- Simple SDcard SDIO 4 bit data logging system
- STM32F407VG
- You should install the necessary dependencies for this project in order to build (original project dependencies aren't included to this repository to reduce the project's size).
Creating a new project using CubeMX and included
configuration is recommended.
- Periodically check if SD card is present, if not don't do the logging.
- Ardupilot: ARM -> start logging, should implement similarly base on the idea that system should only log when commanded, otherwise we could mistakenly lose the log files.
- Code for a more consistent logging system: how to add a variable to log system, logged data UID, sample rate,....
- Implement benchmark testing to the system.
- Write variable names at the first row
- Write system information to log file (firmware version, frame), date. Or we could utilize to log the messages from the vehicle.
SDcard are used in many applications:
- High speed (storage device like EEPROM support I2C, SPI, therefore it’s limited to those protocols’ speeds (3.4Mb/s max for SPI), most of EEPROMs don’t support >1Mb/s).
- Some applications: Ardupilot’s storage for data logging file, Raspberry/Beaglebone storage for the OS. Camera
ST's library: stm32f4xx_sd.c, has typedef, enum, functions to be used in bsp_driver_sd.c to create some functions: like SD_get_card_info, HAL_SD_Erase, necessary typedefs, SDIO_TypeDef from stm32f4xx.h, the stm32f4xx_sd.c also get some struct typedefs from stm32f4xx_ll_sdmmc.h
, stm32f4xx_ll_sdmmc.h
in HAL driver is actually stm32f4xx_sdio.h
in SPL driver
- fatfs by Chan is written in ANSI C, therefore it's platform-independent.
- file
will use some function from #include"stm32f4_sdio_sd.h"
, which tell us about the relationship between the library and the MCU's hardware! - http://thehackerworkshop.com/?p=1103
- SDCard: like an USB used for storage, but when considering ... SDCard has advantages: smaller than USB, and its consistency
- Run OK second SPL SDIO SDcard Project: C:\Users\Admin\Downloads\sdcard_ws\STM32F4-master\STM32F4 Discovery Software Examples\STM32F4xx_SDIO_Example\Project\FatFs\MDK-ARM
- format the SDcard: File system: FAT32 (Default). Allocation unit size: 4096 bytes.
- Xuan thiep SDcard SDIO tutorial: 16. SD Card With SDIO FATFS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52azToQwl7o&t=162s
- https://github.com/afinello/stm32f4xx-sdio-dma-driver
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0NbBem8U80Y
- https://community.st.com/s/feed/0D50X00009XkW2dSAF : STM32 with SD Card and FatFs using CubeMX � Write error and write speed - Solution
- original name: FATFS-DBG_Keil.zip Source: https://community.st.com/s/question/0D50X00009XkZzBSAV/sdio-and-sd-fat-access-example SPL SDIO tested run ok
zephyrproject-rtos/zephyr#22906 https://github.com/MaJerle/stm32f429/blob/master/00-STM32F429_LIBRARIES/fatfs/drivers/fatfs_sd_sdio.c From this code, we can see that Majerle is using the same by-passing method for sdio-4bit working as my current HAL code.
https://github.com/d-ronin/openlager https://github.com/tudelft/highspeedlogger