271
- Update hil test for rp2040 on self-hosted PI4 by @hathach in #2355
- made log line end consistent \r\n by @IngHK in #2346
- update esp32 to also be supported by hil test by @hathach in #2356
- Add CodeQL Workflow for Code Security Analysis by @b4yuan in #2351
- Fix strict-overflow warning when compiling with gcc >= 12 by @angmolin in #2366
- Allow external definition of TU_CP210X_PID_LIST by @LarssonOliver in #2296
- Add esp32s3 to hardware in the loop test by @hathach in #2367
- More s3 hil by @hathach in #2369
- add nrf52840 to hard in the loop pool by @hathach in #2371
- fixed compile errors due to untreated CFG_TUH_LOG_LEVEL by @IngHK in #2347
- Add configuration option CFG_TUH_CDC_FTDI_PID_LIST to tusb_option.h by @LarssonOliver in #2368
- add samd51 (itsybitsy_m4) to hardware test loop by @hathach in #2375
- reset pi4 usb bus before checkout/download, so that we could skip delay by @hathach in #2379
- IAR CMake native support by @HiFiPhile in #2376
- Add Support stm32h5 for stm32h573i based on stm32_fsdev G0 implementa… by @Lurcy38 in #2373
- update freertos deps to v11.0.0 by @hathach in #2383
- dcd_nrf5x: Fix dcd_edpt_open for iso endpoint by @kasjer in #2385
- support max3421e for rp2040 by @hathach in #2390
- [CDC] host: moved acm_open to other acm prototypes by @IngHK in #2406
- Disable ULPI clock during sleep on stm32f7 when using internal phy by @leptun in #2408
- [HUB] Prevent status request to invalid ep_num by @Ryzee119 in #2404
- [HUB] Fix double status xfer by @Ryzee119 in #2400
- [cdch] replaced vendor specific bInterfaceClass number by define by @IngHK in #2411
- fixed device/video_capture/src/images.h,main.c CFG_EXAMPLE_VIDEO_DISA… by @YixingShen in #2382
- [STM32 FSDEV] Fix ISR race conditions by @Okarss in #2402
- Fixes #1018 the weak dcd_edpt0_status_complete for Keil Compiler by @XelaRellum in #2239
- change tuh_event_hook_cb, tud_event_hook_cb to weak default implementation by @hathach in #2412
- [OHCI] Allow more than 16 devices by @Ryzee119 in #2401
- change serila host FTDI/CP210X pid list to vid/pid list by @hathach in #2417
- initial support of CH34x CDC device by @IngHK in #2391
- audio_device: Fix unused variable warning by @kasjer in #2422
- Retry hil s3 by @hathach in #2424
- house keeping uvc example by @hathach in #2426
- bump up to actions/setup-python@v5 by @hathach in #2427
- Enhance UVC decriptors and example by @hathach in #2435
- update video_capture by @YixingShen in #2428
- fix of #2437 CDCh tuh_cdc_mounted() returns true before process config is completed by @IngHK in #2438
- fix #2444 and other small things by @IngHK in #2445
- Update vendor_device.c fifo mutex config similar to cdc_device.c. by @mamiral in #2443
- synopsys/dwc2: fix SOF interrupt handling by @gschorcht in #1928
- Fix esp build by @hathach in #2454
- HIDh tuh_hid_mounted() returns true before process set config is completed by @IngHK in #2442
- fixed #2469 compiler warning tusb_fifo.c -> missing default: break; by @IngHK in https://...
- New controller driver: MAX3421e (usb host shield), rusb2 (Renesas USB2.0), ChipIdea fullspeed
- New MCUs: MCXn9, nRF5340, STM32: G0, G4, L5, U575, U5A5, RA6m5, CH32F20x
- Add initial TypeC PowerDelivery support with STM32G4
- Remove submodules and use python script to manage repo dependencies #1947
- Add CMake support for most families and boards, move build file from tools/ to examples/build_system
- Add ETM trace support with JTrace for nrf52840, nrf5340, mcb1857, stm32h743eval, ra6m5
- [osal] Make it possible to override the osal_task_delay() in osal_none
- Add CDC+UAC2 composite device example
- Enhance Hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) testing with more boards: rp2040, stm32l412nucleo, stm32f746disco, lpcxpresso43s67
Controller Driver (DCD & HCD)
Add new ISO endpoint API: dcd_edpt_iso_alloc() and dcd_edpt_iso_activate()
Remove legacy driver st/synopsys
