Share your dashboards! #111
Replies: 24 comments 38 replies
Well, you've already seen mine in the related PR, but here goes Related config dashboard = {
sections = {
section = "terminal",
cmd = "figlet -f ~/.config/LazyVimDev/ansi_shadow.flf -ct 'LAZYVIM' | lolcat -F 0.3 -t -p 100 -f",
height = 6,
padding = 1,
random = 10,
{ icon = " ", title = "Keymaps", section = "keys", indent = 2, padding = 1 },
{ icon = " ", title = "Recent Files", section = "recent_files", indent = 2, padding = 1 },
{ icon = " ", title = "Projects", section = "projects", indent = 2, padding = 1 },
{ section = "startup" },
}, If I had more screen real-estate, I would definitely try the vertical panes as well 😄 |
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and all it took was: sections = {
section = "terminal",
cmd = "lolcat --seed=24 ~/.config/nvim/static/",
indent = -5,
height = 8,
width = 69,
padding = 1,
section = "keys",
indent = 1,
padding = 1,
{ section = "startup" },
}, |
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🍿 My great setup using SnacksDashboard |
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Configuration... dashboard = {
width = 72,
sections = {
section = 'terminal',
align = 'center',
cmd = 'cat ' .. vim.fn.stdpath('config') .. '/lua/plugins/ui/',
height = 11,
width = 72,
padding = 1,
align = 'center',
padding = 1,
text = {
{ ' Update ', hl = 'Label' },
{ ' Sessions ', hl = '@property' },
{ ' Last Session ', hl = 'Number' },
{ ' Files ', hl = 'DiagnosticInfo' },
{ ' Recent ', hl = '@string' },
{ section = 'startup', padding = 1 },
{ icon = ' ', title = 'Projects', section = 'projects', indent = 2, padding = 1 },
{ icon = ' ', title = 'Recent Files', section = 'recent_files', indent = 2, padding = 1 },
{ text = '', action = ':Lazy update', key = 'u' },
{ text = '', action = ':PersistenceLoadSession', key = 's' },
{ text = '', action = ':PersistenceLoadLast', key = 'l' },
{ text = '', action = ':Telescope find_files', key = 'f' },
{ text = '', action = ':Telescope oldfiles', key = 'r' },
}, Just like my previous |
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Github centric dashboardThis is what I'm using right now. {
sections = {
{ section = "header" },
pane = 2,
section = "terminal",
cmd = "colorscript -e square",
height = 5,
padding = 1,
{ section = "keys", gap = 1, padding = 1 },
local in_git = Snacks.git.get_root() ~= nil
local cmds = {
title = "Notifications",
cmd = "gh notify -s -a -n5",
icon = " ",
height = 5,
enabled = true,
title = "Open Issues",
cmd = "gh issue list -L 3",
icon = " ",
height = 7,
icon = " ",
title = "Open PRs",
cmd = "gh pr list -L 3",
height = 7,
icon = " ",
title = "Git Status",
cmd = "hub --no-pager diff --stat -B -M -C",
height = 10,
return vim.tbl_map(function(cmd)
return vim.tbl_extend("force", {
pane = 2,
section = "terminal",
enabled = in_git,
padding = 1,
ttl = 5 * 60,
indent = 3,
}, cmd)
end, cmds)
{ section = "startup" },
} |
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Why not showing what the weather is like? :p with {
sections = {
{ section = "terminal", cmd = "curl -s ''"},
} |
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just a cat with a gun ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⠿⠋⠀⢀⣼⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇⠀⠈⠉⠉⠙⠛⠛⠻⢿⣿⡿⠟⠁⠀⣀⣴⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠟ |
