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1302 lines (1120 loc) · 34.3 KB

File metadata and controls

1302 lines (1120 loc) · 34.3 KB


  • The authorization process is as described in the example.


1. The input parameter string of http message is as follows:

2. At the end of the above message, splice the secret_key to get the following:
Note: The secret_key parameter is not required when sending http message. This step is only used to calculate sha256 signature.

3. Perform sha256 signature to the above string, convert it to hexadecimal lowercase with a length of 64 bits, and add this signature to the header of http as follows:
Authorization: 3e9e58c40d18358bb129c98139eec99af781275708895e522f572a87dc8d9137

4. Add AccessId to the header of http, and the server will search the corresponding user information according to the AccessId.
AccessId: 4DA36FFC61334695A66F8D29020EB589

5. After receiving the http message, the server will find the user's secret key according to AccessId, conduct the same operation as above and judge whether the received signature is equal to the one calculated by itself. If they are equal, the authorization is successful, otherwise it fails.

Timestamp Verification

When the server receives the request, it will judge the timestamp in the request. The request will be considered invalid if it was sent 5000 milliseconds ago. This window time value can be defined by sending the optional parameter recvWindow.

name type required description
timestamp Integer Y Timestamp in milliseconds
windowtime Integer N Window time in milliseconds




Request parameters are put into http body in the form of application/x-www-form-urlencoded


  • result: Json object, null for failure
  • error: Json object, null for success, non-null for failure
    1. code: error code
    2. message: error message
  • id: Request id, Integer
  • example
// success
    "message": "OK",
    "data": {
    "code": 0

// error
    "message": "error message",
    "data": {},
    "code": 11

System Api


"data": "pong"

System Time

"data": 11111123455 // millisecond

Market Api

Market List

'data': [
    'name': 'BTCUSD',
    'type': 1, // 1: USDT-M Contracts, 2: Coin-M Contracts
    'stock': 'BTC',
    'money': 'USD',
    'fee_prec': 4,
    'stock_prec': 8,
    'money_prec': 8,
    'multiplier': 1,
    'amount_prec': 0,
    'amount_min': '10',
    'tick_size': '0.5', // Min. Price Increment
    'leverages': ["3", "5", "8", "10", "15", "20", "30", "50", "100"]

Market Limit config

'data': {
  'BTCUSD': [
    ["1000", "100", "0.005"], // amount, leverage, mainten_margin
    ["10000", "50", "0.01"],
    ["15000", "30", "0.015"],
    ["25000", "20", "0.02"],
    ["50000", "15", "0.025"],
    ["75000", "10", "0.03"],
    ["80000", "6", "0.035"],
    ["110000", "6", "0.04"],
    ["120000", "5", "0.045"],
    ["130000", "5", "0.05"],
    ["140000", "5", "0.055"],
    ["150000", "3", "0.06"]

Market Ticker

name type required description
market String Yes
  • Data:
"data": {
  "ticker": {
    "period": 86400,
    "funding_time": 10,
    "position_amount": "100",
    "funding_rate_last": "0.01",
    "funding_rate_next": "0.02",
    "insurance": "100"
    "last": "7000.00",
    "sign_price": "7100", // sign price
    "index_price": "7111", // index price
    "sell_total": "700",
    "buy_total": "600
    "open": "0",
    "close": "0",
    "high": "0",
    "low": "0",
    "volume": "0",
    "buy": "110.1", // first buy price
    "buy_amount": "100", // first buy amount
    "sell": "110.1", // first sell price
    "sell_amount": "100" // first sell amount
  "date": 11111111 //timestamp

Market Ticker All

"data": {
    "BTCUSD": {
      "period": 86400,
      "funding_time": 10,
      "position_amount": "100",
      "funding_rate_last": "0.01",
      "funding_rate_next": "0.02",
      "insurance": "100",
      "last": "7000.00",
      "sign_price": "7100",
      "index_price": "7111",
      "sell_total": "700",
      "buy_total": "600"
      "open": "0",
      "close": "0",
      "high": "0",
      "low": "0",
      "volume": "0",
      "buy": "110.1", // first buy price
      "buy_amount": "100", // first buy amount
      "sell": "110.1", // first sell price
      "sell_amount": "100" // first sell amount
  "date": 11111111 //timestamp