- [iMXRT] Add dache clean/invalidate when memory is in cacheable memory
- Fix portsc write issue which cause problem with enumeration
- Fix an issue when doing port reset write to portsc
- Fix port change detect is not recognized when power on with attached device
- Fix xfer failed with disconnected device as stalled
- Fix error on EHCI causes xfer error in non-queued qhd which cause memory fault
- Un-roll recursive hub removal with usbh queue
- Fix issue when removing queue head
- Implement hcd_edpt_abort_xfer()
- use standard USB complete interrupt instead of custom chipidea async/period interrupt to be more compatible with other ehci implementation
- refactor usb complete & error isr processing, merge, update. Fix EHCI QHD reuses QTD on wrong endpoint
- Improve bus reset, fix send_setup() not carried out if halted previously
- Fix clear qhd halted bit if not caused by STALL protocol to allow for next transfer
ChipIdea Highspeed
- Fix control transfer issue when previous status and new setup complete in the same isr frame
- [imxrt] Add dcache support for cache region
ChipIdea Fullspeed
- Generalize ChipIdea Fullspeed driver for mcxn9 (port 0), kinetis
- Fix DMA race condition with ISO OUT transfer #1946
- Add support for nRF5340 with pca10095 board
Renesas rusb2
- Generalize rusb2 driver for ra, rx mcus
- rework both dcd and hcd for better multiple ports support
- Add support for board with HS USB port: ra6m5 port1
- [dcd] Make writes to SIE_CTRL aware of concurrent access
- [hcd] add hcd_frame_number(), hcd_edpt_abort_xfer() for pio-usb host
stm32 fsdev:
- Add STM32L5 support
- Implement dcd_edpt_iso_alloc() and dcd_edpt_iso_activate()
- Allows configurable root hub ports, handles SMM mode (Ref OHCI spec and Bios mode (Ref OHCI spec
- Fix FrameIntervalToggle must be toggled after we write the FrameInterval (Ref OHCI Spec 7.3.1)
- Wait PowerOnToPowerGoodTime after we enable power of the RH ports (Ref OHCI Spec 7.4.1)
- Generate port interrupts for devices already connected during init.
- Fix issue when removing queue head
- Disable MIE during IRQ processing and clear HccaDoneHead on completion as per OCHI Spec Page 80
Device Stack
Add optional hooks tud_event_hook_cb()
Audio (UAC2)
- Fix feedback EP buffer alignment.
- Fix encoding, update example
- Improve IN transfer
- Add historical EP compatibility for Bluetooth HCI
- Fix line_coding alignment
- Fix typo in cdc line coding enum
- Fix stream_write() always writes system messages to cable 0
- Fix incorrect NOTE_ON, NOTE_OFF definitions
USBTMC: Fix tmc488 bit order
Vendor: fix read()/write() race condition
Video (UVC)
- Add the capability for video class to handle a bulk endpoint in the streaming interface.
Host Stack
- Add new APIs: tuh_interface_set(), tuh_task_event_ready(), tuh_edpt_abort_xfer(), tuh_rhport_reset_bus(), tuh_rhport_is_active()
- Fix issue when device generate multiple attach/detach/attach when plugging in
- Prefer application callback over built-in driver on transfer complete event
- Correct hcd_edpt_clear_stall() API signature
- Separate bus reset delay and contact debouncing delay in enumeration
- Support usbh_app_driver_get_cb() for application drivers
- Fix usbh enumeration removal race condition
- Add optional hooks tuh_event_hook_cb()
- Breaking: change tuh_cdc_itf_get_info() to use tuh_itf_info_t instead of tuh_cdc_info_t
- Fix cdc host enumeration issue when device does not support line request
- Add support for vendor usb2uart serial: ftdi, cp210x, ch9102f
- Improve sync control API e.g tuh_cdc_set_control_line_state(), tuh_cdc_set_line_coding()
- Add new APIs tuh_hid_send_report(), tuh_hid_itf_get_info(), tuh_hid_receive_ready(), tuh_hid_send_ready(), tuh_hid_set_default_protocol()
- Change meaning of CFG_TUH_HID to total number of HID interfaces supported. Previously CFG_TUH_HID is max number of interfaces per device which is rather limited and consume more resources than needed.
