- 579: New minimum required C++ standard: move from C++11 to C++14
- 575: Add macro in CommonCPackUtils to help package subprojects
- 574: Disable warnings on windows
- 569: Minor fix for GitInfo if GIT_BRANCH could not be determined
- 568: Create projects-tests target for adding python tests if not existing
- 567: Make PYTHON_TEST_EXCLUDE work as documented
- 566: Fix finding libjpeg-turbo-devel .rpm package with jconfig-64.h
- 565: Fix bitrot in rpm spec license config
- 564: Don't quiet python tests (as is done with C++)
- 563: Fixed false circular dependency warning in big metaprojects
- 560: Simplify GitExternals
- 556: Fix rare bug with project-install missing dependencies
- 555: Add missing defines to version.h to ease usage w/o the need for linking
- 553, 554: Fix CommonGraph target
- 551:
Subproject changes:
- Cloning of subprojects has been disabled by default. Users must explicitly set -DCLONE_SUBPROJECTS=ON to clone missing dependencies during the cmake run.
- CMake/common can be integrated as a .gitmodule without getting an unnecessary copy in each subproject.
- 550: CommonLibrary: NAME_OMIT_VERSION_HEADERS to disable api.h/version.h|cpp
- 549: Remove Tuvok finder in favor of provided package config
- 545: CommonCPack fixes: follow Debian package naming conventions, make ABI version in package name optional
- 545: common_application(GUI): install application icon and launcher on Linux
- 544: FindLibJpegTurbo.cmake parses jconfig.h for version check
- 540: Add CommonSmokeTest.cmake to check execution of installed applications
- 539: Add Findrados.cmake
- 538: Allow integration of subprojects outside of COMMON_SOURCE_DIR
- 537: Automatically add a pre-commit hook to git repos for running clang-format
- 535: New common_help() to generate help page for doxygen
- 534: Remove unneeded zmq finder
- 533: Add application-help-to-doxygen extraction
- 532:
Only update SHA-1s in .gitsubprojects after
instead of rewriting the whole file - 532:
Fix missing
git submodule update
- 531: Revert parallel clone due to failure of clones in CI
- 530: Fix return value of Version::getRevision to 64 bit for longer git SHAs
- 529: Fix python3 finding on OSX with -DUSE_PYTHON_VERSION=3
- 529: Fix python3 finding on OSX with -DUSE_PYTHON_VERSION=3
- 527: Refactor INSTALL_PACKAGES out of SubProject.cmake, also fixing a bug that the dependencies of a project were not installed if it did not have a .gitsubprojects file.
- 526: Provide getSchema() and toJSON() for generated version.h
- 517: Clone sub projects in parallel. This feature can be optionally disabled with COMMON_SUBPROJECT_PARALLEL_CLONE set to OFF.
- 516: Support for GCC 6
- 515: Tweaked configure output to only list not found dependencies; show all with COMMON_FIND_PACKAGE_QUIET set to OFF
- 510: Also create project-all target for super project
- 507: Handle required version in FindNumPy.cmake
- 506: Added CommonPythonTest.cmake to ease adding Python tests to project under CTest.
- 505: Added CommonCUDA.cmake with some common configuration checks for CUDA.
- 504:
- Add support for yum to subproject_install_packages
- Make sure that package installation is only attempted if INSTALL_PACKAGES is in the command line (i.e. do not cache the variable).
- 503: Added optional MODULE argument to common_find_package() as a hint for pkg_config. Example usage: common_find_package(RSVG MODULE librsvg-2.0)
- 500: Added WIN32 option to CommonApplication to be able to build WinMain-based apps (no console).
- 497: Fix install directory of common_application data
- 494: Fix include paths in project header file for generated files within the binary dir
- 493: Do not mess with LCOV_EXCLUDE which is set by outside users
- 486: Fix coverage report generation for the top-level project
- 478:
CMake3 port and various cleanups
- CMake 3.1 is now required
- Renames of files
- CommonPackage.cmake -> CommonFindPackage.cmake
- Compiler.cmake -> CommonCompiler.cmake
- Coverage.cmake -> CommonCoverage.cmake
- Renames of variables and options
- Renames of functions
- common_compiler_flags() -> common_compiler_options(${target})
- common_package() -> common_find_package()
- common_package_post() -> common_find_package_post()
- OUTPUT_INCLUDE_DIR removed; use ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/include instead
- Per-target include directories and definitions instead of global pollution
- Qt support is now implicit thanks to AUTOMOC, AUTORCC and AUTOUIC feature: NAME_MOC_HEADERS, NAME_UI_FORMS and NAME_RESOURCES are not supported anymore; use NAME_PUBLIC_HEADERS, NAME_HEADERS and NAME_SOURCES accordingly
- 477: Rename functions to common_cppcheck, common_clangcheck and common_cpplint to solve a name clash with ITK
- 474: common_library() : add an option to omit install (useful for test libs)
- 472: Remove common_gui_application, add GUI and EXAMPLE arguments to common_application
- Add COMMON_OSX_TARGET_VERSION - OS X target version
- Add OPTIONAL argument to git_external. This gives users the possibility of cloning a repository without aborting the configuration if the operation fails
- Coverage.cmake fixes:
- Fix missing coverage report for multiple project directories
- Rename targets to match PROJECT_NAME-target syntax
- Exclude only generated files from COMMON_GENERATED_FILES property, not everything from PROJECT_BINARY_DIR
- Added new test targets called nightlytests and Project-nightlytests. This targets depend on perf tests, and cpp test files with the prefix "nightly".
