Package decimal implements correctly rounded decimal floating-point numbers for Go. This package is designed specifically for use in transactional financial systems.
- BSON, JSON, XML, SQL - Implements the necessary interfaces for direct compatibility with the mongo-driver/bson, encoding/json, encoding/xml, and database/sql packages.
- No Heap Allocations - Optimized to avoid heap allocations, preventing garbage collector impact during arithmetic operations.
- Correct Rounding - For all methods, the result is the one that would be obtained if the true mathematical value were rounded to 19 digits of precision using the half-to-even rounding (a.k.a. "banker's rounding").
- No Panics - All methods are panic-free, returning errors instead of crashing your application in cases such as overflow or division by zero.
- Immutability - Once set, a decimal remains constant, ensuring safe concurrent access across goroutines.
- Simple String Representation - Decimals are represented in a straightforward format avoiding the complexities of scientific or engineering notations.
- Rigorous Testing - All methods are cross-validated against the cockroachdb/apd and shopspring/decimal packages through extensive fuzz testing.
To add the decimal package to your Go workspace:
go get
Create decimal values using one of the constructors. After creating a decimal, you can perform various operations as shown below:
package main
import (
func main() {
// Constructors
d, _ := decimal.New(8, 0) // d = 8
e, _ := decimal.Parse("12.5") // e = 12.5
f, _ := decimal.NewFromFloat64(2.567) // f = 2.567
g, _ := decimal.NewFromInt64(7, 896, 3) // g = 7.896
// Arithmetic operations
fmt.Println(d.Add(e)) // 8 + 12.5
fmt.Println(d.Sub(e)) // 8 - 12.5
fmt.Println(d.SubAbs(e)) // abs(8 - 12.5)
fmt.Println(d.Mul(e)) // 8 * 12.5
fmt.Println(d.AddMul(e, f)) // 8 + 12.5 * 2.567
fmt.Println(d.SubMul(e, f)) // 8 - 12.5 * 2.567
fmt.Println(d.PowInt(2)) // 8²
fmt.Println(d.Quo(e)) // 8 / 12.5
fmt.Println(d.AddQuo(e, f)) // 8 + 12.5 / 2.567
fmt.Println(d.SubQuo(e, f)) // 8 - 12.5 / 2.567
fmt.Println(d.QuoRem(e)) // 8 div 12.5, 8 mod 12.5
fmt.Println(d.Inv()) // 1 / 8
fmt.Println(decimal.Sum(d, e, f)) // 8 + 12.5 + 2.567
fmt.Println(decimal.Mean(d, e, f)) // (8 + 12.5 + 2.567) / 3
fmt.Println(decimal.Prod(d, e, f)) // 8 * 12.5 * 2.567
// Transcendental functions
fmt.Println(e.Sqrt()) // √12.5
fmt.Println(e.Exp()) // exp(12.5)
fmt.Println(e.Expm1()) // exp(12.5) - 1
fmt.Println(e.Log()) // ln(12.5)
fmt.Println(e.Log1p()) // ln(12.5 + 1)
fmt.Println(e.Log2()) // log₂(12.5)
fmt.Println(e.Log10()) // log₁₀(12.5)
fmt.Println(e.Pow(d)) // 12.5⁸
// Rounding to 2 decimal places
fmt.Println(g.Round(2)) // 7.90
fmt.Println(g.Ceil(2)) // 7.90
fmt.Println(g.Floor(2)) // 7.89
fmt.Println(g.Trunc(2)) // 7.89
// Conversions
fmt.Println(f.Int64(9)) // 2 567000000
fmt.Println(f.Float64()) // 2.567
fmt.Println(f.String()) // 2.567
// Formatting
fmt.Printf("%.2f", f) // 2.57
fmt.Printf("%.2k", f) // 256.70%
For detailed documentation and additional examples, visit the package
For examples related to financial calculations, see the money
Comparison with other popular packages:
Feature | govalues | cockroachdb/apd v3.2.1 | shopspring/decimal v1.4.0 |
Correctly Rounded | Yes | No | No |
Speed | High | Medium | Low1 |
Heap Allocations | No | Medium | High |
Precision | 19 digits | Arbitrary | Arbitrary |
Panic Free | Yes | Yes | No2 |
Mutability | Immutable | Mutable1 | Immutable |
Mathematical Context | Implicit | Explicit | Implicit |
goos: linux
goarch: amd64
cpu: AMD Ryzen 7 3700C with Radeon Vega Mobile Gfx
Test Case | Expression | govalues | cockroachdb/apd v3.2.1 | shopspring/decimal v1.4.0 | govalues vs cockroachdb | govalues vs shopspring |
Add | 5 + 6 | 16.06n | 74.88n | 140.90n | +366.22% | +777.33% |
Mul | 2 * 3 | 16.93n | 62.20n | 146.00n | +267.40% | +762.37% |
Quo | 2 / 4 (exact) | 59.52n | 176.95n | 657.40n | +197.30% | +1004.50% |
Quo | 2 / 3 (inexact) | 391.60n | 976.80n | 2962.50n | +149.39% | +656.42% |
PowInt | 1.1^60 | 950.90n | 3302.50n | 4599.50n | +247.32% | +383.73% |
PowInt | 1.01^600 | 3.45µ | 10.67µ | 18.67µ | +209.04% | +440.89% |
PowInt | 1.001^6000 | 5.94µ | 20.50µ | 722.22µ | +244.88% | +12052.44% |
Sqrt | √2 | 3.40µ | 4.96µ | 2101.86µ | +46.00% | +61755.71% |
Exp | exp(0.5) | 8.35µ | 39.28µ | 20.06µ | +370.58% | +140.32% |
Log | ln(0.5) | 54.89µ | 129.01µ | 151.55µ | +135.03% | +176.10% |
Parse | 1 | 16.52n | 76.30n | 136.55n | +362.00% | +726.82% |
Parse | 123.456 | 47.37n | 176.90n | 242.60n | +273.44% | +412.14% |
Parse | 123456789.1234567890 | 85.49n | 224.15n | 497.95n | +162.19% | +482.47% |
String | 1 | 5.11n | 19.57n | 198.25n | +283.21% | +3783.07% |
String | 123.456 | 35.78n | 77.12n | 228.85n | +115.52% | +539.51% |
String | 123456789.1234567890 | 70.72n | 239.10n | 337.25n | +238.12% | +376.91% |
Telco | (see specification) | 137.00n | 969.40n | 3981.00n | +607.33% | +2804.78% |
The benchmark results shown in the table are provided for informational purposes only and may vary depending on your specific use case.
decimal package was created simply because shopspring/decimal was too slow and cockroachdb/apd was mutable. ↩ ↩2
shopspring/decimal panics on division by zero. ↩