A Cytoscape app to connect to a Neo4j database and execute extensions of the Neo4j database. This app has been extended to query the shortest path for metabolic conversions.
Minimum System Requirements (for CyNeo4j 2.x):
- Neo4j 3.5.x (requires Java 8 but can run with Java 11 as well)
- Cytoscape 3.9.x (automatically comes with a Java 11 download)
- Java 11 (Eclipse)
Compiling the script The setup of this project in Eclipse has been tested with:
- Eclipse IDE 2022-06 (Java and Web developers), OS Linux (Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS), JRE JavaSE-11.
Find the app in the Cytoscape app store (http://apps.cytoscape.org/apps/cyneo4j) and on Github (https://github.com/cyneo4j/cyNeo4j).
For a tutorial and installation guide for the server side component checkout https://cyneo4j.github.io/DSMN/ !
Build this project from the command line:
mvn clean install
Update the app through Eclipse:
- (Fork and) clone this repository; open Eclipse and create a new workspace.
- Import this project by clicking "Import projects..." in the package explorer, select Git > Projects from Git > Existing local repository.
- Add the folder where you cloned this repository, click Finish, Next, and Finish.
- Build this repository with the Maven dependancies using the pom.xml file; rightclick on file, select "Maven > Update Project"
- Create a launch configuration using the pom.xml file; rightclick on file, select "Run as > Run configurations...". Provide a name, and add as goal 'clean install'. Click Apply, click 'Run'
- Build the jar with existing launch configuration using the pom.xml file; rightclick on file, select "Run as > Maven Build".
Icons from: http://openclipart.org/detail/7983/red-+-green-ok-not-ok-icons-by-tzeeniewheenie