Market Depth

name type required description
market String Y Perpetual Market, e.g. "BTCUSD" Perpetual Market
merge String Y Merge precision, take one of the value among "10", "1", "0", "0.1" and "0.01".
limit Integer Y The number of entries obtained, take one of the value among 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100.
  • Data:
"data": {
  "asks": [
    ["3750", "39"],
    ["3800", "305"],
    ["3900", "22"]
  "bids": [
    ["3700", "35"],
    ["3650", "80"],
    ["3600", "305"],
    ["3599", "20"],
    ["3598", "10"],
    ["3597", "20"]
  "last": "3740",
  "time": 111111,
  "sign_price": "3750",
  "index_price": "3750"

Market deals

name type required description
market String Y
last_id Integer N
limit Integer N
  • Data:
"data": [
    "id": 11,
    "type": "buy", // buy or sell
    "price": "100.1"
    "amount": "100",
    "date": 111111,
    "date_ms": 1111111.111

Market Funding History

name type required description
market String Y
start_time Integer N
end_time Integer N
offset Integer Y
limit Integer Y
  • Data:
"data": {
  "offset": 10,
  "limit": 100,
  "records": [
      'time': 1615233600.7274661,
      'market': 'BTCUSD',
      'asset': BTC,
      'funding_rate': 0.00175,
      'funding_rate_real': 0.00175

User deals

name type required description
market String Y
side Integer Y 0 for no limit, 1 for sell, 2 for buy
start_time Integer N
end_time Integer N
offset Integer Y
limit Integer Y
  • Data:
"data": {
  "offset": 10,
  "limit": 100,
  "records": [
      'id': 1,
      'time': 102001.123,
      'deal_type': 1, //1 open position, 2 add position, 3 sub position, 4 close position, 5 sys close, 6 position liq, 7 position adl
      'market': 'BTCUSD',
      'user_id': 11,
      'order_id': 13,
      'position_id': 12,
      'side': 1,  //1: sell, 2: buy
      'role': 1,  //1: maker, 2: taker
      'position_type': 1,
      'price': '110.1',
      'open_price': '120.1',
      'amount': '110',
      'position_amount': '220',
      'margin_amount': '220',  // Position Margin after execution
      'leverage': '10',
      'deal_stock': '0.222',
      'deal_fee': '0.001',
      'deal_margin': '20',  // Margin of transaction
      'fee_rate': '0.02',
      'deal_profit': '100',
      'deal_insurance': '0.004' // Consumed or increased Insurance Fund

Market Kline

name type required description
market String Y Perpetual Market
limit Integer N The number of candlesticks obtained must not be greater than 1000 (1000 by default)
type String Y Supported candlestick parameters: 1min,3min,5min,15min,30min,1hour,2hour,4hour,6hour,12hour,1day,3day,1week
  • Data:
"data": [
    1440308700,    # Time
    233.37,        # Opening Price
    233.48,        # Closing Price
    243.37,        # Highest Price
    223.48,        # Lowest Price
    52,           # Trading Volume
    22.2810015     # Trading Value
    "BTCUSD"     # Market Name
    1440308701,   # Time
    233.31,       # Opening Price
    233.41,       # Closing Price
    243.31,       # Highest Price
    223.41,       # Lowest Price
    51,          # Trading Volume
    21.2810015    # Trading Value
    "BTCUSD"    # Market Name

Ajust leverage

name type required description
market String Y Perpetual Market
leverage String Y leverage
position_type Integer Y 1 Isolated Margin 2 Cross Margin
timestamp Integer Y Timestamp in milliseconds
windowtime Integer N Window time in milliseconds
  • Data:
"data": {
  "position_type": 1, // Position Type
  "leverage": "10"    // Leverage

