| 1 | +This file lists all used libraries (in alphabetical order) and their licenses this project uses. |
| 2 | + |
| 3 | +**Java Libraries** |
| 4 | + |
| 5 | +Library License License File |
| 6 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 7 | +batik-anim.jar Apache 2.0 included in jar file |
| 8 | +batik-awt-util.jar Apache 2.0 included in jar file |
| 9 | +batik-bridge.jar Apache 2.0 included in jar file |
| 10 | +batik-codec.jar Apache 2.0 included in jar file |
| 11 | +batik-css.jar Apache 2.0 included in jar file |
| 12 | +batik-dom.jar Apache 2.0 included in jar file |
| 13 | +batik-ext.jar W3C Notice and License included in jar file |
| 14 | +batik-extension.jar Apache 2.0 included in jar file |
| 15 | +batik-gui-util.jar Apache 2.0 included in jar file |
| 16 | +batik-gvt.jar Apache 2.0 included in jar file |
| 17 | +batik-parser.jar Apache 2.0 included in jar file |
| 18 | +batik-script.jar Apache 2.0 included in jar file |
| 19 | +batik-svg-dom.jar Apache 2.0 included in jar file |
| 20 | +batik-svggen.jar Apache 2.0 included in jar file |
| 21 | +batik-swing.jar Apache 2.0 included in jar file |
| 22 | +batik-transcoder.jar Apache 2.0 included in jar file |
| 23 | +batik-util.jar Apache 2.0 included in jar file |
| 24 | +batik-xml.jar Apache 2.0 included in jar file |
| 25 | +commons-codec-1.3.jar Apache 2.0 included in jar file |
| 26 | +commons-collections-3.2.jar Apache 2.0 included in jar file |
| 27 | +commons-configuration-1.5.jar Apache 2.0 included in jar file |
| 28 | +commons-fileupload-1.2.jar Apache 2.0 included in jar file |
| 29 | +commons-httpclient-3.0.jar Apache 2.0 included in jar file |
| 30 | +commons-io-1.4.jar Apache 2.0 included in jar file |
| 31 | +commons-lang-2.3.jar Apache 2.0 included in jar file |
| 32 | +commons-logging-1.1.1.jar Apache 2.0 included in jar file |
| 33 | +custom_rhino.jar ? - |
| 34 | +dom3-xml-apis.jar W3C Notice and License included in jar file |
| 35 | + Own Public Domain License |
| 36 | +fop.jar Apache 2.0 included in jar file |
| 37 | +js.jar MPL 1.1 and GPL 2.0 licenses/LICENSE.js.txt |
| 38 | +openid4java.jar ? - |
| 39 | +oryxAtlas.jar NO LICENSE!!! - |
| 40 | +pdf-transcoder.jar Apache 2.0 - |
| 41 | +servlet-api.jar ? - |
| 42 | +xml-apis.ext.jar Apache 2.0 included in jar file |
| 43 | +xmlgraphics-commons-1.1.jar Apache 2.0 included in jar file |
| 44 | + |
| 45 | + |
| 46 | + |
| 47 | +**Javascript Libraries** |
| 48 | +Library License License File |
| 49 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 50 | +ext-2.0.2 LGPL 3.0 /ext-2.0.2/LICENSE.txt |
| 51 | +path_parser.js ? - |
| 52 | +prototype-1.5.1.js MIT License /licenses/LICENSE.prototype-1.5.1 |
| 53 | + |
| 54 | + |
| 55 | + |
| 56 | + |
| 57 | +**Other** |
| 58 | +Library License License File |
| 59 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 60 | +ARIS-Export.dtd ? - |
| 61 | +extract-rdf.xsl Public Domain by Owner included in file |
| 62 | + |
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