issues Search Results · repo:gyorilab/protmapper language:Python
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ingyorilab/protmapper (press backspace or delete to remove)The UniProt legacy web service was recently permanently shut down so we need to follow up with a full migration to the new data standards.
- Opened on Jun 12, 2023
- #44
A new issue just appeared related to rdflib:
ERROR: test_uniprot_client.test_get_modifications
---------------------------------------------------------------------- ...
- 1
- Opened on Oct 25, 2021
- #40
The GNAS gene ( seems to make protmapper upset. Try the following code:
from protmapper.uniprot_client import get_gene_name, get_id_from_entrez
entrez_id = 2778 ...
- 5
- Opened on Aug 10, 2020
- #30
I think it would be very helpful to have functions to get the UniProt identifier for a given entrez identifier, and get
the entrez identifier for a given UniProt identifier
- 3
- Opened on May 26, 2020
- #28
from protmapper import ProtMapper
pm = ProtMapper()
pm.map_peptide( Q8N3V7-2 , LPAGPSSCTSPRS , 7)
correctly returns the site position 834, but
pm.map_peptide_to_human_ref( Q8N3V7-2 , uniprot , LPAGPSSCTSPRS ...
- 6
- Opened on Jul 2, 2019
- #18
The code
from protmapper import ProtMapper
pm = ProtMapper()
pm.map_peptide_to_human_ref( TMPO , hgnc , RKVPRLSEKSVEE , 7)
fails with the following error message:
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...
- 3
- Opened on Jul 2, 2019
- #16
ERROR: test_uniprot_client.test_get_ids_from_refseq
Traceback ...
- 1
- Opened on Mar 6, 2019
- #9

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