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Gremlin Integrations Client Helm Chart


  • Kubernetes with apps/v1 available


This chart will install the gremlin integrations client on the specified namespace.

The following table lists common configurable parameters of the chart and their default values. See values.yaml for all available options.

Parameter Description Default
image.pullPolicy Container pull policy Always
image.pullSecret Pull secret for a private registry "" (When empty, no authentication is used)
image.repository Container image to use gremlin/gremlin-integrations
image.tag Container image tag to deploy latest
nodeSelector Map of node labels for pod assignment for the gremlin-integrations container {}
tolerations List of node taints to tolerate for the gremlin-integrations container []
affinity Map of node/pod affinities for the gremlin-integrations container {}
gremlin.serviceAccount.create Specifies whether Gremlin's kubernetes service account should be created by this helm chart true
gremlin.serviceUrl Specifies the Control Plane endpoint URL
gremlin.allowList Whitelist URLs in order to allow access only to specific set of endpoints ""
gremlin.secret.managed Specifies whether Gremlin should manage its secrets with Helm false
gremlin.secret.type The type of certificate to use, can be either certificate or secret certificate The name of certificate to use, like in the case of pointing to an eternally managed secret gremlin-team-cert
gremlin.secret.teamID Gremlin Team ID to authenticate with ""
gremlin.secret.certificate Contents of the certificate. Required if using managed secrets of type=certificate ""
gremlin.secret.key Contents of the private key. Required if using managed secrets of type=certificate ""
gremlin.secret.teamSecret Gremlin's team secret. Required if using managed secrets of type=secret ""
gremlin.resources Set resource requests and limits {}
gremlin.proxy.url Specifies the http proxy the agent should use to communicate with "" (ignored)
gremlin.extraEnv Specify any arbitrary environment variables to pass to the Chao deployment. []
ssl.certFile Add a certificate file to Gremlin's set of certificate authorities. This argument expects a file containing the certificate(s) you wish to add. When set, this chart creates secret (integrations-ssl-cert-file) with the file contents. This value is ignored when blank or absent. "" (ignored)
ssl.certDir sets the SSL_CERT_DIR environment variable on the both agents. Unlike ssl.certFile, this value accepts only a path to an existing directory on the Kubernetes nodes. This value is ignored when blank or absent. "" (ignored)

Specify each parameter using the --set[-file] key=value[,key=value] argument to helm install.

Example Usage

$ helm install gremlin-integrations gremlin/gremlin-integrations \
  --set       gremlin.secret.managed=true \
  --set       gremlin.secret.type=certificate \
  --set       gremlin.secret.teamID=$GREMLIN_TEAM_ID \
  --set-file  gremlin.secret.certificate=/path/to/gremlin.cert \
  --set-file  gremlin.secret.key=/path/to/gremlin.key \
  --set       'tolerations[0].effect=NoSchedule' \
  --set       'tolerations[0]' \
  --set       'tolerations[0].operator=Exists'

note: Depending on your shell you may need different quoting around tolerations[0]


All Gremlin Integrations installations require authentication with our Gremlin control plane. There are two types of authentication available to Gremlin and Helm: certificate, and secret. You can find out more about these authentication types here.

For this Helm chart, you'll need to download your team certificate or team secret from the Gremlin app.


  1. go to Company Settings, and select your team, and then Configuration
  2. Click on the button labeled Download next to Certificates (If you don't see a button labelled Download, click on Create New to generate a new certificate)
  3. When you unzip the downloaded file, you will see two files named TEAM_NAME-client.priv_key.pem and TEAM_NAME-client.pub_cert.pem. Rename these to gremlin.key and gremlin.cert respectively. These will be refered to as /path/to/gremlin.cert and /path/to/gremlin.key in later instructions.


  1. go to Company Settings, and select your team, and then Configuration
  2. Click on the button labeled New next to Secret Key (If you don't see a button labeled New, it's already been created. Talk to your administrator who should have the key or click the Reset button to create a new one)
  3. You should see a value named GREMLIN_TEAM_SECRET, this will be refered to as $GREMLIN_TEAM_SECRET in later instructions

With Managed Secrets

Some find it preferable to have this chart manage Gremlin's secret values instead of administrating them outside of Helm.

For certificate auth

helm install gremlin-integrations gremlin/gremlin-integrations \
    --namespace gremlin \
    --set      gremlin.secret.teamID=$GREMLIN_TEAM_ID \
    --set-file gremlin.secret.certificate=/path/to/gremlin.cert \
    --set-file gremlin.secret.key=/path/to/gremlin.key

For secret auth

helm install gremlin-integrations gremlin/gremlin-integrations \
    --namespace gremlin \
    --set gremlin.secret.managed=true \
    --set gremlin.secret.type=secret \
    --set gremlin.secret.teamID=$GREMLIN_TEAM_ID \
    --set gremlin.secret.teamSecret=$GREMLIN_TEAM_SECRET

Without Managed Secrets

If you do not want this Chart to manage the kubernetes secrets for Gremlin, point this chart to your external secret with and gremlin.secret.type

For secret auth

Create the external secret

kubectl create secret generic gremlin-team-secret \
    --namespace gremlin \
    --from-literal=GREMLIN_TEAM_ID=$GREMLIN_TEAM_ID \

Install the Helm chart

helm install gremlin-integrations gremlin/gremlin-integrations \
    --namespace gremlin \
    --set \
    --set gremlin.secret.type=secret # Default is gremlin.secret.type=certificate

For certificate auth

Create the external secret

kubectl create secret generic gremlin-team-cert \
    --namespace gremlin \
    --from-literal=GREMLIN_TEAM_ID=$GREMLIN_TEAM_ID \
    --from-file=gremlin.cert=/path/to/gremlin.cert \
helm install gremlin-integrations gremlin/gremlin-integrations \
    --namespace gremlin \


Gremlin can be configured to communicate with through an http_proxy. You can set this proxy with gremlin.proxy.url.

helm install gremlin-integrations gremlin/gremlin-integrations \
    --namespace gremlin \
    --set      gremlin.secret.managed=true \
    --set      gremlin.secret.teamID=$GREMLIN_TEAM_ID \
    --set-file gremlin.secret.certificate=/path/to/gremlin.cert \
    --set-file gremlin.secret.key=/path/to/gremlin.key \
    --set      gremlin.proxy.url=

HTTPS_PROXY with custom certificate authority

helm install gremlin-integrations gremlin/gremlin \
    --namespace gremlin \
    --set      gremlin.secret.managed=true \
    --set      gremlin.secret.teamID=$GREMLIN_TEAM_ID \
    --set-file gremlin.secret.certificate=/path/to/gremlin.cert \
    --set-file gremlin.secret.key=/path/to/gremlin.key \
    --set      gremlin.proxy.url= \
    --set-file ssl.certFile=$HOME/Workspace/proxy/ca.pem


helm delete gremlin-integrations

To delete the deployment and its history:

helm delete --purge gremlin-integrations