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Nov 7, 2013
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File metadata and controls

172 lines (109 loc) · 5.16 KB


Rather than mere data-driven rhythms, this is data-driven music in python.

More precisely, ddpy serializes tables in python to midi files and deserializes midi files to tables. It provides a to_midi function and a from_midi function.

We plan on adding to_midi and from_midi as pandas.DataFrame methods eventually.

Table structure

In the present documentation, we use "table" in a rather generic way. It refers to a collection of things (rows), with the same attributes (columns) measured about each thing. ddpy recognizes two data structures for representating a table.

  1. A list of dicts
  2. Pandas DataFrame

Each column in the table gets represented as an instrument, and each row in the table gets represented as a beat.

Columns and data types

The following data types can be stored in a column

  • Strings (unicode or str)
  • Factors (pandas.Factor )
  • Booleans (bool)
  • Integers (int, numpy.int64, &c.)
  • Floats (float, numpy.float64, &c.)

The following sections explain how columns are structured by data type.


Strings (unicode or str) are represented as lyrics.


Factors (pandas.Factor) are represented as drum tracks, with a mapping between drum notes and factor levels.



Floats are represented as continuous notes merging into each other through pitch bends.


Integers are represented as discrete notes. The pitches are determined by the same means as for floats.

A MIDI track can contain 16 different channels, and each channel can represent 128 different notes, numbered 0 to 127. Thus, a single track can represent 128 1 6 = 2 1 12 different values, which is equivalent to 112 bits.

Tweaking output

Most of these tweaks to output are set by a keyword argument. These keyword arguments can take two structures, which we'll call the table form or the column form.

The table form is just a value, and it applies to the full song. For example, to set the volume for the full song, you can run to_midi(table, volume = 0.7). This is the table form.

The column form allows us to specify different values for each column. This form is a dictionary whose keys are column names and values are parameters for the different columns. You do not need to specify a key-value pair for each column; a default value will be used for any that you don't specify.


Specifying in to_midi

By default, all instruments play at full volume. There are two ways of specifying volume: by instrument and by note.

To specify volume by instrument, pass a dictionary where the keys are column names and the values are instrument volumes, represented as numbers between 0 and 1. Columns for which you don't specify a volume use full volume (1) by default.

table = [{'debt':9001,'cats':8},{'debt':3,'cats':23}]
to_midi(table, volume = {'debt': 0.8})

The example above shows how to specify volume by instrument when creating the file with to_midi.

To specify a volume for each note, you should structure your table such that cells contain (data,volume) tuples rather than simple data values. For example, the following code would do the exact same thing as the previous code.

table = [{'debt':(9001,0.8),'cats':8},{'debt':(3,0.8),'cats':23}]

If you use both methods to specify volume, the volume for a given note will be the product of the two volumes.

Reading in from_midi


By default, no volume tuples

When you reading a file with from_midi, the instrument-level volumes are not returned; they're just read as tuples.


By default, a key of C Major is used

You can change this...

from_midi won't give you the key back


Rounding your data to the key signature destroys information in order to make the music sound better. Rounding is turned off by default, but you can turn it on


Each MIDI track has 16 channels, each of which can take 128 values. We represent floats and integers in base 128.

128 8 = 2 ( 7 × 8 ) = 2 1 5

Integers: We use odd tracks for positive numbers and even tracks for negative numbers. For positive numbers, he first track corresponds to the first place, the third track to the second place, and so on. For negative numbers, the second track corresponds to the first place, the fourth to the second, and so on.

Floats: We use the first X tracks for the mantissa, the next Y tracks for the exponent, and the final track for the sign. The sign is represented as 0 or 1, with 0 being negative. Each of these components of the float is an integer like above but with fewer than 16 tracks.

This scheme is chosen so that cells containing the exact values 0, 1, 2, ... 127 will be mapped to the identical number on the first channel in MIDI.

timidity -Ow output.mid

I'm not liking MIDIUtil; I don't see how to add MIDI events other than notes. I might switch to

import pandas, ddpy
df = pandas.read_csv('/home/tlevine/Documents/comparing-wifi-usage/data/chicago.csv')
ddpy.to_midi(df[['NUMBER OF SESSIONS']] / 600, 'chicago.mid')