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There are a lot of hacks to make this work, specifically the footer. Only renders correctly for 2560x1440p. Convert from Bekaboo's design and it's not actually copyrighted. Configdashboard = {
enabled = true,
width = 18,
sections = {
-- stylua: ignore start
{ hidden = true, icon = " ", key = "t", desc = "Find [T]ext", action = ":lua Snacks.dashboard.pick('live_grep')" },
{ hidden = true, icon = " ", key = "r", desc = "[R]ecent Files", action = ":lua Snacks.dashboard.pick('oldfiles')" },
{ hidden = true, icon = " ", key = "l", desc = "[L]azy", action = ":Lazy" },
-- stylua: ignore end
-- Header
{ text = " ", padding = 12 },
padding = 2,
text = {
{ "Neovim :: M Λ C R O ", hl = "Normal" },
{ "- Editing made simple", hl = "NonText" },
action = ":lua Snacks.dashboard.pick('files')",
key = "f",
-- Keys
padding = 1,
text = {
{ " Find [F]ile", width = 19, hl = "NonText" },
{ " Find [T]ext", hl = "NonText" },
action = ":lua Snacks.dashboard.pick('files')",
key = "f",
padding = 1,
text = {
{ " ", width = 3 },
{ " [N]ew File", width = 19, hl = "NonText" },
{ " [R]ecent File", hl = "NonText" },
action = ":ene | startinsert",
key = "n",
padding = 2,
text = {
{ " ", width = 9 },
{ " [C]onfig", hl = "NonText" },
{ " ", width = 8 },
{ " [L]azy", hl = "NonText" },
{ " ", width = 14 },
action = ":lua Snacks.dashboard.pick('files', {cwd = vim.fn.stdpath('config')})",
key = "c",
padding = 2,
text = {
{ " ", width = 5 },
{ " [Q]uit", hl = "NonText" },
action = ":quitall",
key = "q",
-- Startup
{ section = "startup", padding = 1 },
{ section = "terminal", cmd = "printf ' '", height = 15 },
-- Keys
text = {
Copyright (c) 2024 - M Λ C R O developers
hl = "NonText",
formats = { key = { "" } },
Notice the |
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Click to see the details!Here is the hidden content that appears when you click "Details." return {
priority = 1000,
lazy = false,
opts = {
bigfile = { enabled = true },
dashboard = {
preset = {
header = [[
/$$$$$$ /$$$$$$$$ /$$ /$$ /$$$$$$
/$$__ $$| $$_____/| $$ /$$/ /$$__ $$
| $$ \ $$| $$ | $$ /$$/ | $$ \__/
| $$$$$$$$| $$$$$ | $$$$$/ | $$
| $$__ $$| $$__/ | $$ $$ | $$
| $$ | $$| $$ | $$\ $$ | $$ $$
| $$ | $$| $$$$$$$$| $$ \ $$| $$$$$$/
|__/ |__/|________/|__/ \__/ \______/
enable = true,
formats = {
key = function(item)
return { { "[", hl = "special" }, { item.key, hl = "key" }, { "]", hl = "special" } }
sections = {
{ section = "header", indent = 60 },
{ section = "keys", gap = 1, padding = 1 },
{ section = "startup", indent = 60, padding = 5 },
pane = 2,
section = "terminal",
cmd = "",
height = 5,
padding = 6,
indent = 10,
pane = 2,
icon = " ",
title = "Recent Files",
padding = 1,
section = "recent_files",
opts = { limit = 3 },
indent = 2,
padding = 1,
icon = " ",
title = "Projects",
padding = 1,
section = "projects",
opts = { limit = 3 },
indent = 2,
padding = 1,
indent = { enabled = true },
input = { enabled = true },
rename = { enabled = true },
notifier = {
enabled = true,
style = "fancy",
notify = { enabled = true },
dim = { enabled = true },
quickfile = { enabled = true },
scroll = { enabled = true },
statuscolumn = { enabled = true },
words = { enabled = true },
keys = {
desc = "Notification History",
desc = "Git Browse",
mode = { "n", "v" },