- Fix handling of empty "status change" interrupt
- Fix issue with hub status_change is not aligned
- Fix bug in tuh_msc_ready()
- Fix host msc get maxlun not using aligned section memory
What's Changed
- Turn data cache on by @ccrome in #1898
- Add metro rt1011 by @hathach in #1901
- dhserver: Fix a potential DoS vulnerability accidentially introduced by #1712 by @kripton in #1885
- Adjust reserved bitfields to make SDCC happy by @jefftrull in #1893
- update pico-pio-usb to include data pid fix (0.5.1) by @hathach in #1906
- Fix issue 1909 by @rppicomidi in #1910
- examples/uac2: Fix mute and volume array lengths by @NullMember in #1853
- Minor audio_test example fix. by @HiFiPhile in #1825
- fix: Change all static variables to thread when fuzzing by @silvergasp in #1867
- use tu_static instead of static _fuzz_thread by @hathach in #1919
- Fix ifdefs for disabled uart stdio in rp2040 family by @sinitax in #1796
- OHCI usbh, tweaks and improvements by @Ryzee119 in #1491
- fix: Replace device calls to memcpy with tu_memcpy_s by @silvergasp in #1852
- stm32_fsdev & ISO EP buffer allocation improvements by @HiFiPhile in #1828
- add TUP_USBIP_FSDEV and TUP_USBIP_FSDEV_STM32 by @hathach in #1932
- fix: Fix wrong destsz used with tu_memcpy_s by @silvergasp in #1937
- Fix build on windows and macos by @hathach in #1938
- make rp2040 code compile cleanly with LLVM embedded toochain for ARM. by @kilograham in #1933
- Minor ci by @hathach in #1941
- For STM32H7 BSP boards, initialize RCC_...TypeDef structs as empty by @branalba in #1931
- dcd_nrf5x: ISO OUT handling by @kasjer in #1946
- Remove submodules and use python script to manage repo dependencies by @hathach in #1947
- update by @hathach in #1950
- rp2040: include hardware/sync.h explicitly by @dhalbert in #1948
- Implemented tuh_hid_send_report by @Tails86 in #1889
- Flush the dcd data on reset by @tannewt in #1953
- Fix old picosdk by @hathach in #1957
- fix HAL_Delay no effect bug on st platform by @tyustli in #1958
- Renesas ra family support by @perigoso in #1391
- Allow config OS for RP2040 by @howard0su in #1860
- Fix host enumerate multiple devices from multiple host controllers by @hathach in #1960
- Remove all submodules by @hathach in #1961
- add board: DshanMCU Pitaya Lite by @koendv in #1882
- Fixes for building with IAR toolchain by @bavison in #1639
- Add support for the NXP FRDM-K32L2A4S eval board. by @bpaddock in #1858
- Update bsp by @hathach in #1962
- more compatible with IAR by @hathach in #1963
- add tuh_set_interface by @hathach in #1964
- UAC2: fix feedback EP buffer alignment. by @HiFiPhile in #1965
- Refactor hid host by @hathach in #1968
- rename and change default pio usb pin to adafruit feather usb host by @hathach in #1974
- update doc and generate deps list by @hathach in #1975
- separate CFG_TUSB_MEM_SECTION/ALIGN to host and device specific macros by @hathach in #1978
- Fix tmc488 bit order 1658 by @hathach in https://git...
- Add codespell to detect typo
- Add support for fuzzing and bagde for oss-fuzz
- [osal]
- Allow the use of non-static allocation for FreeRTOS
- Fix FreeRTOS wrong task switch in some cases
- Fix tu_fifo memory overflown when repeatedly write to overwritable fifo (accumulated more than 2 depths)
- Better support for IAR (ARM) with ci build check for stm32 mcus.
- Fix Windows build for some mingw gnu make situations
Controller Driver (DCD & HCD)
- Add new port support (WIP) for WCH CH32V307 USB Highspeed
- Add new port support (WIP) for PIC32MM/MX & PIC24
- [nRF]
- Fix endpoint internal state when closed
- Fix reception of large ISO packets
- [rp2040]
- [dcd] Implement workaround for Errata 15. This enable SOF when bulk-in endpoint is in use and reduce its bandwidth to only 80%
- [hcd] Fix shared irq slots filling up when hcd_init() is called multiple times
- [hcd] Support host bulk endpoint using hw "interrupt" endpoint. Note speed limit is 64KB/s
- [samd][dcd] Add support for ISO endpoint
- [dwc2][dcd] Add support for stm32u5xx
- [esp32sx] Fix Isochronous transfers only transmitted on even frame
- [lpc_ip3511][dcd] Add isochronous support and fix endpoint accidental write
- [ft90x] Improve and enhance support for FT9xx MCU, tested with more examples
Device Stack
- [Video]
- Add support for MJPEG
- Fix probe on macOS
- [MIDI]
- Support port name strings
- fix MS Header wTotalLength computation
- [HID]
- Add FIDO descriptor template
- change length in tud_hid_report_complete_cb() from uint8 to uint16
- [CDC]
- Fix autoflush for FIFO < MPS
- Fix tx fifo memory overflown when DTR is not set and tud_cdc_write() is called repeatedly with large enough data
- [USBTMC] Fix packet size with highspeed
Host Stack
- Retry a few times with transfers in enumeration since device can be unstable when starting up
- [MSC] Rework host masstorage API. Add new host/msc_file_explorer example
- [CDC]
- Add support for host cdc
- Fix host cdc with device without IAD e.g Arduino Due
What's Changed
- try to fix release body in tinyusb_src (not tested) by @hathach in #1611
- Remove Hardcoded interface numbers from video descriptors by @Lan-Hekary in #1613
- nrf5x: Fix endpoint internal state when closed by @kasjer in #1614
