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Output a generated waveform to an uncompressed WAV file.

Usage: ./bin/ggwave-to-file [-vN] [-sN] [-pN] [-lN] [-d]
    -vN - output volume, N in (0, 100], (default: 50)
    -sN - output sample rate, N in [6000, 96000], (default: 48000)
    -pN - select the transmission protocol id (default: 1)
    -lN - fixed payload length of size N, N in [1, 16]
    -d  - use Direct Sequence Spread (DSS)

    Available protocols:
      0  - Normal
      1  - Fast
      2  - Fastest
      3  - [U] Normal
      4  - [U] Fast
      5  - [U] Fastest
      6  - [DT] Normal
      7  - [DT] Fast
      8  - [DT] Fastest
      9  - [MT] Normal
      10 - [MT] Fast
      11 - [MT] Fastest


  • Generate waveform with default parameters

    echo "Hello world!" | ./bin/ggwave-to-file > example.wav
  • Generate waveform at 24 kHz sample rate

    echo "Hello world!" | ./bin/ggwave-to-file -s24000 > example.wav
  • Generate ultrasound waveform using the [U] Fast protocol

    echo "Hello world!" | ./bin/ggwave-to-file -p4 > example.wav
  • Use fixed-length encoding (i.e. no sound markers)

    echo "Hello world!" | ./bin/ggwave-to-file -l12 > example.wav
  • Use DSS when encoding the text

    echo "aaaaaaaa" | ./bin/ggwave-to-file -l8 -d > example.wav
  • Play the generated waveform directly through the speakers

    echo "Hello world!" | ./bin/ggwave-to-file | play --ignore-length -t wav -

HTTP service

Based on this tool, there is an HTTP service available on the following link:

You can use it to query audio waveforms by specifying the text message as a GET parameter to the HTTP request. Here are a few examples:


# audible example
curl -sS '!' --output hello.wav

# ultrasound example
curl -sS '!&p=4' --output hello.wav



from typing import Dict, Union
import requests
import wave

def ggwave(message: str,
           file: str,
           protocolId: int = 1,
           sampleRate: float = 48000,
           volume: int = 50,
           payloadLength: int = -1,
           useDSS: int = 0) -> None:

    url = ''

    params: Dict[str, Union[str, int, float] = {
        'm': message,        # message to encode
        'p': protocolId,     # transmission protocol to use
        's': sampleRate,     # output sample rate
        'v': volume,         # output volume
        'l': payloadLength,  # if positive - use fixed-length encoding
        'd': useDSS,         # if positive - use DSS

    response = requests.get(url, params=params)

    if response == '' or b'Usage: ggwave-to-file' in response.content:
        raise SyntaxError('Request failed')

    with, 'wb') as f:


# query waveform from server and write to file
ggwave("Hello world!", "hello_world.wav")