#Fang Yuan Chi
Email: [email protected]
Skype: [email protected]
Cell: +1(778) 681 - 8922
- One and half year of industrial experience in development of web-based applications, android applications and distributed systems; Experienced in developing software products using Java, HTML5/XHTML, JavaScript/JQuery, JQuery UI, Velocity, AngularJS, Spring Framework, MongoDB, MVC, Lucene, Servlets, MySQL, Hibernate, OAuth, and Tomcat/Jboss Web Servers;
- M.A.Sc. student in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of British Columbia; Received IEEE Best Paper Award from the Sixth IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science;
- Knowledgeable in Advanced Algorithms, Machine Learning, Distributed systems, and Mobile Cloud Computing systems.
Master of Applied Science @Electrical and Computer Engineering, The University of British Columbia(UBC), 2015;
Bachelor of Applied Science (Honor) @Computer Engineering, The University of British Columbia(UBC), 2012.
Platforms that provide online-to-offline (O2O) shared economy services, which focus on local food searching and short/long distance trip, etc.; currently has over thousand cooperating restaurants, near hundred planned trip events, and a steady growing number of users.
- Worked (with a team of six developers/designers) mainly on developing the back-end of the platform; Worked on different APIs for components such as online payment (stripe), social (OAuth) network authentication (WeChat and Facebook), customized front-end calendar (JQuery UI), content indexing (Lucene), etc.; Implemented Restful APIs to support the in-house built iOS application
- Worked closely with fellow developers, UI designers, and members in business department to discuss the design and features needed, as well as the development timeframe; Participated in end-to-end development process;
Used: AngularJS, Grails, Velocity, HTML5, Javascript, JQuery, Lucene, Spring MVC, Spring Security, MySQL, MVN and Gradle.
Graduate Research Assistant @The University of British Columbia (Vancouver, Canada) Sep. 2013-Nov. 2015
Researched mainly on peer-assisted and component-based cloud gaming systems.
- Proposed a cooperative task allocation mechanism(distributed decision making process), which offloads computation tasks to devices in vicinity to optimize the overall system energy consumption, bandwidth consumption, and interactive latency; Implemented simulationbased experiments to support the proposed mechanism.
- Publications:
- “Ad hoc cloudlet based cooperative cloud gaming,” accepted by Transaction on Cloud Computing (TCC);
- “Ad hoc cloudlet based cooperative cloud gaming,” in Proceedings of IEEE 6th International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom), Singapore, Dec. 15-18, 2014. Best Paper Award.
Used: Java, Latex, Matlab, Gurobi, and other research methodologies.
Web-based Manufacturing Execution System (MES): a decomposed and reconfigurable system that allows manufacturers to monitor and analyze the performance and the efficiency of the entire manufacturing process in real-time.
- Implemented features using data processing and data presentation techniques;
- Implemented the initial phase of an Android client to provide a remote method for on-site quality control, which is aimed to increase the manufacturing efficiency by means of process automation; Reconfigured the system into a Spring MVC-based RESTful Web service (designed and implemented RESTful API), which is then consumed by the Android client;
- Prepared technical requirement documents based on information gathered from customers and industry; involved in post-delivery support.
Used: Java EE (Spring, JSF), Jboss, Hibernate, Lucene, MongoDB, XHTML/CSS, JavaScript/JQuery, REST.
- Technical Languages: Java, SQL, HTML5/XHTML, JavaScript/JQuery, C++ and VHDL;
- APIs: REST, Java REST client API for Android, PrimeFaces, JFreeChart, Lucene, and MongoDB, JQuery UI, Stripe;
- Framework: Spring, Grails, AngularJS;
- Tools: Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA, Visual Studio, SVN, Git and JIRA;