Run commands in container as if were native. Stress-free dockerized development environment finally arrived.
With a rid/
directory at the root of a project, any command prefixed by rid
is executed within a Docker container.
$ ls ./rid
That is to say, even if your environment is absolutely clean and you have nothing but docker
, docker-compose
and rid
, getting started with a new Rails project from scratch has never been easier.
# install dependencies and setup a database
$ rid cp .env{.sample,}
$ rid bundle install --path vendor/bundle
$ rid rake db:create
$ rid rake db:schema:load
# start a server
$ rid rails s
First, install Docker and Docker Compose. The easiest way to do this on macOS is by installing Docker for Mac.
You can install rid
via Homebrew:
$ brew install creasty/tools/rid
Download a binary from here:
Not supported yet
is a project contextual tool, meaning that it's aware of working directory and automatically finds the root directory of a project by locating a configuration file.
Typical rid
directory looks like this:
rid/ # rid directory at the root of a project (e.g., same level as `.git`'s)
libexec/ # custom sub-commands for rid
config.yml # configuration file for rid
docker-compose.yml # docker-compose manifest
Dockerfile # dockerfile
Note that rid/config.yml
and rid/docker-compose.yml
are regardlessly required for rid
to work with.
Configurable parameters of rid/config.yml
are the following.
type Config struct {
// ProjectName is used for `docker-compose` in order to distinguish projects in other locations
ProjectName string `json:"project_name" valid:"required"`
// MainService is a service name in `docker-compose.yml`, in which container commands given to rid are executed
// Default is "app"
MainService string `json:"main_service"`
Executables in rid/libexec/
can be run as a sub command.
foo # `rid foo` -- this is executed in a container
rid-bar # `rid bar` -- name starts with `rid-` is executed on a host computer
rid-bar.txt # optionally, placing `.txt` file that shares the common basename enables "help" functionality
Help file should have a title in the first line:
Show greeting message
rid bar NAME
The title (first line) appears on the help of rid
$ rid
Execute commands via docker-compose
rid COMMAND [args...]
rid COMMAND -h|--help
rid [options]
-h, --help Show this
-v, --version Show rid version
--debug Debug context and configuration
compose # Execute docker-compose
bar # Show greeting message
And rid COMMAND -h
prints the full contents.
$ rid bar -h
Show greeting message
rid bar NAME
Surprise surprise, rid
itself is developed by rid
$ rid glide install # install dependencies
$ rid make test # run lint and tests
$ rid make # compile for darwin/amd64
$ ./bin/rid -v # execute a new binary