# Learn.GitHub.com This is the code and data behind [learn.github.com](http://learn.github.com). Its primary goal is to be a course for you to follow and learn Git and GitHub on your own. There are additional resources available once someone is beyond following this course such as: * [teach.github.com](http://teach.github.com) for teaching others. * [training.github.com](http://training.github.com) for some instructor lead classes. * [Git-SCM](http://git-scm.com) for some additional learning materials. # Development Working or running this site locally is easy! Just follow these steps: ```sh $ git clone https://github.com/github/learn.github.com $ cd learn.github.com $ script/bootstrap $ jekyll --server #=> Open a browser and navigate to localhost:4000 and away you go! ``` # Contributing Please see [the CONTRIBUTING.md](CONTRIBUTING.md) file for info.