Upgrade tools for CakePHP meant to facilitate migrating between CakePHP 4.x versions and from CakePHP 4.x to CakePHP 5.x. This repository should be used as a standalone application and not as a plugin.
First clone this repository or download a zipball:
git clone git://github.com/cakephp/upgrade
Then to install dependencies with composer
php composer.phar install --no-dev
The upgrade tool provides a standalone application that can be used to upgrade other applications or cakephp plugins. Each of the subcommands accepts a path that points to the application you want to upgrade.
When upgrading between CakePHP 4.x versions the rector
command can automate
updates for many deprecation warnings. To get the most value from the rector
command you should be sure to add as many typehints or parameter docblock
annotations as you can. Without these annotations or typehints rector will not
be able to be as effective as it cannot infer types.
cd /path/to/upgrade
# To apply upgrade rules from 4.3 to 4.4
bin/cake upgrade rector --rules cakephp44 /path/to/your/app/src
There are rules included for:
- cakephp41
- cakephp42
- cakephp43
- cakephp44
The upgrade tool is intended to be run before you update your application's dependencies to 4.0. The rector based tasks will not run correctly if your application already has its dependencies updated to 4.x.
Once you have installed the upgrade tool dependencies there are several commands you should run:
cd /path/to/upgrade
# Run all upgrade tasks at once.
bin/cake upgrade /home/mark/Sites/my-app
# OR run upgrade tasks individually.
# Rename locale files
bin/cake upgrade file_rename locales /home/mark/Sites/my-app
# Rename template files
bin/cake upgrade file_rename templates /home/mark/Sites/my-app
# Run rector rules.
bin/cake upgrade rector /home/mark/Sites/my-app/src
bin/cake upgrade rector /home/mark/Sites/my-app/tests
bin/cake upgrade rector /home/mark/Sites/my-app/config
To ease installation & usage, this package does not
use require-dev
in composer.json
as the installed PHPUnit and
CakePHP packages cause conflicts with the rector tasks.
To install dev-dependencies use make install-dev
. Then you will be able to
run vendor/bin/phpunit
. You can also use make test
to install dependencies
and run tests.