Releases: ethers-io/ethers.js
Releases · ethers-io/ethers.js
- Added automatic event parsing for contract transaction receipts from tx.wait. (2481581)
- Added ability to wait for a specific number of confirmations. (#229; f5c7ccb)
- Fix for geth-etc. (official geth is fine; 24335d0)
- Fixed confirmations tests and bootstrap fast blockNumber. (908c2c1)
- Added confirmations to TransactionResponse. (#156; #238; 9797b36)
- Fixed nested errors for providers that were masking true error. (#292; 731f189)
- Added version to errors. (99fed75)
- Fixed French and Spanish for browsers without Uint8Array.forEach. (cb5f9f5)
- Added French and Spanish includes to phantomjs test page. (aeac2cd)
- Increased timeout for querying npm registry. (0dafd83)
- Initial v4 release
Version 3.0.1
This is a major version release with several breaking changes:
- Solidity functions with only one return variable, return it directly
is removed- The entire package is one large package, so require('ethers-utils') should become require('ethers/utils'); similarly 'ethers-contracts' ('ethers/contracts'), 'ethers-providers' ('ethers/providers') and 'ethers-wallet' ('ethers/wallet').
- The AbiCoder has been moved to utils, so
and similarlyInterface.decodeParams
. - Legacy boolean Provider network parameters no longer work; for Ropsten, please pass in "ropsten"
- Provider.prototype.testnet is no longer present
- The Interface
have changed to support ABI v2, so they are no longer compatible with the old format and each have 2 sub-properties,types
Version 1.0.5
The secret storage now generates a file more closely resembling the geth wallet JSON format
- Address is not checksummed
- Address is not 0x prefixed
(Note: The old files still worked in geth)
Version 1.0.4
Added Wallet.parseTransaction(rawTransaction)
which will parse a Buffer
or hex string representing a transaction (and recover the from address, if possible) and return a new object with the following key:
- nonce (BN)
- gasPrice (BN)
- gasLimit (BN)
- to (checksum address string)
- value (BN)
- data (Buffer)
- v (Number)
- r (Buffer)
- s (Buffer)
- from (checksum address string)
Version 1.0.1
Major Version Change:
- Secret Storage functions (and brainwallet) now use Promises
- Mostly internal structure/refactoring changes; the external API stays the same