13 commits
to release-0.44
since this release
Tests now call panic()
when they timeout
This means there is a running goroutine (which will fail goleak detection)
[Goroutine 26 in state chan receive, with github.com/bazelbuild/rules_go/go/tools/bzltestutil.RegisterTimeoutHandler.func1 on top of the
This also means there may be some different behavior when calling SIGTERM
directly from within a test.
For more information see: #3749
Bzlmod support for nogo
This can be added in your MODULE.bazel
go_sdk = use_extension("@rules_go//go:extensions.bzl", "go_sdk")
name = "go_sdk",
nogo = "//:default_nogo",
For more information see #3782
load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")
name = "io_bazel_rules_go",
sha256 = "c8035e8ae248b56040a65ad3f0b7434712e2037e5dfdcebfe97576e620422709",
urls = [
load("@io_bazel_rules_go//go:deps.bzl", "go_register_toolchains", "go_rules_dependencies")
go_register_toolchains(version = "1.21.5")
What's Changed
- Do not test on centos7 by @fmeum in #3757
- update documentation for 0.43.0 release by @tyler-french in #3758
- Add toolchain param to affected actions by @kotlaja in #3760
- Update GO_TOOLCHAIN string to Label and add toolchain param to one more action by @kotlaja in #3762
- Do not choose prereleases as highest versions by @mering in #3764
- Remove unmaintained validators by @mering in #3768
- Use
trick to makego.mod
work withgo mod tidy
by @fmeum in #3775 - feat(packagesdriver): add _test suffix to pkgPath by @JamyDev in #3777
- Typo --test_runner_fail_fast by @Clement-Jean in #3773
- Panic when a test times out by @fmeum in #3749
- Fix integration tests with Bazel@HEAD by @fmeum in #3781
- Automatically register SDKs for common execution platforms by @fmeum in #3634
- fix
relative paths for gomock source mocks (fix #3752) by @ikavalio in #3753 - Update to modern protoc plugins by @mering in #3761
- Add integration tests for protoc-gen-go-grpc by @ryanpbrewster in #3787
- Add Bzlmod support for
by @fmeum in #3782 - fix(gpd): don't panic on invalid root by @JamyDev in #3779
- Pass env to gentestmain so it will correctly filter by @patrickmscott in #3785
- prepare release 0.44.0 by @tyler-french in #3788
New Contributors
- @Clement-Jean made their first contribution in #3773
- @ikavalio made their first contribution in #3753
- @ryanpbrewster made their first contribution in #3787
Full Changelog: v0.43.0...v0.44.0