This procedure describes all the steps required to release a new version of Apache Camel K. It is not intended to be final, but rather a working document that needs to be updated when new requirements are found or the technical process changes.
The Camel Kamelets repository contains some artifacts that need to be pushed into Maven together with a Camel K release.
Follow instructions on Camel Kamelets for the commands needed to release it.
Go to and close the staging repository.
A URL will be generated for the repository, like: The URL needs to be communicated during the voting process.
The source code for the created tag, with sha512sum and signature need to be copied in the Apache dev SVN at<version>;.
Commit all files to the SVN.
Voting can start for camel-kamelets, or a combined vote with camel-k can be started later.
The Camel K Runtime project is not a standalone project, it’s meant to be used with Camel K. For this reason, it’s common to release the runtime artifacts together with a release of Camel K. To avoid depending on snapshots, camel-k-runtime can be also released independently.
Follow the Camel release guide in order to setup the Maven environment and gpg for the release.
To prepare a release and check problems:
./mvnw release:prepare -DdryRun -Prelease
Check the signatures of the files, then clean and prepare the actual release:
./mvnw release:clean -Prelease
./mvnw release:prepare -Prelease
Then perform the release:
./mvnw release:perform -Prelease
Go to and close the staging repository.
A URL will be generated for the repository, like: The URL needs to be communicated during the voting process.
The apache-camel-k-runtime-<version> file present in path /org/apache/camel/k/apache-camel-k-runtime/<version>/
(and sha512 sum, if present) will need to be copied in the Apache dev SVN at<version>;.
If the sha512 file is missing, one should be generated before committing to SVN.
Commit all files to the SVN.
Voting can start for camel-k-runtime, or a combined vote with camel-k can be started later.
Releasing the Camel K main artifacts require some manual steps.
First thing is to checkout main branch and sync with upstream.
Next, the version of the runtime libraries to use need to be aligned in the Makefile (use the just released camel-k-runtime version if available).
The following tasks need to be done:
in Makefile to latest released tag of the camel-kamelets repository -
in Makefile to latest runtime release -
Align all libraries to the ones used in the chosen runtime (e.g.
) -
to the URL of the staging repo (if using a staged camel-k-runtime version) -
points to latest released version of Camel K
make clean codegen set-version build-resources check-licenses
Rebuild auto-generated data, including trait info:
make generate
Remove all snapshot files in the /resources
directory, then run again:
# After removing snapshots from /resources
make clean build-resources
Run build and basic tests:
Sync the main branch (with your changes) with upstream.
git add *
git commit -m "preparing for next release"
# assuming write permissions
git push upstream main
Now the release on staging can be executed.
Change the version on Makefile to next version of camel-k (usually, just remove '-SNAPSHOT' from the version)
# after removing '-SNAPSHOT' from current VERSION in makefile
make release-staging
Binary files will be generated and put in the project root directory, including examples. All those files should be put in the corresponding directory of the camel-k dev SVN at<version>;.
Sources are not produced directly by the scripts, but since the procedure is creating a tag, the source code in tar.gz format can be downloaded from Github at:
After copying all the files to the dev SVN, a
script in the parent directory can be used to sign all the uploaded artifacts:
./ <version> <gpg_pass>
Commit all files to the SVN.
A docker image camelk/camel-k:<version>
will be pushed to the staging organization (camelk
, not apache
A combined release can be immediately tested with the following install command:
kamel install --operator-image=camelk/camel-k:$CAMEL_K_VERSION --maven-repository=$APACHE_NEXUS_RUNTIME_REPO_ID
Release notes can be generated with:
# previous version released on same branch, e.g. 1.5.0
export PREV=a.b.c
# current version to be released, e.g. 1.6.0
export CUR=x.y.z
# Branch where both tags are present
export BRANCH=main
./script/ $PREV $CUR $BRANCH
file is generated and can be attached to the release github issue for reference.
An email should be sent to [email protected] asking to test the staged artifacts. Voting will be left open for at least 72 hours.
After the voting is complete with success, the artifacts can be released.
Release the staging repository at:
Republish docker image in the Apache org on Docker Hub:
# assuming logged in to docker hub
docker pull camelk/camel-k:$VERSION
docker tag camelk/camel-k:$VERSION apache/camel-k:$VERSION
docker push apache/camel-k:$VERSION
Artifacts committed on before the voting process need to be copied to the Apache dist repository on:
The same should be done for camel-kamelets and camel-k-runtime in case of combined vote.
Wait for maven mirrors to sync the new artifacts. This can take more than 1 hour sometimes.
Binary files can be now released on Github, together with release notes generated in previous step. Files need to be uploaded manually to a new Github release.
Before announcing the release, a simple test should be done to verify that everything is in place (running a "Hello World" integration
after an installation done with a simple kamel install
Do a simple final test.
The release can be now announced to [email protected] and [email protected].
A PMC member with access to the @ApacheCamel Twitter account should announce the release on Twitter as well.
Download section on the website needs to be put in sync to display the new release.
Checkout the website and put an entry under content/releases/k
with the version of the new release (copy the last release as template).
The milestone field in the release doc is the Github id for the milestone (e.g. for v1.4.1, the milestone is 22).
The OperatorHub downstream channel should be synced to publish the latest version of Camel K, so that it can be easily installed on platforms that support Operator Hub.
You can create the bundle using the make bundle
command, then upload the CRD and CSV to the "community-operators" repository (2 PRs, one for OpenShift and one for all other platforms).
An helm chart must be generated with the new version.
First update the chart version in the Chart.yaml
file under the /helm
section, setting a new chart release.
From the main branch:
./script/ <released-version>
make generate-helm
Commit to the main branch the tar.gz file and the updated index that have been generated in /docs/charts
and the updated Chart.yaml
Wait for them to be available on
The HomeBrew formula for kamel must be synced to download and build the latest version of Camel-K, so it can be easily installed on macOs and Linux platforms.
To do so, the content of homebrew-core/Formula/kamel.rb (the package definition) should be updated to point the latest release of Camel-K.
More importantly the tag and revision section configuration should change for a new release e.g
url "",
:tag => "0.3.4",
:revision => "c47fb2c85e89852f0fd111d1662f57917030ced5"
head ""
P.S please note that the bottles are created using the Brew Test Bot [1 ].