- re-added code in pr 1438 to fix compile with h7 with 1 usb otg by @hathach in #1641
- nrf5x: Fix reception of large ISO packets by @kasjer in #1642
- Fix bug #1628 by preventing shared irq slots for filling up by @jmark1m in #1629
- Fix typo for log in dcd_rp2040.c by @mingpepe in #1664
- Initial PIC32MM/MX & PIC24 support by @ReimuNotMoe in #1623
- audio_device: prototype added for function referenced before use by @battlesnake in #1646
- Fix typo in getting_started guide by @hadess in #1691
- Allow more endpoint packet sizes for SAMD by @maddyaby in #1523
- Add support for MJPEG on UVC by @kkitayam in #1668
- Port stm32u5xx by @LynnL4 in #1680
- stm32u5: Fix submodules paths by @kasjer in #1696
- esp: Fix Isochronous transfers by @tore-espressif in #1690
- dcd_lpc_ip3511: isochronous support and endpoint accidental write fix by @tswan-quasi in #1676
- do not apply storage attributes to member of struct by @battlesnake in #1698
- Rp2040 hcd bulk by @Skyler84 in #1434
- tusb_types: add edpt_dir and edpt_type strings by @Skyler84 in #1433
- Fix rp2040 minor by @hathach in #1723
- Add self host by @hathach in #1724
- Fixed wrong FreeRTOS port for EFM32GG12 by @hfegran in #1718
- Add support for STM32L412. by @HiFiPhile in #1727
- Add hifiphile self-hosted by @hathach in #1740
- MIDI: support port name strings by @kaysievers in #1738
- dhserver: Support DHCP clients that don't send the MESSAGETYPE as first option by @kripton in #1712
- Add host msc explorer example by @hathach in #1746
- Rework host msc complete callback by @hathach in #1750
- Retry a few times with transfers in enumeration since device can be unstable when starting up by @hathach in #1763
- Added board description for electro-smith daisy seed by @benishor in #1756
- Fix RP2040 Issue 1721 by @rppicomidi in #1755
- Rp2040 host bulk comment by @hathach in #1765
- Fix typos by @hadess in #1695
- Add codespell to ci run by @hathach in #1774
- Allow the use of non-static allocation for FreeRTOS mutexes & queues by @pete-pjb in #1767
- Hid fido by @hathach in #1776
- HID: Add FIDO U2F descriptors by @gaoyichuan in #1686
- cdc: Fix autoflush for FIFO < MPS by @tore-espressif in #1487
- Update unit test by @hathach in #1781
- fuzz: Add support for fuzzing by @silvergasp in #1716
- Correct interrupt polling interval in descriptor by @scoudreau in #1784
- usbtmc: correct packet size bug by @scoudreau in #1783
- fix midi MS Header wTotalLength computation by @hathach in #1797
- Update osal mutex by @hathach in #1799
- Update osal_freertos.h to fix FreeRTOS wrong task switch by @jbruneaux31 in #1803
- Support Host CDC by @hathach in #1809
- fix incorrect rx buf in cdc by @hathach in #1810
- add tuh_cdc_peek() by @hathach in #1814
- [add] semaphore reset support for rt-thread by @tyustli in #1801
- fix ncm warning by @hathach in #1819
- fix(fuzz): Make sanitizer flags optional by @silvergasp in #1823
- Fix IAR warning: Warning[Pe381]: extra ";" ignored by @HiFiPhile in #1836
- Fix typo in audio.h. Specifiy _ctrl_xfer struct in CFG_TUSB_MEM_SECTION in usbh.c by @pete-pjb in #1837
- Fix fifo memory overflow by @hathach in #1789
- Fix UVC probe and commit on MacOS by @Staacks in #1820
- ip3511 : Fix IAR build. by @HiFiPhile in #1843
- feat(ci): Adds oss-fuzz integration on PRs by @silvergasp in #1844
- Add WCH CH32V307 port by @gregdavill in #1405
- dwc2: fix iar warnings by @HiFiPhile in #1847
- Add support for nucleo-h723zg by @kasjer in #1872
- feat(fuzz): Adds seed corpus for cdc and msc classes by @silvergasp in #1875
- Add support for NXP's mimxrt1024_evk evaluation board. by @DRNadler in #1866
- Windows build fix for some mingw gnu make situations by @DRNadler in #1870
- Support iar build by @hathach in #1876
- Port ft90x by @ftdigdm in #1768
- rp2040: avoid device-mode state machine hang by @P33M in #1779
- Fix host cdc without iad by @hathach in #1877
- Bundle mulitple familes for self-hosted iar to reduce build time by @hathach in #1880
- change length in tud_hid_report_complete_cb() from uint8 to uint16 by @hathach in #1884
- RP2040 build fixes by @kilograham in #1887
- update version to 0.15.0 by @hathach in #1890
New Contributors
- @Lan-Hekary made their first contribution in #1613
- @jmark1m made their first contribution in #1629
- @ReimuNotMoe made their first contribution in #1623
- @battlesnake made their first contribution in #1646
- @hadess made their first contribution in #1691
- @LynnL4 made their first contribution in #1680
- @tore-espressif made their firs...
- Improve compiler support for CCRX and IAR
- Add timeout to osal_queue_receive()
- Add tud_task_ext(timeout, in_isr) as generic version of tud_task(). Same as tuh_task_ext(), tuh_task()
- Enable more warnings -Wnull-dereference -Wuninitialized -Wunused -Wredundant-decls -Wconversion
- Add new examples
- host/bare_api to demonstrate generic (app-level) enumeration and endpoint transfer
- dual/host_hid_to_device_cdc to run both device and host stack concurrently, get HID report from host and print out to device CDC. This example only work with multiple-controller MCUs and rp2040 with the help of pio-usb as added controller.