Get position amount

name type required description
market String Y Perpetual Market
price String Y Price
side Integer Y 1 Sell 2 Buy
timestamp Integer Y Timestamp in milliseconds
windowtime Integer N Window time in milliseconds
  • Data:
"data": {
  "position_expect": "10"    // Expected Amount of Opening

Asset Api

asset query

"data": {
  "BTC": {
    "available": "250", // Available Balance
    "frozen": "10",    // Frozen
    "tranfer": "10",   // Available Transfer
    "balance_total": "11", // Balance
    "margin", "10", // Margin
    "profit_unreal": "100" // Unrealized PNL
  "ETH": {
    "available": "250", // Available Balance
    "frozen": "10",    // Frozen
    "tranfer": "10",   // Available Transfer
    "balance_total": "11", // Balance
    "margin", "10",// Margin
    "profit_unreal": "100" // Unrealized PNL

Order Api

Put limit order

name type required description
market String Y
side Integer Y 1 sell, 2 buy
amount String Y Delegation Amount
price String Y Delegated Price
effect_type Integer N Effect Type, 1: GTC Order, 2: IOC Order, 3: FOK Order. GTC Order is set by default.
option Integer N Option, 1: Maker Only. The default is "O".
client_id String N You can customize order IDs to identify your orders. The system supports alphabets + numbers(case-sensitive,e.g:A123、a123), or alphabets (case-sensitive,e.g:Abc、abc) only
timestamp Integer Y Timestamp in milliseconds
windowtime Integer N Window time in milliseconds
  • Data:
"data": {
  'order_id': 10,
  'position_id': 0,
  'market': 'BTCUSD',
  'type': 1,
  'side': 2,
  'target': 2,
  'effect_type': 1,
  'user_id': 10,
  'create_time': 102001.123,
  'update_time': 102003.123,
  'source': 'API',
  'price': '9100.1',
  'amount': '100',
  'taker_fee': '0.005',
  'maker_fee': '-0.002',
  'left': '80',         // Unexecuted Amount
  'deal_stock': '0.9',  // Executed Value
  'deal_fee': '0.01',   // Used Tx Fees
  'leverage': '10',     // Leverage
  'position_type': 1,    // Position Type 1: Isolated Margin 2: Cross Margin
  'stop_id': 0         // Stop Order ID

Put market order

name type required description
market String Y Perpetual Market
side Integer Y Side, 1: Sell, 2: Buy
amount String Y Amount
client_id String N You can customize order IDs to identify your orders. The system supports alphabets + numbers(case-sensitive,e.g:A123、a123), or alphabets (case-sensitive,e.g:Abc、abc) only
timestamp Integer Y Timestamp in milliseconds
windowtime Integer N Window time in milliseconds
  • Data:
"data": {
  'order_id': 10,
  'position_id': 0,
  'market': 'BTCUSD',
  'type': 1,
  'side': 2,
  'target': 2,
  'effect_type': 1,
  'user_id': 10,
  'create_time': 102001.123,
  'update_time': 102003.123,
  'source': 'API',
  'price': '9100.1',
  'amount': '100',
  'taker_fee': '0.005',
  'maker_fee': '-0.002',
  'left': '80',         // Unexecuted Amount
  'deal_stock': '0.9',  // Executed Value
  'deal_fee': '0.01',   // Used Tx Fees
  'leverage': '10',     // Leverage
  'position_type': 1,    // Position Type 1: Isolated Margin, 2: Cross Margin
  'stop_id': 0         // Stop Order ID