desc = "Git Blame Line",
desc = "Lazygit Current File History",
desc = "Lazygit",
desc = "Lazygit Log (cwd)",
desc = "Rename File",
</details> |
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This took longer to set up than I would like to admit. In my defense, I can hardly be considered a programmer these days, so pretty sure there is a lot of room for improvement here. The ASCII art was generated using Asthestarsfalll's img2art, inspired by @nxtkofi's comment in alpha-nvim. The image is on my dotfiles. Config (warning: 200+ lines)local function buildRgCmd(opts)
local expression = "(" .. table.concat(opts.sign_list, "|") .. "):"
if opts.match_comment_symbols then
expression = [[([^\S\r\n]*(]]
.. table.concat(opts.comment_symbols, "|")
.. [[)[^\S\r\n]*)\s*(]]
.. table.concat(opts.sign_list, "|")
.. [[):\s*]]
local rg_command = "rg -g '!{**/node_modules/*,**/.git/*}' -w '"
.. expression
.. "' "
.. table.concat(opts.dirs, " ")
.. " --hidden --follow --sortr modified --no-heading --color never --with-filename --line-number --column"
return rg_command
local function getTodos(opts)
if next(opts.sign_list) == nil then
return {}
local rg_command = buildRgCmd(opts)
local rg_res = vim.fn.systemlist(rg_command)
local todos = {}
local todo_count = 0
for i, line in pairs(rg_res) do
todo_count = todo_count + 1
local filename, row, col, text = line:match("^(.+):(%d+):(%d+):(.*)$")
local sign_sym = ""
for _, sign_s in ipairs(opts.sign_list) do
local start_pos, end_pos = text:find(sign_s .. ":")
if start_pos then
sign_sym = text:sub(start_pos, end_pos)
text = text:sub(end_pos + 1)
local todo = {
index = i + 5 ~= 10 and i + 5 or 0,
file = filename:match("^%s*(.-)%s*$"),
line = row,
column = col,
sign = sign_sym,
desc = text:match("^%s*(.-)%s*$"),
table.insert(todos, todo)
if todo_count == opts.limit then
return todos
return {
priority = 1000,
lazy = false,
---@type snacks.Config
opts = {
dashboard = {
width = 100,
pane_gap = 20,
row = nil,
autokeys = "1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ",
preset = {
keys = {
{ key = "n", hidden = true, action = ":ene | startinsert" },
{ key = "f", hidden = true, action = ":lua Snacks.dashboard.pick('files')" },
{ key = "r", hidden = true, action = ":lua Snacks.dashboard.pick('oldfiles')" },
{ key = "g", hidden = true, action = ":lua Snacks.dashboard.pick('live_grep')" },
{ key = "s", hidden = true, section = "session" },
{ key = "L", hidden = true, action = ":Lazy", enabled = package.loaded.lazy ~= nil },
{ key = "q", hidden = true, action = ":qa", enabled = package.loaded.lazy ~= nil },
formats = {
key = { "" },
file = function(item)
return {
{ item.key, hl = "key" },
{ " " },
{ item.file:sub(2):match("^(.*[/])"), hl = "NonText" },
{ item.file:match("([^/]+)$"), hl = "Normal" },
icon = { "" },
sections = {
-- hidden
{ section = "keys" },
-- not hidden
pane = 1,
section = "terminal",
-- cmd = "chafa ~/Pictures/evilain.gif --align center --stretch --passthrough tmux --polite on --format symbols --symbols vhalf 20x30; sleep .1",
cmd = "img2art ~/.config/nvim/lua/plugins/dashboard_img/hq.png --threshold 50 --scale .34 --quant 16 --with-color",
height = 27,
width = 100,
indent = 20,
pane = 2,
indent = 21,
{ text = "" },
text = {
{ "n ", hl = "key" },
{ "New file", hl = "Normal" },
{ "", width = 12 },
{ "g ", hl = "key" },