Controller Driver (DCD & HCD)
- Enhance rhports management to better support dual roles
- tud_init(rphort), tuh_init(rhport) can be used to init stack on specified roothub port (controller) instead of tusb_init(void)
- Add dcd/hcd port specific defines TUP_ (stand for tinyusb port-specific)
- [dwc2]
- Update to support stm32 h72x, h73x with only 1 otg controller
- Fix overwrite with grstctl when disable endpoint
- [EHCI] Fix an issue with EHCI driver
- [msp430] Fix for possible bug in msp430-elf-gcc 9.3.0
- [nrf5x] Fix DMA access race condition using atomic function
- [pic32] Fix PIC32 santiy
- [rp2040]
- Add PICO-PIO-USB as controller (device/host) support for rp2040
- Use shared IRQ handlers, so user can also hook the USB IRQ
- Fix resumed signal not reported to device stack
- [stm32fsdev] Add support for stm32wb55
Device Stack
- [Audio] Add support for feedback endpoint computation
- New API tud_audio_feedback_params_cb(), tud_audio_feedback_interval_isr().
- Supported computation method are: frequency with fixed/float or power of 2. Feedback with fifo count is not yet supported.
- Fix nitfs (should be 3) in TUD_AUDIO_HEADSET_STEREO_DESCRIPTOR
- Fix typo in audiod_rx_done_cb()
- [DFU] Fix coexistence with other interfaces BTH, RNDIS
- [MSC] Fix inquiry response additional length field
- [Venndor] Improve write performance
Host Stack
- Add new API tuh_configure(rhport, cfg_id, cfg_param) for dynamnic port specific behavior configuration
- [HID] Open OUT endpoint if available
- [Hub] hub clear port and device interrupts
- [USBH] Major improvement
- Rework usbh control transfer with complete callback. New API tuh_control_xfer() though still only carry 1 usbh (no queueing) at a time.
- Add generic endpoint transfer with tuh_edpt_open(), tuh_edpt_xfer(). Require
- Support app-level enumeration with new APIs
- tuh_descriptor_get(), tuh_descriptor_get_device(), tuh_descriptor_get_configuration(), tuh_descriptor_get_hid_report()
- tuh_descriptor_get_string(), tuh_descriptor_get_manufacturer_string(), tuh_descriptor_get_product_string(), tuh_descriptor_get_serial_string()
- Also add _sync() as sync/blocking version for above APIs
What's Changed
- Add concurrent host and device example by @tannewt in #1340
- Set the standard inquiry response additional length field. by @iabdalkader in #1349
- Enhance rhports management by @hathach in #1350
- Solve problems with CCRX toolchain by @Wini-Buh in #1311
- The IAR compilier does not resolve references to fields in the anonym… by @yoyopod in #1353
- Updated the clearing of the status register bits to use a straight '=… by @yoyopod in #1352
- Mcu specific by @hathach in #1354
- Fix CPP compilation with IAR by @alexandre-perrin in #1345
- Open OUT endpoint for HID host by @Daft-Freak in #1343
- fix build with esp32s2, also use dwc2 for esp example by @hathach in #1370
- Add host string descriptor functions by @tannewt in #1369
- documentatio: fix bad supported dev table format by @perigoso in #1371
- Fix string descriptor fetch by @tannewt in #1372
- vendor: Write improvements by @kasjer in #1289
- stm32wb55 support by @kasjer in #1374
- Modify the wrong macro definition code by @Qianhao2579 in #1379
- Add missing releases to Mynewt repository.yml by @sjanc in #1380
- fix issue 1359 by @hathach in #1389
- in TUD_AUDIO_HEADSET_STEREO_DESCRIPTOR, _nitfs should be 3. by @ccrome in #1360
- Add host example that prints out info of connected devices by @tannewt in #1392
- More host enhancement by @hathach in #1393
- merge device_info into bare_api example by @hathach in #1394
- Rework host control xfer by @hathach in #1397
- Add sof isr by @PanRe in #1402
- Host edpt xfer by @hathach in #1403
- remove cxd56 pycache folder by @hathach in #1409
- Fix docs by @perigoso in #1413
- Osal queue timeout by @hathach in #1440
- Gh action use replacement ruby by @Firefishy in #1444
- set irq priority for freertos by @ccrome in #1460
- PIO USB support by @hathach in #1412
- pic32 sanity fixes by @kasjer in #1451
- fix links in docs by @sknebel in #1473
- Minor cleanup of RP2040 code post addition of Pico-PIO-USB by @kilograham in #1467
- Remove lib/Pico-PIO-USB, which has moved to hw/mcu/raspberry_pi/Pico-PIO-USB. Fixes #1475. by @cr1901 in #1477
- changes proposal to audio feedback computation by @hathach in #1463
- Fix printf long int compiler error by @M3gaFr3ak in #1479
- Add SOF IRQ Handler by @hathach in #1381
- Update dwc2_stm32.h by @Nikitarc in #1438