Put limit close order

name type required description
market String Yes Perpetual Market
position_id Integer Yes Position ID
amount String Yes Closing Amount
price String Yes Price
effect_type Integer No Effect Type, 1: GTC Order, 2: IOC Order, 3: FOK Order. "GTC Order" is set by default.
option Integer N Option, 1: Maker Only. The default is "0".
timestamp Integer Yes Timestamp in milliseconds
windowtime Integer No Window time in milliseconds
  • Data:
"data": {
  'order_id': 10,
  'position_id': 0,
  'market': 'BTCUSD',
  'type': 1,
  'side': 2,
  'target': 2,
  'effect_type': 1,
  'user_id': 10,
  'create_time': 102001.123,
  'update_time': 102003.123,
  'source': 'API',
  'price': '9100.1',
  'amount': '100',
  'taker_fee': '0.005',
  'maker_fee': '-0.002',
  'left': '80',         // Unexecuted Amount
  'deal_stock': '0.9',  // Executed Value
  'deal_fee': '0.01',   // Used Tx Fees
  'leverage': '10',     // Leverage
  'position_type': 1,    // Position Type 1: Isolated Margin 2: Cross Margin
  'stop_id': 0          // Stop Order ID

Put market close order

name type required description
market String Yes Perpetual Market
position_id Integer Yes Position ID
timestamp Integer Yes Timestamp in milliseconds
windowtime Integer No Window time in milliseconds
  • Data:
"data": {
  'order_id': 10,
  'position_id': 0,
  'market': 'BTCUSD',
  'type': 1,
  'side': 2,
  'target': 2,
  'effect_type': 1,
  'user_id': 10,
  'create_time': 102001.123,
  'update_time': 102003.123,
  'source': 'API',
  'price': '9100.1',
  'amount': '100',
  'taker_fee': '0.005',
  'maker_fee': '-0.002',
  'left': '80',         // Unexecuted Amount
  'deal_stock': '0.9',  // Executed Value
  'deal_fee': '0.01',   // Used Tx Fees
  'leverage': '10',     // Leverage
  'position_type': 1,   // Position Type 1: Isolated Margin 2: Cross Margin
  'stop_id': 0         // Stop Order ID

Put stop limit order

name type required description
market String Y Perpetual Market
side Integer Y Side, 1: Sell for Short, 2: Buy for Long
stop_type Integer Y Stop Type 1: Trigger at the latest price 2: Trigger at the mark price 3: Trigger at the index price
amount String Y Delegation Amount
stop_price String Y Stop Price
price String Y Delegated Price
effect_type Integer N Effect Type, 1: GTC Order, 2: IOC Order, 3: FOK Order. "GTC Order" is set by default.
option Integer N Option, 1: Maker Only. The default is "0".
client_id String N You can customize order IDs to identify your orders. The system supports alphabets + numbers(case-sensitive,e.g:A123、a123), or alphabets (case-sensitive,e.g:Abc、abc) only
timestamp Integer Y Timestamp in milliseconds
windowtime Integer N Window time in milliseconds
  • Data:
"data": "success"

Put stop market order

name type required description
market String Y Perpetual Market
side Integer Y Side, 1: Sell for Short, 2: Buy for Long
stop_type Integer Y Stop Type 1: Trigger at the latest price 2: Trigger at the mark price 3: Trigger at the index price
amount String Y Delegation Amount
stop_price String Y Stop Price
client_id String N You can customize order IDs to identify your orders. The system supports alphabets + numbers(case-sensitive,e.g:A123、a123), or alphabets (case-sensitive,e.g:Abc、abc) only
timestamp Integer Y Timestamp in milliseconds
windowtime Integer No Window time in milliseconds
  • Data:
"data": "success"

Cancel pending order

name type required description
market String Y Perpetual Market
order_id Integer Y Unexecuted Order ID
timestamp Integer Y Timestamp in milliseconds
windowtime Integer N Window time in milliseconds
  • Data:
"data": {
  'order_id': 10,
  'position_id': 0,
  'market': 'BTCUSD',
  'type': 1,
  'side': 2,
  'target': 2,
  'effect_type': 1,
  'user_id': 10,
  'create_time': 102001.123,
  'update_time': 102003.123,
  'source': 'API',
  'price': '9100.1',
  'amount': '100',
  'taker_fee': '0.005',
  'maker_fee': '-0.002',
  'left': '80',         // Unexecuted Amount
  'deal_stock': '0.9',  // Executed Value
  'deal_fee': '0.01',   // Used Tx Fees
  'leverage': '10',     // Leverage
  'position_type': 1,   // Position Type 1: Isolated Margin 2: Cross Margin
  'stop_id': 0         // Stop Order ID

