Some of them might be useful for you too.
- حدیث گرافی + حدیث نگاری
- everything I know
- dpc's devlog
- pmuche's devlog
- Project Nayuki
- Ted Kaminski's devblog
- rosseta code
- Laurence Tratt
- Scotth Young
- Paul Graham; founder of Y combinator
- Jay Alammar: Visualizing machine learning one concept at a time
- narimiran
- IBM blog
- Google Developers Blog
- Discord devlog
- quite imple: linux & security blog
- Languages ∧ Architecture
- Is ORM still an anti-pattern?
- popular API s
- Lisp vs Haskell
- OOD and the Fetish of Reusability
- kill the newsletter
- Grit: the power of passion and perseverance 🎞️ { #TED }
- If you want to achieve your goals, don't focus on them 🎞️ { #TED }
- wire cutters 🎞️ { #life #animation }
- Productivity Is More about Mind-Management than Time-Management 📰
- Why My Life is So Hard? 🎞️ { #quran }
- Don't expect ... 📰
- A Valuable Lesson For A Happier Life 🎞️
- The hidden opportunity behind every rejection { #TED } 🎞️
- Daily Consistency = Massive Results: THE COMPOUND EFFECT 🎞️
- The Power of Practice: Lessons From 10 Years of Pushups 🎞️ ⭐
- Valuable lesson 🎞️
- Why Modern Movies Suck - They Teach Us Awful Lessons 🎞️
- why I write 📰
- Understanding 📰
- 4 Important Lessons For A Successful Life 🎞️ + do the real thing 📰
- The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life 📚
- lessons from Quora
- Stop using your will power - the power of environment 🎞️
- Practice makes what 🎞️
- I Won't Watch "Squid Game" And Neither Should You 🎞️
- Stop Watching Porn. 🎞️
- Stop Procrastinating: A Simple Guide to Hacking Laziness, Building Self Discipline, and Overcoming Procrastination 📚 ⭐ + [finish What You Start] 📚 ⭐
- Why So Many CEOs Are Engineers 🎞️ ⭐
- What is more important than time?
- مستند دیوانگی :: رتبه 2 کنکور ورودی 97 به کامپیوتر دانشگاه شریف میرود اما...
- Why Braintraining Games are Silly 📰
- The problem isn’t that life is unfair – it’s your broken idea of fairness 📰
- You Don’t Find Your Purpose — You Build It
- the art of being stubborn
- Life is simply too precious
- Do things, tell people
- 千里之行始於足下 -The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
- 授人以鱼不如授人以渔 - If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. If you teach a man fishing, you feed him for a life.
- علم چندان که بیشتر خوانی *** چون عمل در تو نیست نادانی
- In other words, the secret to happiness isn’t falling in love; it’s staying in love
- The man who asks a question is a fool for a minute, the man who does not ask is a fool for life
- بوی معطر بدهید، معطر کنید نه اینکه عطر دیگری بگیرید
- life is like riding a bicycle, to keep your balance you must keep moving
- Learning is not linear
- وَإِذۡ تَأَذَّنَ رَبُّكُمۡ لَئِن شَكَرۡتُمۡ لَأَزِيدَنَّكُمۡۖ وَلَئِن كَفَرۡتُمۡ إِنَّ عَذَابِي لَشَدِيدٞ - سوره ابراهیم آیه 7
- آنچه بر خود مى پسندى براى مردم نيز بپسند و آنچه براى خود نمىپسندى براى آنها نيز نپسند! -- امام علی (ع)
- Loneliness is about you: I’m not lonely when I’m at the gym even though I’m training by myself, but I am lonely when I go to parties, and I’m a wallflower. Why? Because loneliness is about your engagement in that moment. So if you’re feeling lonely, close your computer and go for a run; it will get you back into the moment
- تو نیکویی کن و در دجله انداز *** که ایزد در بیابانت دهد باز
- The greatest discovery of any generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitude -- William James
- یک امروز است ما را نقد ایام *** بر او هم اعتمادی نیست تا شام
- و الاخره خیر و ابقی
- 一日之计在于晨- A day's planning is done at dawn[early morning].
- We don’t have to be smarter than the rest. We have to be more disciplined than the rest -- Warren Buffett
- Curiosity is more important than knowledge - Albert Einstein
- Day by day, what you choose, what you think, and what you do is who you become
- از خوى مردمان نادان اين است كه در هر حالى زود خشم مى گيرند. - امام علی ع
- خلايق نان خورهاى خدايند . خداوند روزهاى آنها را ضمانت و خوراكشان را مقدّر كرده است .
- Success is a journey, not a destination. It means that what matters is not necessarily where you are at the end, but what you accomplish while you are trying along the way.
- life is what you choose it to be
- Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything - Bernard Shaw
- زندگی ساختنی است،،،، نه ماندنی. بمان برای ساختن نساز برای ماندن
- if you judge people, you have no time to love them
- حضرت محمد (ص) : محبت خدا بر کسی که خشمگین شود پس بردباری نماید واجب است.