{ "Grep text", hl = "Normal" },
{ text = "", padding = 1 },
text = {
{ "f ", hl = "key" },
{ "Find file", hl = "Normal" },
{ "", width = 11 },
{ "s ", hl = "key" },
{ "Reload session", hl = "Normal" },
{ text = "", padding = 1 },
text = {
{ "r ", hl = "key" },
{ "Recent files", hl = "Normal" },
{ "", width = 8 },
{ "L ", hl = "key" },
{ "Lazy", hl = "Normal" },
{ text = "", padding = 2 },
{ title = "Projects", padding = 1, indent = 21 },
{ section = "projects", limit = 5, padding = 2, indent = 20 },
{ title = "TODO List", padding = 1, indent = 21 },
indent = 21,
local todo_opts = {
limit = 5,
match_comment_symbols = true,
comment_symbols = { "--", "//", "#", "/*" },
dirs = { "~/.config", "~/code" },
sign_list = { "TODO", "ERROR", "FIX", "FIXME", "BUG" },
local todos = getTodos(todo_opts)
return vim.tbl_map(function(todo)
return {
autokey = true,
text = {
{ tostring(todo.index) .. " ", hl = "key" },
{ todo.sign .. string.rep(" ", 7 - #todo.sign), hl = "NonText" },
(todo.desc:len() > 35) and todo.desc:sub(1, 35) .. "" or todo.desc,
hl = "Normal",
action = function()
vim.fn.chdir(todo.file:match("^(.*[\\/])[^\\/]+$")) -- :cd into dir
vim.cmd("edit " .. todo.file) -- open file
vim.cmd(todo.line) -- go to line
end, todos)
bigfile = { enabled = true },
indent = { enabled = true },
input = { enabled = true },
lazygit = { enabled = true },
notifier = { enabled = true },
quickfile = { enabled = true },
scroll = { enabled = true },
statuscolumn = { enabled = true },
words = { enabled = true },
config = function(_, opts)
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, "SnacksDashboardKey", { fg = "#5ceef6" })
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, "SnacksDashboardTitle", { fg = "#c49aee" })
} |
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Shout out to @Praczet and @folke for inspiring me to create dynamic sections based on vim columns. The girl image is available in my dotfiles :) Config:dashboard = {
width = 60,
pane_gap = 16,
sections = {
section = 'header',
align = 'center',
enabled = function()
return not (vim.o.columns > 135)
pane = 1,
enabled = function()
return vim.o.columns > 135
section = 'terminal',
cmd = 'chafa ~/.config/nvim/lua/custom/plugins/anime-girl-nobg-crop.png --size 52x32 --format symbols --stretch --align center; sleep .1',
height = 32,
width = 56,
padding = 1,
section = 'startup',
padding = 1,
enabled = function()
return vim.o.columns > 135
pane = 2,
{ section = 'keys', padding = 2, gap = 1 },
icon = ' ',
title = 'Recent Files',
section = 'recent_files',
opts = { limit = 3 },
indent = 2,
padding = 1,
icon = ' ',
title = 'Projects',
section = 'projects',
opts = { limit = 3 },
indent = 2,
padding = 1,
section = 'startup',
padding = 1,
enabled = function()
return not (vim.o.columns > 135)
}, |
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I had a bash script that randomly prints out a quote for my lockscreen, and I adapted it to dashboard as I was looking to replace alpha-nvim-fortune. Slight caveat: The quote changes every time the dashboard is refreshed, which does not correspond exactly to every time nvim is opened (I think this can be changed by updating ttl if I'm not mistaken); I still put "Quote of the Day" for fun though. Script: #!/bin/sh
while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do
case $1 in
echo "Unknown option $1"
