Support code for the DeepArUco++ method. Work by Rafael Berral-Soler, Rafael Muñoz-Salinas, Rafael Medina-Carnicer and Manuel J. Marín-Jiménez.
- NEW (08/11/2024): Fixed Colab demo.
- NEW (08/11/2024): Flying-ArUco v2 dataset available at
. Dataset generation code added to this repository.
- NEW (07/03/2024): Shadow-ArUco dataset available at
- NEW (06/11/2023): Try our method in this Google Colab notebook. Updated to DeepArUco++!
To detect markers locally use the script:
python <path to image> <output path>
Demo code, pretrained models and dataset generation code are already available! Some example predictions:
Dataset available at
Some samples from the dataset:
To build the dataset by yourself, you can use the build_dataset
script. Please note that variations may occur due to the use of random operations. In order to better match our results, you can use the pre-generated datasets we provide through Zenodo.
python <source MSCOCO train2017 path> <target flyingarucov2 path> [options]
The script allows passing options to achieve multiple effects, such as merging markers with the background luma or using variable width for the marker borders. Please refer to the script documentation to learn more (passing the --help
option to the script):
python --help
This dataset must be processed in order to train the marker detector model. To do so, use the build_detection
script in the tools
python <source flyingarucov2 path> <detection dataset path>
Further data augmentation can be done using the augment_dataset
script, also found in the tools
python <detection dataset path> [options]
This script also allows for passing options to configure the data augmentation process, namely adding blur, gaussian noise and/or shifting colors. Please note that the augmentation process is done in-place, with the new samples being placed in the same source directory.
Finally, the regression dataset (used to train both the corner refinement and the marker decoding models) is built from the (augmented) detection dataset using the build_regression
script (also in the tools
python <augmented dataset path> <annotations dir> <regression dataset path>
(annotations dir
should be the same as the un-processed FlyingArUco v2 directory, the one used as output for the build_dataset
Dataset available at
Some samples from the dataset:
If you find our work helpful for your research, please cite our publication:
title = {DeepArUco++: Improved detection of square fiducial markers in challenging lighting conditions},
journal = {Image and Vision Computing},
pages = {105313},
year = {2024},
issn = {0262-8856},
doi = {},
url = {},
author = {Rafael Berral-Soler and Rafael Muñoz-Salinas and Rafael Medina-Carnicer and Manuel J. Marín-Jiménez},
keywords = {Fiducial markers, Deep neural networks, Marker detection, CNNs}
Additionally, you can cite our conference paper:
author = "Berral-Soler, Rafael
and Mu{\~{n}}oz-Salinas, Rafael
and Medina-Carnicer, Rafael
and Mar{\'i}n-Jim{\'e}nez, Manuel J.",
editor="Pertusa, Antonio
and Gallego, Antonio Javier
and S{\'a}nchez, Joan Andreu
and Domingues, In{\^e}s",
title = "DeepArUco: Marker Detection and Classification in Challenging Lighting Conditions",
booktitle = "Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis",
doi = {10.1007/978-3-031-36616-1_16},
year = "2023",
publisher = "Springer Nature Switzerland",
pages = "199--210",
isbn = "978-3-031-36616-1"