- اى فرزند آدم! غم و اندوهِ روزى را که نیامده بر آن روز که در آن هستى، تحمیل مکن؛ چراکه اگر آن روز، از عمرت باشد، خداوند روزىِ تو را در آن روز مى رساند و اگر نباشد، چرا اندوه آن را میخوری؟ - امام علی ع
- 7 Must-Know Strategies to Learn Anything Faster 📚 { #learning }
- make learning your hobby, rather than pointless entertainment - hours lost watching sports/ TV shows,..
- Technology begins by making old work easier, but then it requires that new work be better.
- Don’t waste the good days
- because our tomorrow is the direct result of the way we spend our resources today
- Build new One
- life is not short + زندگی کوتاه نیست ⌛⭐
- be good
- آیا من هم چادری هستم؟
- You're Searching for Success, But Have You Really Failed? | Nouman Ali Khan {#youtube #quran} 🎥
- make learning a habit
- What Good Is Learning If You Don’t Remember It? 🧠 + Making It Stick: Memorable Strategies to Enhance Learning + Learning is Remembering {#learning }
- I felt that the music business was very empty, ... In the west, all the songs are about love and getting hurt, but there’s more to life than that
- اصل حفظ نظام در کلام حاج قاسم سلیمانی + حفظ نظام واجب تر از نماز است
- اسنپ و دیچی کالا کاسبان تحریم نیستند
- Life is a game. This is your strategy guide
- A Construction Worker Who Want To Marry A Princess
- با خدا باش پادشاهی کن---بی خدا باش هرچه خواهی کن
- Be harder on yourself (or someone else will) ⭐⭐
- I think if you stop learning for too long about your religion, your more likely to leave it
- Former Anti-Islam Politician Became Muslim! "before I had a lot of money but felt empty"
- اعتقاد یا اعتماد؟ ⭐
- HOWTO: Avoid temptation -- why avoiding temptation is harder than you think
- why chinese students are smarter than you
- 4 types of people Allah loves most I Nouman Ali Khan 2019
- Stop Trying to Understand Math, Do THIS Instead
- Diseconomies of Scale and Lines of Code
- nothing is something 🎞️
- The compiler will optimize that away 📰
- The programming language of your dreams 📰
- python types in wild 📰
- "Simple Made Easy" - Rich Hickey (2011) 🎞️
- The Open/Close Principle is Confusing and Wrong 📰
- Big O notation: why it matters, and why it doesn’t 📰
- Nim Nuggets 🎞️
- everything is a center 📰
- Parsing JSON Really Quickly: Lessons Learned 🎞️
- Is GitHub Copilot a blessing, or a curse? 📰
- Developer Learning Strategies 📰
- Groking simplicity 📚
- I/O efficient algorithms course 🎞️
- Data-Oriented Programming: A link in the chain of programming paradigms 📰
- good design is about taking things apart ... 🎞️
- I am disappointed by dynamic typing 📰
- deep learning is shallow thinking 📰
- why avoid an orm + Why ORMs are slow and getting slower 📰
- awesome optimizations
- Software Engineering at Google 📚
- Practical Deep Learning 📚 + 🎞️ + free!
- Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures
- visualization Algorithms: university of san francisco
- OpenDSA Data Structures and Algorithms Modules Collection :: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University 📰
- mocking is not good 📰
- The faster you unlearn OOP, the better for you and your software 📰
- orgpad: clojure + gtaph editor {#graph #intro}
- Artificial Intelligence Is Stupid and Causal Reasoning Will Not Fix It { #AI } 📰
- In other words, Nim beats python at python's own strengths + I learned 7 different programming languages so you don't have to 📰
- Competitive Programming !== Real World Programming ](
- How Russell’s paradox showed that Cantor’s set theoretical ideas were fatally flawed 📰
- going fast is about doing less 📰
- Why Clojure is Dense 📰
- data formats 📰
- Expert to Expert: Rich Hickey and Brian Beckman - Inside Clojure 📰
- Code isn’t art that you print out and put in a museum. Code is executed. It is observed and debugged 📰
- Unlearn OOP: Deleted Scenes, Misconceptions, Unspoken Truths 📰
- "Complexity" seems to be a lot like "energy": you can transfer it from the end-user to one/some of the other players, but the total amount seems to remain pretty much constant for a given task. 📰
- Stop trying to make async/await happen 📰
- Functional Programming Isn't the Answer 📰
- My Love-Hate Relationship With Clojure 📰
- Have Clojure UI libraries taken the wrong pass? 📰
- Rich Hickey Already Answered That! 📰
- Paul Graham Quotes 📰
- Why Turtl Switched From CL to Js 📰
- Your templating engine sucks and everything you have ever written is spaghetti code 📰
- I’m rewriting my book in HTML instead of Markdown. Here’s why. 📰
- [How to Win Friends and Influence People] { #life #communication } 📚
- Interpretation 📰
- [the POWER of Understanding PEOPLE ] 📚
- bezier curve in computer graphics 📰
- [software engineering - pressman] 📚
- [the magic of gratitude] 📚
- The complete FUN TO IMAGINE with Richard Feynman 📚