- overwrite grstctl on edpt_disable by @Iktek in #1454
- remove cmake compile macro for net example (use lwipopts.h instead) by @hathach in #1483
- Fix compile error by @tfx2001 in #1485
- msp430x5xx: Add fix for possible bug in msp430-elf-gcc 9.3.0. by @cr1901 in #1481
- Better support multiple controllers configuration by @hathach in #1495
- add TU_ATTR_FAST_FUNC for audio sof isr call chain by @hathach in #1496
- add tuh_configure() for port/dynamic host behavior config by @hathach in #1498
- make all hcd/dcd function used in isr into ram by @hathach in #1501
- revert sof_isr driver rename since it cause issue with existing code by @hathach in #1505
- more dynamic controller for host by @hathach in #1506
- Host: Add support for multi-level usb hubs by @Ryzee119 in #1480
- rp2040: make moving 1K of code into RAM optional - and off by default by @kilograham in #1512
- correct bulk size for highspeed endpoint in dynamic_configuration and usbtmc exmaples by @hathach in #1516
- rp2040: use shared IRQ handlers, so user can also hook the USB IRQ by @kilograham in #1519
- Fix typo for log format by @mingpepe in #1518
- Stub out dcd_edpt_close for samd by @maddyaby in #1515
- RP2040 HCD Improvements (Hub + Keyboard + Mouse working) by @liamfraser in #1509
- Added The Teensy 4.1 board by @ccrome in #1526
- Hid report len uint16 by @hathach in #1533
- Add more warnings by @hathach in #1534
- samd: Fix a lock-up situation at high traffic. by @robert-hh in #1535
- Re-add some warning suppression for rp2040 by @kilograham in #1521
- Fix actual compiler warning on gcc 10.3.1 by @kilograham in #1538
- Improve ci by @hathach in #1539
- rp2040 enable SOF as resumed signal when remote wakeup by @hathach in #1542
- Define CFG_BOARD_UART_BAUDRATE in CMake by @phryniszak in #1540
- Ci parallel build by @hathach in #1544
- mimxrt: Change the definitions for MIMXRT boards. by @robert-hh in
- [tu_fifo] Fix locked mutex when full, and return type in peek_n()
Controller Driver (DCD & HCD)
- [DWC2] Generalize synopsys dwc2 with synopsys/dwc2 which support both FS and HS phy (UTMI and ULPI) for various MCUs.
- Broadcom 28/27xx on raspberrypi SBC
- Silicon Labs EFM32
- Espressif ESP32 Sx
- GigaDevice GD32
- ST STM32
- Infineon XMC
- [KL25] Add new HCD for NXP KL25
- [MUSB] Add new DCD and HCD for Mentor musb with TI MSP432E4
- [F1C100s] Add new DCD for Allwinner F1C100s family
- [PIC32MZ] Add new DCD for PIC32MZ
- [nRF] Fix/Enhance varous race condtion with: EASY DMA, request HFXO, EPOUT
- [ChipIdea] rename Transdimension to more popular ChipIdea Highspeed,
- [RP2040] various update/fix for hcd/dcd
- [FT9XX] new DCD port for Bridgetek FT90x and FT93x devices
- [DA1469X] Fix resume
- [OHCI] Fix device array out of bound
Note: legacy drivers such as st/synopsys, nxp/transdimension are still present in this release but won't recieve more update and could be removed in the future.
Device Stack
- [Audio] Support disabling feedback format correction (16.16 <-> 10.14 format)
- [MSC] Add tud_msc_request_sense_cb() callback, change most default sense error to medium not present (0x02, 0x3A, 0x00)
- [Video] Fix video_capture example fails enumeration when 8FPS
Host Stack
No notable changes
What's Changed
- net_lwip_webserver: allow users to enable LWIP_IP6 if desired by @majbthrd in #1153
- UVC example: change input terminal type to camera from external by @kkitayam in #1150
- Increase compiler warnings flags by @hathach in #1159
- Remove ep descriptor wMaxPacketSize bitfield due to endian issue by @hathach in #1161
- msp430x5xx: Set base of transmit_packet buffer earlier to avoid incre… by @cr1901 in #1160
- Properly handle Program Change and Channel Aftertouch messages by @todbot in #1162
- Add Adafruit QT Py board by @mkj in #1171
- Adds support for Adafruit's Trinket M0 by @jgressmann in #1172
- update dcd_esp32sx with correct include list by @suda-morris in #1164
- samd21: enable SysTick only if running w/o OS by @jgressmann in #1176
- Generalize synopsys dwc2 by @hathach in #1163
- docs: update supported device table by @perigoso in #1179
- broadcom/dcd: Fix mynewt build by @kasjer in #1178
- Add xmc4500 by @hathach in #1180
- Update bth for IAD support by @kasjer in #1182
- Fix invalid assert in RP2040 host mode when compiled in debug mode by @liamfraser in #1181
- Add support for TI MSP-EXP432E401Y by @kkitayam in #1183
- set DCFG_XCVRDLY when using external ULPI highspeed phy by @hathach in #1195