- Add c++11 noexcept test (CXX_NOEXCEPT_SUPPORTED define)
- Add Findhttpxx.cmake
- Add Sanitizer.cmake for gcc and clang runtime sanitizer support
- Add CoverageGcovr.cmake for gcovr support
- FindGLEW_MX considers GLEW_ROOT as environment and CMake variable
- Fix install in common_library() with subfolders
- Ignore moc and qrc files in coverage report
- New CompilerIdentification.cmake, resulted from splitting Compiler.cmake
- Remove Findzeromqcpp.cmake, use Findlibzmq.cmake instead
- Remove -DBOOST_TEST_DYN_LINK from all translation units
- cmake 2.8.9 or later is now required; reduced cmake 3 warnings
- cmake 3 is required for finding a project with find_package() from outside the build tree/from the install tree.
- Optimized cmake run speed significantly
- New PROJECT_NAME-graph target generating a .png dependency graph if graphviz is found
- New explicit rebase target to update sub projects and externals to configured revision
- FindPackages.cmake should no longer be used; use common_package() for each dependency and common_package_post() at last (will write defines.h, hence after the last call to common_package)
- New variable COMMON_SOURCE_DIR to define the place for all sub projects and externals, defaults to CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR
- Sub projects do not FATAL_ERROR on missing required dependencies, are deactivated instead
- GitExternal.cmake:
- 'user' remote for cloned github repositories (added if GITHUB_USER) is used default for 'git push'
- Added SHALLOW and VERBOSE options
- new targets DIR-rebase and rebase to update git externals and sub projects
- CommonPackageConfig.cmake replaces PackageConfig.cmake. It uses the
export(EXPORT) feature from CMake 3 to generate
{PROJECT_NAME}_LIBRARIES. - New variable NAME_OMIT_EXPORT for common_library() excludes a target from the list of exported targets. This replaces the project-wide ${PROJECT_NAME}_EXCLUDE_LIBRARIES variable.
- Exported targets provided by CommonPackageConfig.cmake are now generated by common_application() and common_library(); generic target hook for add_executable() and add_library() does not exist anymore.
- common_check_targets() now adds cppcheck, cpplint and clangcheck targets to targets added by common_application() and common_library() instead of adding them via add_executable() and add_library().
- Removed legacy RELEASE_VERSION magic
- common_compiler_flags() macro replaces globally set CMAKE_C[XX]_FLAGS; is automatically applied when using common_application, common_library and CommonCTest
- api.h & version.h/cpp are now generated by common_library, not anymore globally per project (COMMON_INCLUDES and COMMON_SOURCES are not needed/used anymore)
- Added AppleCheckOpenGL.cmake to check for conflicting OpenGL link libraries on OS X
- Added CommonDate.cmake to provide today's date
- New SubProject module based on GitExternal
- Subprojects share a single copy of CMake/common
- Buildyard bootstrapping mechanism deprecated and removed
- Using "cmake -DINSTALL_PACKAGES=1" installs system packages required by a project (Debian/Ubuntu + OSX)
- Added Qt5 support in common_library() and common_application()
- New common_gui_application() for configuring GUI applications (OSX app bundle)
- New common_documentation() for documentation repositories. Deprecated generation of index.html by CMake in favor of Jekyll for github projects
- Fixed doxygen and coverage targets for subprojects, enforce LCOV >= 1.11
- Fixed cppcheck and cpplint targets for subprojects
- New common_package() macro to find a dependency consistently
- PackageConfig searches for ABI-matching upstream dependencies. If VERSION_ABI is not available, fallback to matching VERSION MAJOR+MINOR
- Support for detecting both Python2 and Python3 versions
- Removed LAST_RELEASE variable from projects and use VERSION instead
- Separate unit tests from performance tests
- Arch Linux added to the list of supported platforms
- Multiple fixes for CMake3
- More quiet runs
- Merged and retired CMakeBBP fork
- Removed obsolete components:
- GNUModules
- WriteModuleFile
- BuildLibrary
- FindDisplayCluster
- FindFlatBuffers
- FindTuio
- Windows-specific improvements:
- Targets are properly organized into folders in VisualStudio IDE
- Unwanted targets removed from VisualStudio "All Build" target
- Many fixes for Boost detection
- Mac-specific improvements:
- common_gui_application() installs a relocatable app bundle packaged into a .dmg (if macdeployqt is available)
- Use C++11 std and stdlib on OSX >= 10.9, C++03 on <= 10.8
- Flatten git externals in release branches Needed for some build services which do not allow to pull in git externals at runtime.
- Decouple RELEASE_VERSION from VERSION_ABI. The first is detected automatically when build from a release branch or non-git source folder. The latter now has to be set explicitely in the top-level CMakeLists.
- Add COMMON_USE_CXX03 to disable c++11 features for incompatible projects.
- Unify active ubuntu codenames in Ubuntu.cmake
- Denoised output of find_package() generated by PackageConfig
- Match lcov colors to BBP quality metrics