Contains HW projects predominantly built over RP2040.
RGB_LED_Intensity_w_pot_and_LCD: A RBG LED (whose intensity can be controlled by a potentiometer) binks in a predefined order. Current color of the RGB LED and its intensity is displayed on the LCD. The folder contains:
- pico micro-python code.
- Fritzzing circuit diagram.
- Circuit diagram png.
Motor_ctrl_w_pot_and_LCD: A simple DC motor is controlled using an H-Bridge. Its speed can be controlled by a potentiometer. Its speed and direction is displayed on an LCD. The folder contains:
- pico micro-python code.
- Fritzzing circuit diagram.
- Circuit diagram png.
Temperature_sensor_w_RGB_LED: Temperature and humidity sensor DHT11 detects temperature and humidity. Light of RGB LED varies from red to blue depending upon the humidity level. Humidity < 10, RED. Humidity > 60, BLUE. Intensity can be controlled by potentiometer. LCD shows current temp and humidity, and warns if humidity <10. The folder contains:
- pico mocro-python code.
- Fritzzing circuit diagram.
- Circuit diagram png.
Distance Sensor: Intention is to detect the continuous distance of an object. In progress..