- Bcm dwc2 address by @hathach in #1206
- Update bug_report.yml by @hathach in #1207
- fix nrf easy dma race condition by @hathach in #1208
- Update iar project template. by @HiFiPhile in #1209
- correct 32 button in gamepad hid descriptor template by @hathach in #1214
- use 4k stack for example with esp32sx by @hathach in #1215
- Update doc by @hathach in #1216
- Implement usbh replug on pico by @rppicomidi in #1193
- temporarily skip s3 build on ci by @hathach in #1223
- rename transdimension to chipidea by @hathach in #1224
- after commit: eae4132 this dependency is no longer required by @perigoso in #1225
- Fix buffer overrun in dcd_musb driver by @kkitayam in #1227
- Add a HCD driver for MSP-EXP432E401Y by @kkitayam in #1213
- Remove unused-parameter errors when LOGGER=swo by @scoudreau in #1222
- nrf5x: Fix race condition during startup by @kasjer in #1221
- Handle the closing of endpoints on RP2040 by @vmilea in #1233
- Add G4 support by @hathach in #1243
- Feature kuiic by @nxf58843 in #1244
- samd21: make uart_init() static by @mkj in #1252
- Add s3 devkitm & devkitc by @hathach in #1255
- nucleo-f439zi support by @leptun in #1258
- Fix typo by @leptun in #1260
- Fix Mynewt build for Microchip PIC32MZ devices. by @kasjer in #1263
- build system: Changes for xc32 compiler by @kasjer in #1264
- Add Raspberry Pi Zero W and Zero 2 W by @tannewt in #1271
- Enable breakpoints for ARM8M (e.g. cortex-m33) by @EmergReanimator in #1272
- Support disabling feedback format correction #1234 by @vmilea in #1235
- Fix esp ci by @hathach in #1282
- Driver for Microchip PIC32MZ family by @kasjer in #1270
- [rt-thread] add rt-thread os in readme by @mysterywolf in #1269
- Port ft90x by @ftdigdm in #1238
- Fix family_support.cmake to use new skip.txt and only.txt files by @liamfraser in #1277
- ft9xx: Fix Mynewt build by @kasjer in #1284
- Fix video_capture example fails enumeration when 8FPS by @kkitayam in #1276
- nrf5x: Request HFXO via OS by @kasjer in #1274
- olimex pic32 board fixes by @kasjer in #1283
- nrf5x: Fix EP OUT race conditions by @kasjer in #1279
- fix locked mutex when fifo is full by @hathach in #1286
- fix idfgh-6508: return type in tu_fifo_peek_n() by @alisitsyn in #1287
- Add HCD driver for Renesas RX by @kkitayam in #1265
- enable ci build for RX65X host example by @hathach in #1288
- Add support for Allwinner F1C100s family by @t123yh in #1220
- fix mynewt build sunxi by @hathach in #1301
- add rt-thread's tinyusb repo address by @mysterywolf in #1303
- OHCI: Fix array out of bounds issue by @Ryzee119 in #1305
- da1469x: fix resume by @kasjer in #1291
- Add hcd driver for frdm kl25z by @kkitayam in #1304
- readme: fix typo by @ZenithalHourlyRate in #1322
- Nit spelling correction by @JayToltTech in #1318
- Add msc request sense callback by @hathach in #1327
- Fix link to supported boards in Getting Started page by @NexusXe in #1328
- fix HID_REPORT_ID_N() by @hathach in #1330
- fix build with latest esp idf by @hathach in #1331
- nrf5x: Fix DMA access race condition by @kasjer in #1280
- Some platforms require SDKs and use of cmake by @sharpie7 in #1300
- increase version, update doc for release by @hathach in #1341
New Contributors
- @mkj made their first contribution in #1171
- @suda-morris made their first contribution in #1164
- @rppicomidi made their first contribution in #1193
- @scoudreau made their first contribution in #1222
- @vmilea made their first contribution in #1233
- @leptun made their first contribution in #1258
- @EmergReanimator made their first contribution in #1272
- @mysterywolf made their first contribution in #1269
- @ftdigdm made their first contribution in #1238
- @t123yh made their first contribution in #1220
- @Ryzee119 made their first contribution in #1305
- @ZenithalHourlyRate made their first contribution in #1322
- @JayToltTech made their first contribution in https:...
- add CFG_TUSB_OS_INC_PATH for os include path
Device Controller Driver (DCD)
- Getting device stack to pass USB Compliance Verification test (chapter9, HID, MSC). Ports are tested:
nRF, SAMD 21/51, rp2040, stm32f4, Renesas RX, iMXRT, ESP32-S2/3, Kinetic KL25/32, DA146xx - Added dcd_edpt_close_all() for switching configuration
- [Transdimension] Support dcd_edpt_xfer_fifo() with auto wrap over if fifo buffer is 4K aligned and size is multiple of 4K.
- [DA146xx] Improve vbus, reset, suspend, resume detection, and remote wakeup.
