Contributions to the project are welcome. YamlConfiguration is a free and open source software project, made open source with the hopes that the community would find ways to improve it.
If you make any improvements or other enhancements to YamlConfiguration, we ask that you submit a Pull Request to merge the changes back upstream. We would enjoy the opportunity to give those improvements back to the wider community.
Various types of contributions are welcome, including (but not limited to):
- Security updates / patches
- Bug fixes
- Feature enhancements
We reserve the right to not include a contribution in the project if the contribution does not add anything substantive or otherwise reduces the functionality of YamlConfiguration in a non-desirable way. That said, the idea of having free and open source software was that contributions would be accepted, and discussions over a potential contribution are welcome.
For licensing questions, please see the Licensing section in
YamlConfiguration somewhat follows the Google Java Style Guide. This is not the definitive coding style of the project. Generally, it is best to try to copy the style of coding found in the class that you are editing.
Issues can be reported here in GitHub.
Before creating an issue, please search to see if anyone else has reported the same issue. Don't forget to search the closed issues. It is much easier for us (and will get you a faster response) to handle a single issue that affects multiple users than it is to have to deal with duplicates.
There is also a chance that your issue has been resolved previously. In this case, you can (ideally) find the answer to your problem without having to ask (new version of YamlConfiguration, configuration update, etc).
If no one has reported the issue previously, or the solution is not apparent, please open a new issue. When creating the issue, please give it a descriptive title (no "It's not working", please), and put as much detail into the description as possible. The more details you add, the easier it becomes for us to solve the issue. Helpful items may include:
- A descriptive title for the issue
- The version of YamlConfiguration you are using
- Logs and/or stack traces
- Any steps to reproducing the issue
- Anything else that might be helpful in solving your issue.
Note: Please redact any Personally-Identifiable Information (PII) when you create your issue. These may appear in logs or stack traces. Examples include (but are not limited to):
- Real names of people / companies
- Usernames of accounts on computers (may appear in logs or stack traces)
- IP addresses / hostnames
- etc.
If you are not sure, you can always redact or otherwise change the data.
Issues such as "I need help" or "It doesn't work" will not be addressed and/or will be closed with no assistance given. These type of issues do not have any meaningful details to properly address the problem. Other issues that will not be addressed and/or will be closed without help include (but are not limited to):
- How to install YamlConfiguration (explained in ([])
- How to use YamlConfiguration as a dependency (explained in ([])
- How to create libraries
- How to set up a development environment
- How to install libraries
- Other issues of similar nature...
This is not a help forum for software development or associated issues. Other resources, such as Google, should have answers to most questions not related to YamlConfiguration.