Cancel all pending order

name type required description
market String Y Perpetual Market
side Integer N Side, 0: all, 1: Sell, 2: Buy
timestamp Integer Y Timestamp in milliseconds
windowtime Integer N Window time in milliseconds
  • Data:
"data": "success"

Cancel pending stop order

name type required description
market String Y Perpetual Market
order_id Integer Y Unexecuted Order ID
timestamp Integer Y Timestamp in milliseconds
windowtime Integer N Window time in milliseconds
  • Data:
"data": {
  'order_id': 10,
  'market': 'BTCUSD',
  'type': 1,
  'side': 2,
  'effect_type': 1, // Effect Type, 1: GTC Order, 2: IOC Order, 3: FOK Order. "GTC Order" is set by default.
  'stop_type': 1,   // Stop Type 1: Trigger at the latest price 2: Trigger at the mark price 3: Trigger at the index price
  'user_id': 10,
  'create_time': 102001.123,
  'update_time': 102003.123,
  'source': 'web',
  'state': 1,
  'stop_price': '9200',
  'price': '9100.1',
  'amount': '100',
  'taker_fee': '0.005',
  'maker_fee': '-0.002',

Cancel all pending stop order

name type required description
market String Y Perpetual Market
side Integer N Side, 0: all, 1: Sell, 2: Buy
timestamp Integer Y Timestamp in milliseconds
windowtime Integer N Window time in milliseconds
  • Data:
"data": "success"

Query pending order

name type required description
market String Y Perpetual Market, e.g. BTCUSD, null or empty for all orders
side Integer Y 0:All 1: Sell, 2: Buy
offset Integer Y Offset, means query from a certain record
limit Integer Y The number of records acquired at a time, the default is 20 and the maximum is 100.
timestamp Integer Y Timestamp in milliseconds
windowtime Integer N Window time in milliseconds
  • Data:
"data": {
  "records": [
      'order_id': 10,
      'position_id': 0,
      'market': 'BTCUSD',
      'type': 1,
      'side': 2,
      'target': 2,
      'effect_type': 1,
      'user_id': 10,
      'create_time': 102001.123,
      'update_time': 102003.123,
      'source': 'API',
      'price': '9100.1',
      'amount': '100',
      'taker_fee': '0.005',
      'maker_fee': '-0.002',
      'left': '80',         // Unexecuted Amount
      'deal_stock': '0.9',  // Executed Value
      'deal_fee': '0.01',   // Used Tx Fees
      'leverage': '10',     // Leverage
      'position_type': 1,    // Position Type 1: Isolated Margin 2: Cross Margin
      'stop_id': 0          // Stop Order ID
  "total": 10,
  "offset": 10,
  "limit": 5

Query finished order

name type required description
market String Y
side Integer Y 0 for no limit, 1 for sell, 2 for buy
start_time Integer N
end_time Integer N
offset Integer Y
limit Integer Y
timestamp Integer Y Timestamp in milliseconds
windowtime Integer N Window time in milliseconds
  • Data:
"data": {
  "records": [
      'order_id': 10,
      'position_id': 0,
      'market': 'BTCUSD',
      'type': 1,
      'side': 2,
      'target': 2,
      'effect_type': 1,
      'user_id': 10,
      'create_time': 102001.123,
      'update_time': 102003.123,
      'source': 'API',
      'price': '9100.1',
      'amount': '100',
      'taker_fee': '0.005',
      'maker_fee': '-0.002',
      'left': '80',         // Unexecuted Amount
      'deal_stock': '0.9',  // Executed Value
      'deal_fee': '0.01',   // Used Tx Fees
      'leverage': '10',     // Leverage
      'position_type': 1,   // Position Type 1: Isolated Margin 2: Cross Margin
      'stop_id': 0         // Stop Order ID
  "offset": 10,
  "limit": 5