exit 1
# silly ahh script to display stupid or not so stupid quotes on my lockscreen
# grab a random quote and display it as follows:
# [quote]
# \n
# - [name] (right aligned)
quotefile=$(find $QUOTES_DIR -type f | shuf -n 1)
name=$(yq -r ".name" $quotefile)
quote=$(yq -r ".quote" $quotefile)
context=$(yq -r ".context" $quotefile)
[[ $context == "null" ]] && context="" || context=", $context"
if [[ NVIM_QUOTE -eq 1 ]]; then
printf "\"%s\"\n\n%60s" "$(echo $quote | fmt -w 60)" "- $name$context"
printf "\"%s\"\n\n%80s" "$(echo $quote | fmt -w 80)" "- $name$context"
fi Config: Currently just used the dashboard = {
sections = {
{ section = "header" },
{ section = "keys", gap = 1, padding = 1 },
{ pane = 2, icon = " ", title = "Recent Files", section = "recent_files", indent = 2, padding = 1 },
{ pane = 2, icon = " ", title = "Projects", section = "projects", indent = 2, padding = 1 },
pane = 2,
icon = " ",
title = "Git Status",
section = "terminal",
enabled = function()
return Snacks.git.get_root() ~= nil
cmd = "git status --short --branch --renames",
height = 5,
padding = 1,
ttl = 5 * 60,
indent = 3,
pane = 2,
icon = "",
title = "Quote of the Day",
section = "terminal",
cmd = "/home/revise/dotfiles/scripts/ -n",
height = 8,
padding = 1,
{ section = "startup" },
}, |
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![]() Config opts = {
dashboard = {
enabled = true,
width = math.min(math.max(vim.o.columns - 10, 40), 60),
preset = {
keys = function()
local enabled = vim.o.lines >= 21
return {
{ icon = ' ', key = 'n', desc = 'New File', action = ':ene | startinsert' },
{ icon = ' ', key = 'r', desc = 'Recent Files', action = ':Telescope oldfiles' },
icon = ' ',
key = 'l',
desc = 'Load Session',
action = ':Session load',
enabled = require('sessions').exists(),
{ icon = ' ', key = 'f', desc = 'Find File', action = ':Telescope find_files' },
{ icon = ' ', key = 'g', desc = 'Find Text', action = ':Telescope live_grep' },
{ icon = ' ', key = 'h', desc = 'Find Help Tag', action = ':Telescope help_tags', enabled = enabled },
icon = ' ',
key = 's',
desc = 'Settings',
action = '<Cmd>cd ' .. vim.fn.stdpath('config') .. '<CR><Cmd>NvimTreeOpen<CR>',
enabled = enabled,
{ icon = ' ', key = 'p', desc = 'Check Plugins', action = ':Lazy', enabled = enabled },
{ icon = ' ', key = 'c', desc = 'Check Health', action = ':checkhealth', enabled = enabled },
{ icon = ' ', key = 'q', desc = 'Quit', action = ':qa' },
header = table.concat({
[[ █ █ ]],
[[ █ ██ ]],
[[ ████ ]],
[[ ██ ███ ]],
[[ █ █ ]],
[[ ]],
[[ n e o v i m ]],
}, '\n'),
sections = {
{ section = 'header' },
{ section = 'keys', gap = 1, padding = 1 },
-- Prints some information about Neovim, the plugins and the date.
local version = require('tigion.core.util').info.nvim_version()
local plugin_stats = require('tigion.core.util').info.plugin_stats()
local date ='%d.%m.%Y')
local updates = plugin_stats.updates > 0 and ' ' .. plugin_stats.updates .. '' or ''
return {
align = 'center',
text = {
{ ' ', hl = 'footer' },
{ version, hl = 'NonText' },
{ ' ', hl = 'footer' },
{ tostring(plugin_stats.count), hl = 'NonText' },
{ updates, hl = 'special' },
{ ' ', hl = 'footer' },
{ plugin_stats.startuptime .. ' ms', hl = 'NonText' },
{ ' ', hl = 'footer' },
{ date, hl = 'NonText' },
padding = 1,
-- Greets the user depending on the time of day.
