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This repository was archived by the owner on Dec 12, 2017. It is now read-only.


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A front-end build tool that comes handy

Build Status Coverage Status npm npm Gitter



Hit Gitter if you come across any problem while using cooking. Issues are only for bug reports and feature requests.


  • Simplified webpack configuring with humanistic parameters
  • Use cooking CLI to efficiently scaffold projects without installing dependencies repeatedly (based on webpack 2)
  • Compatible with both webpack 1 and 2 with just one set of configuration
  • Generated configuration fully compatible with webpack CLI


runtime environment

  • Node.js 4+
  • npm 3+
  • Python 2.7.x

Using cooking CLI

npm i cooking-cli -g

Step 1. create a vue-based project (vue scaffold will be downloaded automatically if not installed)

$ cooking create my-project vue
$ cd my-project

Step 2. start developing

$ cooking watch

Using cooking core

npm i cooking -D

# install webpack dependencies (take webpack 1 for example)
npm i babel-core babel-loader css-loader file-loader postcss postcss-loader\
 html-loader html-webpack-plugin json-loader style-loader url-loader\
 webpack@1 webpack-dev-server@1 extract-text-webpack-plugin@1 -D

# or install webpack dependencies (take webpack 2)
npm i babel-core babel-loader css-loader file-loader postcss postcss-loader\
 html-loader html-webpack-plugin json-loader style-loader url-loader\
 webpack webpack-dev-server [email protected] -D

# start developing
node_modules/.bin/cooking watch # or webpack --config cooking.conf.js

# if cooking-cli is globally installed, you can also do this (it still runs your local cooking)
cooking watch