Query pending stop order

name type required description
market String Y Perpetual Market, e.g. BTCUSD
side Integer Y 0:All 1: Sell, 2: Buy
offset Integer Y Offset, means query from a certain record
limit Integer Y The number of records acquired at a time, the default is 20 and the maximum is 100.
timestamp Integer Y Timestamp in milliseconds
windowtime Integer N Window time in milliseconds
  • Data:
"data": {
  "records": [
      'order_id': 10,
      'market': 'BTCUSD',
      'type': 1,
      'side': 2,
      'effect_type': 1, // Effect Type, 1: GTC Order, 2: IOC Order, 3: FOK Order. "GTC Order" is set by default.
      'stop_type': 1,   // Stop Type 1: Trigger at the latest price 2: Trigger at the mark price 3: Trigger at
      'user_id': 10,
      'create_time': 102001.123,
      'update_time': 102003.123,
      'source': 'web',
      'state': 1,
      'stop_price': '9200',
      'price': '9100.1',
      'amount': '100',
      'taker_fee': '0.005',
      'maker_fee': '-0.002',
  "total": 10,
  "offset": 10,
  "limit": 5

Query finished stop order

name type required description
market String Y Perpetual Market, e.g. BTCUSD
side Integer Y 0:All 1: Sell, 2: Buy
start_time Integer N
end_time Integer N
offset Integer Y
limit Integer Y
timestamp Integer Y Timestamp in milliseconds
windowtime Integer N Window time in milliseconds
  • Data:
"data": {
  "records": [
    'order_id': 10,
    'market': 'BTCUSD',
    'type': 1,
    'side': 2,
    'effect_type': 1, // Effect Type, 1: GTC Order, 2: IOC Order, 3: FOK Order. "GTC Order" is set by default.
    'stop_type': 1,   // Stop Type 1: Trigger at the latest price 2: Trigger at the mark price 3: Trigger at
    'user_id': 10,
    'create_time': 102001.123,
    'update_time': 102003.123,
    'source': 'web',
    'client_id': 'abc',
    'state': 1,
    'stop_price': '9200',
    'price': '9100.1',
    'amount': '100',
    'taker_fee': '0.005',
    'maker_fee': '-0.002',
    'status': 1 // 1: actived, 2: failed, 3: cancel
  "offset": 10,
  "limit": 5

Query order status

name type required description
market String Y Perpetual Market
order_id Integer Y Order ID
timestamp Integer Y Timestamp in milliseconds
windowtime Integer N Window time in milliseconds
  • Data:
"data": {
  'order_id': 10,
  'position_id': 0,
  'market': 'BTCUSD',
  'type': 1,
  'side': 2,
  'target': 2,
  'effect_type': 1,
  'user_id': 10,
  'create_time': 102001.123,
  'update_time': 102003.123,
  'source': 'API',
  'price': '9100.1',
  'amount': '100',
  'taker_fee': '0.005',
  'maker_fee': '-0.002',
  'left': '80',         // Unexecuted Amount
  'deal_stock': '0.9',  // Executed Value
  'deal_fee': '0.01',   // Used Tx Fees
  'leverage': '10',     // Leverage
  'position_type': 1,   // Position Type 1: Isolated Margin 2: Cross Margin
  'stop_id': 0,         // Stop Order ID
  'status': "not_deal"  // not_deal: unexecuted; part_deal: partly executed; done: executed; cancel: cancelled;

Query stop_order status

name type required description
market String Y Perpetual Market
order_id Integer Y Order ID
timestamp Integer Y Timestamp in milliseconds
windowtime Integer N Window time in milliseconds
  • Data:
"data": {
  'order_id': 10,
  'market': 'BTCUSD',
  'type': 1,
  'side': 2,
  'effect_type': 1,
  'stop_type': 1,   // Stop Type 1: Trigger at the latest price 2: Trigger at the mark price 3: Trigger at
  'user_id': 10,
  'create_time': 102001.123,
  'update_time': 102003.123,
  'source': 'web',
  'client_id': 'abc',
  'state': 1,
  'stop_price': '9200',
  'price': '9100.1',
  'amount': '100',
  'taker_fee': '0.005',
  'maker_fee': '-0.002',
  'status': "not_deal" //not_deal: unexecuted, activated: active success, fail: active fail, cancel: cancelled;