-- Source:
-- [02:00, 10:00)(8h) - morning, [10:00, 18:00)(8h) - day, [18:00, 02:00)(8h) - evening
local hour = tonumber(vim.fn.strftime('%H'))
local part_id = math.floor((hour + 6) / 8) + 1
local day_part = ({ 'evening', 'morning', 'afternoon', 'evening' })[part_id]
local username = vim.loop.os_getenv('USER_ALIAS_NAME') or vim.loop.os_get_passwd()['username'] or 'user'
return {
align = 'center',
text = { ('“Good %s, %s”'):format(day_part, username), hl = 'NonText' },
config = function(_, opts)
local snacks = require('snacks')
-- Change dashboard content depending on the height of the screen.
if vim.o.lines < 37 then opts.dashboard.sections[2].gap = 0 end
if vim.o.lines < 28 then opts.dashboard.preset.header = 'N E O V I M' end
-- Dashboard autocommands
-- FIX: This is a workaround to show updates in the dashboard at startup.
-- The dashboard is loaded before lazy.nvim has the information
-- about updates. So it is updated again after 500 ms.
-- vim.notify('Dashboard updated', vim.log.levels.DEBUG, { title = 'Snacks Setup' })
end, 500)
-- Updates an existing dashboard every time when lazy.nvim checks or updates plugins.
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('User', {
pattern = { 'LazyCheck', 'LazyUpdate' },
callback = function()
for _, bufnr in ipairs(vim.api.nvim_list_bufs()) do
if vim.api.nvim_get_option_value('filetype', { buf = bufnr }) == 'snacks_dashboard' then
end, (Snacks config in my dotfiles) |
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Here is mine: ![]() |
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return {
enabled = true,
preset = {
---@type snacks.dashboard.Item[]|fun(items:snacks.dashboard.Item[]):snacks.dashboard.Item[]?
keys = {
{ icon = " ", key = "f", desc = "Find File", action = ":lua Snacks.dashboard.pick('files')" },
{ icon = " ", key = "n", desc = "New File", action = ":ene | startinsert" },
icon = " ",
key = "g",
desc = "Find Text",
action = ":lua Snacks.dashboard.pick('live_grep')",
icon = " ",
key = "r",
desc = "Recent Files",
action = ":lua Snacks.dashboard.pick('oldfiles')",
icon = " ",
key = "c",
desc = "Config",
action = ":lua Snacks.dashboard.pick('files', {cwd = vim.fn.stdpath('config')})",
{ icon = " ", key = "s", desc = "Restore Session", section = "session" },
{ icon = " ", key = "l", desc = "Lazy", action = ":Lazy", enabled = package.loaded.lazy },
{ icon = " ", key = "q", desc = "Quit", action = ":qa" },
header = [[
formats = {
terminal = { align = "center" },
version = { "%s", align = "center" },
sections = {
section = "header",
height = 16,
width = 10,
enabled = function()
return vim.fn.environ()["SSH_CLIENT"] ~= nil
section = "terminal",
cmd = 'chafa -p off --speed=0.9 --clear --passthrough=tmux --scale max "$HOME/.config/nvim/dashboard/gif/kirby-dancing2.gif"',
indent = 12,
ttl = 0,
enabled = function()
return vim.fn.executable("chafa") == 1 and vim.fn.environ()["SSH_CLIENT"] == nil
height = 20,
padding = 1,
{ section = "keys", gap = 1, padding = 1 },
{ section = "startup" },
local in_git = Snacks.git.get_root() ~= nil
local cmds = {
title = "Git Graph",
icon = " ",
cmd = [[echo -e "$(git-graph --style round --color always --wrap 50 0 8 -f 'oneline')"]],
indent = 1,
height = 35,
return vim.tbl_map(function(cmd)
return vim.tbl_extend("force", {
pane = 2,
section = "terminal",
enabled = function()
return in_git and vim.o.columns > 130
padding = 1,
-- ttl = 5 * 60,
}, cmd)
end, cmds)
Thanks folke! |
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Dead simple TODO task list by using terminal sections and grep:
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Have you created any neat dashboards, you can share a screenshot with the config here.
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