All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project DOES NOT adhere to Semantic Versioning at the moment.
- Support for building C bindings through the
CMake option. - Serializing the indexes with the python pickle module
- Support for the NNDescent k-NN graph building method
- Support for the NSG graph indexing method
- Residual quantizers: support as codec and unoptimized search
- The order of xb an xq was different between
. Also the metric argument was called distance_type. - The typed vectors (LongVector, LongLongVector, etc.) of the SWIG interface have been deprecated. They have been replaced with Int32Vector, Int64Vector, etc.
- Fixed a bug causing kNN search functions for IndexBinaryHash and IndexBinaryMultiHash to return results in a random order.
- Copy constructor of AlignedTable had a bug leading to crashes when cloning IVFPQ indices.
1.7.0 - 2021-01-27
1.6.5 - 2020-11-22
1.6.4 - 2020-10-12
- Arbitrary dimensions per sub-quantizer now allowed for
. - Brute-force kNN on GPU (
) now acceptsint32
indices. - Nightly conda builds now available (for CPU).
- Faiss is now supported on Windows.
1.6.3 - 2020-03-24
- Support alternative distances on GPU for GpuIndexFlat, including L1, Linf and Lp metrics.
- Support float16 coarse quantizer for GpuIndexIVFFlat and GpuIndexIVFPQ. GPU Tensor Core operations (mixed-precision arithmetic) are enabled on supported hardware when operating with float16 data.
- Support k-means clustering with encoded vectors. This makes it possible to train on larger datasets without decompressing them in RAM, and is especially useful for binary datasets (see
- Support weighted k-means. Weights can be associated to each training point (see
- Serialize callback in python, to write to pipes or sockets (see,-cloning-and-hyper-parameter-tuning).
- Reconstruct arbitrary ids from IndexIVF + efficient remove of a small number of ids. This avoids 2 inefficiencies: O(ntotal) removal of vectors and IndexIDMap2 on top of indexIVF. Documentation here:
- Support inner product as a metric in IndexHNSW (see
- Support PQ of sizes other than 8 bit in IndexIVFPQ.
- Demo on how to perform searches sequentially on an IVF index. This is useful for an OnDisk index with a very large batch of queries. In that case, it is worthwhile to scan the index sequentially (see
- Range search support for most binary indexes.
- Support for hashing-based binary indexes (see
- Replaced obj table in Clustering object: now it is a ClusteringIterationStats structure that contains additional statistics.
- Removed support for useFloat16Accumulator for accumulators on GPU (all accumulations are now done in float32, regardless of whether float16 or float32 input data is used).
- Some python3 fixes in benchmarks.
- Fixed GpuCloner (some fields were not copied, default to no precomputed tables with IndexIVFPQ).
- Fixed support for new pytorch versions.
- Serialization bug with alternative distances.
- Removed test on multiple-of-4 dimensions when switching between blas and AVX implementations.
1.6.2 - 2020-03-10
1.6.1 - 2019-12-04
1.6.0 - 2019-09-24
- Faiss as a codec: We introduce a new API within Faiss to encode fixed-size vectors into fixed-size codes. The encoding is lossy and the tradeoff between compression and reconstruction accuracy can be adjusted.
- ScalarQuantizer support for GPU, see gpu/GpuIndexIVFScalarQuantizer.h. This is particularly useful as GPU memory is often less abundant than CPU.
- Added easy-to-use serialization functions for indexes to byte arrays in Python (faiss.serialize_index, faiss.deserialize_index).
- The Python KMeans object can be used to use the GPU directly, just add gpu=True to the constuctor see gpu/test/ test TestGPUKmeans.
- Change in the code layout: many C++ sources are now in subdirectories impl/ and utils/.
1.5.3 - 2019-06-24
- Basic support for 6 new metrics in CPU IndexFlat and IndexHNSW (facebookresearch#848).
- Support for IndexIDMap/IndexIDMap2 with binary indexes (facebookresearch#780).
- Throw python exception for OOM (facebookresearch#758).
- Make DistanceComputer available for all random access indexes.
- Gradually moving from long to uint64_t for portability.
- Slow scanning of inverted lists (facebookresearch#836).
1.5.2 - 2019-05-28
- Support for searching several inverted lists in parallel (parallel_mode != 0).
- Better support for PQ codes where nbit != 8 or 16.
- IVFSpectralHash implementation: spectral hash codes inside an IVF.
- 6-bit per component scalar quantizer (4 and 8 bit were already supported).
- Combinations of inverted lists: HStackInvertedLists and VStackInvertedLists.
- Configurable number of threads for OnDiskInvertedLists prefetching (including 0=no prefetch).
- More test and demo code compatible with Python 3 (print with parentheses).
- License was changed from BSD+Patents to MIT.
- Exceptions raised in sub-indexes of IndexShards and IndexReplicas are now propagated.
- Refactored benchmark code: data loading is now in a single file.
1.5.1 - 2019-04-05
- MatrixStats object, which reports useful statistics about a dataset.
- Option to round coordinates during k-means optimization.
- An alternative option for search in HNSW.
- Support for range search in IVFScalarQuantizer.
- Support for direct uint_8 codec in ScalarQuantizer.
- Better support for PQ code assignment with external index.
- Support for IMI2x16 (4B virtual centroids).
- Support for k = 2048 search on GPU (instead of 1024).
- Support for renaming an ondisk invertedlists.
- Support for nterrupting computations with interrupt signal (ctrl-C) in python.
- Simplified build system (with --with-cuda/--with-cuda-arch options).
- Moved stats() and imbalance_factor() from IndexIVF to InvertedLists object.
- Renamed IndexProxy to IndexReplicas.
- Most CUDA mem alloc failures now throw exceptions instead of terminating on an assertion.
- Updated example Dockerfile.
- Conda packages now depend on the cudatoolkit packages, which fixes some interferences with pytorch. Consequentially, faiss-gpu should now be installed by conda install -c pytorch faiss-gpu cudatoolkit=10.0.
1.5.0 - 2018-12-19
- New GpuIndexBinaryFlat index.
- New IndexBinaryHNSW index.
1.4.0 - 2018-08-30
- Automatic tracking of C++ references in Python.
- Support for non-intel platforms, some functions optimized for ARM.
- Support for overriding nprobe for concurrent searches.
- Support for floating-point quantizers in binary indices.
- No more segfaults due to Python's GC.
- GpuIndexIVFFlat issues for float32 with 64 / 128 dims.
- Sharding of flat indexes on GPU with index_cpu_to_gpu_multiple.
1.3.0 - 2018-07-10
- Support for binary indexes (IndexBinaryFlat, IndexBinaryIVF).
- Support fp16 encoding in scalar quantizer.
- Support for deduplication in IndexIVFFlat.
- Support for index serialization.
- MMAP bug for normal indices.
- Propagation of io_flags in read func.
- k-selection for CUDA 9.
- Race condition in OnDiskInvertedLists.
1.2.1 - 2018-02-28
- Support for on-disk storage of IndexIVF data.
- C bindings.
- Extended tutorial to GPU indices.