Position api

Query pending position

name type required description
market String N Perpetual Market
timestamp Integer Y Timestamp in milliseconds
windowtime Integer N Window time in milliseconds
  • Data:
"data": [
    'position_id': 1,
    'create_time': 111.11,
    'update_time': 222.11,
    'market': 'BTCUSD',
    'user_id': 2,
    'type': 1, //1: Isolated Margin 2: Cross Margin
    'side': 1, //1: Sell, 2:Buy
    'amount': '100',  // Position Amount
    'amount_max': '120',  // Max. Position Amount
    'close_left': 20,     // Positions left to close
    'open_price': '100',  // Avg. Opening Price
    'open_val': '0.1',    // Cumulative Opening Value
    'open_val_max': '0.2', // Max. Opening Value
    'open_margin': '0.01', // Margin Rate
    'mainten_margin': '0.005', // Maintenance Margin Rate
    'mainten_margin_amount': '0.015', // Maintenance Margin
    'margin_amount': '1.2',  // Margin Amount = Initial Margin + Increased Margin - Transferred Margin
    'profit_real': '0.1',    // Realized PNL
    'profit_clearing': "-1.1", // Unrealized PNL
    'liq_price': '11.22'。     // Forced Liquidation Price, when it is greater than 1000000000000, back to "Infinity"
    'bkr_price': '11',         // Bankruptcy Price, when it is greater than 1000000000000, back to "Infinity"
    'leverage': '10',       // Leverage
    'adl_sort': 100,        // Sort Auto-leveraging
    'total': 10             // Total Holders

Query User Funding History

name type required description
market String Y
start_time Integer N
end_time Integer N
offset Integer Y
limit Integer Y
  • Data:
"data": {
  "offset": 10,
  "limit": 100,
  "records": [
      "user_id": 8888,
      "time": 1622548800.916702,
      "market": "BTCUSD",
      "asset": "BTC",
      "type": 1, //1: pay, 2: receive
      "position_id": 1111,
      "side": 1, //1: short position, 2: long position
      "amount": "3500",
      "price": "35000",
      "funding_rate": "0.00175", //funding rate
      "real_funding_rate": "0.00175", //real funding rate
      "funding": "-0.000175",
      "value": "0.1", //position value

Ajust position margin

name type required description
market String Y Perpetual Market
amount String Y Adjust Amount
type Integer Y Adjust Type: 1: Increase Margin, 2: Decrease Margin
timestamp Integer Y Timestamp in milliseconds
windowtime Integer N Window time in milliseconds
  • Data:
"data": {
  'position_id': 1,
  'create_time': 111.11,
  'update_time': 222.11,
  'market': 'BTCUSD',
  'user_id': 2,
  'type': 1, // 1: Isolated Margin, 2: Cross Margin
  'side': 1, //1: Sell, 2:Buy
  'amount': '100',  // Position Amount
  'amount_max': '120',  // Max. Position Amount
  'close_left': 20,     // Positions left to close
  'open_price': '100',  // Avg. Opening Price
  'open_val': '0.1',    // Cumulative Opening Value
  'open_val_max': '0.2', // Max. Opening Value
  'open_margin': '0.01', // Margin Rate
  'mainten_margin': '0.005', // Maintenance Margin Rate
  'mainten_margin_amount': '0.015', // Maintenance Margin
  'margin_amount': '1.2',  // Margin Amount = Initial Margin + Increased Margin - Transferred Margin
  'profit_real': '0.1',    // Realized PNL
  'profit_clearing': "-1.1", // Unrealized PNL
  'liq_price': '11.22'。     //Forced Liquidation Price, when it is greater than 1000000000000, back to "Infinity"
  'bkr_price': '11',         //Bankruptcy Price, when it is greater than 1000000000000, back to "Infinity"
  'leverage': '10',   // Leverage
  'adl_sort': 100,        // Sort Auto-leveraging
  'total': 10             // Total Holders