Device Stack
- Add new network driver Network Control Model (CDC-NCM), update net_lwip_webserver to work with NCM (need re-configure example)
- Add new USB Video Class UVC 1.5 driver and video_capture example ((work in progress)
- Fix potential buffer overflow for HID, bluetooth drivers
Host Controller Driver (HCD)
No notable changes
Host Stack
No notable changes
- Add host/hid_controller example: only worked/tested with Sony PS4 DualShock controller
- Add device/hid_boot_interface example
- Add support for Renesas CCRX toolchain for RX mcu
Device Controller Driver (DCD)
- Add new DCD port for SAMx7x (E70, S70, V70, V71)
- Add new mcu K32L2Bxx
- Add new mcu GD32VF103
- Add new mcu STM32l151
- Add new mcu SAML21
- Add new mcu RX65n RX72n
- Fix NUC120/121/126 USBRAM can only be accessed in byte manner. Also improve set_address & disable sof
- Add Suspend/Resume handling for Renesas RX family.
- Fix DA1469x no VBUS startup
- Fix Synopsys set address bug which could cause re-enumeration failed
- Fix for dcd_synopsys driver integer overflow in HS mode (issue #968)
- Add nRF5x suspend, resume and remote wakeup
- Fix nRF5x race condition with TASKS_EP0RCVOUT
- Add RP2040 suspend & resume support
- Implement double buffer for both host and device (#891). Howver device EPOUT is still single bufferred due to techinical issue with short packet
Device Stack
- Better support big endian mcu
- Add tuh_inited() and tud_inited(), will separte tusb_init/inited() to tud/tuh init/inited
- Add dcd_attr.h for defining common controller attribute such as max endpoints
- Fix stridx error in descriptor template
- Enhance DFU implementation to support multiple alternate interface and better support bwPollTimeout
- Rename CFG_TUD_DFU_MODE to simply CFG_TUD_DFU
- Fix newline usage keyboard (ENTER 0x28)
- Better support Hid Get/Set report
- Change max gamepad support from 16 to 32 buttons
- Fix midi available
- Fix midi data
- Fix an issue when calling midi API when not enumerated yet
- Fix bug and enhance of UAC2
- Fix vendor fifo deadlock in certain case
- Add tud_vendor_n_read_flush
Host Controller Driver (HCD)
- Implement double bufferred to fix E4 errata and boost performance
- Lots of rp2040 update and enhancment
Host Stack
- Major update and rework most of host stack, still needs more improvement
- Lots of improvement and update in parsing configuration and control
- Rework and major update to HID driver. Will default to enable boot interface if available
- Sepearate CFG_TUH_DEVICE_MAX and CFG_TUH_HUB for better management and reduce SRAM usage
0.10.1 - 2021.06.03
- rework rp2040 examples and CMake build, allow better integration with pico-sdk
Host Controller Driver (HCD)
- Fix rp2040 host driver: incorrect PID with low speed device with max packet size of 8 bytes
- Improve hub driver
- Remove obsolete hcd_pipe_queue_xfer()/hcd_pipe_xfer()
- Use hcd_frame_number() instead of micro frame
- Fix OHCI endpoint address and xferred_bytes in xfer complete event
0.10.0 - 2021.05.28
- Rework tu_fifo_t with separated mutex for read and write, better support DMA with read/write buffer info. And constant address mode
- Improve audio_test example and add audio_4_channel_mic example
- Add new dfu example
- Remove pico-sdk from submodule
Device Controller Driver (DCD)
- Add new DCD port for Silabs EFM32GG12 with board Thunderboard Kit (SLTB009A)
- Add new DCD port Renesas RX63N, board GR-CITRUS
- Add new (optional) endpoint API dcd_edpt_xfer_fifo
- Fix build with nRF5340
- Fix build with lpc15 and lpc54
- Fix build with lpc177x_8x
- STM32 Synopsys: greatly improve Isochronous transfer with edpt_xfer_fifo API
- Support LPC55 port1 highspeed
- Add support for Espressif esp32s3
- nRF: fix race condition that could cause drop packet of Bulk OUT transfer
USB Device Driver (USBD)
- Add new (optional) endpoint ADPI usbd_edpt_xfer_fifo
Device Class Driver
- [Breaking] tud_cdc_peek(), tud_vendor_peek() no longer support random offset and dropped position parameter.
- Add new DFU 1.1 class driver (WIP)
- Fix keyboard report descriptor template
- Add more hid keys constant from 0x6B to 0xA4
- [Breaking] rename API
- tud_hid_boot_mode() to tud_hid_get_protocol()
- tud_hid_boot_mode_cb() to tud_hid_set_protocol_cb()
- Fix MIDI buffer overflow issue
- [Breaking] rename API
- Rename tud_midi_read() to tud_midi_stream_read()
- Rename tud_midi_write() to tud_midi_stream_write()
- Rename tud_midi_receive() to tud_midi_packet_read()
- Rename tud_midi_send() to tud_midi_packet_write()
Host Controller Driver (HCD)
- No noticable changes
USB Host Driver (USBH)
- No noticable changes
Host Class Driver
- HID: Rework host hid driver, basically everything changes