- Create test and credentials directories
mkdir -p ~/e2e mkdir -p ~/.secret
- Start endly docker image
docker run --name endly -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v ~/e2e:/e2e -v ~/.secret/:/root/.secret/ -p 7722:22 -d endly/endly:latest-ubuntu16.04
- Logging to endly container
ssh [email protected] -p 7722 ## password is dev
- Check endly version
endly -v
- Create dev container credentials (use user:root, password:dev)
endly -c=dev
- Clone this repo
cd /e2e git clone https://github.com/adrianwit/endly-introduction.git
Hello world
endly workflow/hello
init: target: URL: ssh:// credentials: dev pipeline: task1: action: workflow.print message: Hello World task2: action: exec:run target: $target commands: - echo 'Hello World'
- Workflow definition
init: name: $params.name pipeline: task1: action: workflow.print message: Hello World $name description: print hello task2: description: test subtasks subTask1: action: print message: subTask 1 $params.key1 subTask2: action: print message: subTask 2 $params.name task3: description: print bye action: print message: Bye $name
- Workflow execution
- with relative path and parameters
endly workflow/helloworld name=Endly key1=test
- with URL
endly https://github.com/adrianwit/endly-introduction/blob/master/workflow/helloworld.yaml
- Workflow task info
endly workflow/helloworld -t='?'
- Workflow task selection
endly workflow/helloworld -t='task1,task3'
Endly supported services:
endly -s='*'
Action attribute.
- defines what service method is used for an workflow action
- action attribute format:
- default endly service is workflow
Service Contract
- specifies request type: optional and required action node attributes for an action
- specifies action response type
endly -s=workflow -a=print #or endly -s=workflow:print
Running adhoc service action from CLI
- With request attribute supplied as cli arguments
endly -run="print" message='hello'
endly -run="validator:assert" actual=1 expect=3
- With request delegated to JSON or YAML file
endly -run='validator:assert' request='@services/assert.yaml'
actual: - 1 - 2 - 3 expect: - 1 - 2 - 3
- With request attribute supplied as cli arguments
Exec SSH service usage example
- Service action list:
endly -s=exec
- 'exec:run' contract
endly -s=exec -a=run
endly services/info.yaml
- @services/info.yaml
init: target: url: ssh:// credentials: dev defaults: target: $target pipeline: init: action: exec:run commands: - whoami - echo 'hello ${cmd[0].stdout}' hostInfo: action: exec:run commands: - cat /etc/hosts extract: - key: aliases regExpr: (?sm)[\s\t]+(.+) debug: action: print message: $AsJSON($init) $AsJSON($hostInfo) summary: action: print message: Extracted aliases $hostInfo.aliases
- Failing SSH workflow based on non 0 command exit code (endly 0.38+)
endly services/fail_on_exitcode.yaml
- @services/info.yaml
init: target: url: ssh:// credentials: ${env.HOME}/.secret/dev.json pipeline: package: action: exec:run target: $target checkError: true commands: - whoami - /bin/false
- Service action list:
Workflow delegation:
- @workflow/parent.yaml workflow
pipeline: task1: action: print message: hello from parent tassk2: action: run request: '@child' info: action: print message: "child response: $AsJSON($tassk2)"
- @workflow/child.yaml workflow
init: message: hello from child pipeline: task1: init: childVar1: $message action: print message: $childVar1 post: myOutput: $childVar1
- execution:
endly workflow/parent
Request delegation
- @services/delegation.yaml workflow
init: target: url: ssh:// credentials: dev defaults: target: $target pipeline: task1: action: storage:copy request: @copy task2: action: exec:run commands: - ls -al /tmp/README.md
- @services/copy.yaml request
source: URL: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/adrianwit/endly-introduction/master/ dest: URL: $target assets: 'README.md': /tmp/README.md
- execution:
endly services/delegation
Variables control workflow execution and data substitution
Variable are defined in init section at action, task or workflow node
Variable reference expression start with '$' sign
- any reference to variable is expanded/evaluated if variable is defined
- nesting variable uses {}
- variable expression supports basic arithmetic expression
Required variables usage
init: '!to': $params.to greeting: $params.greeting message: "$greeting:/$/? 'Hello $to' : '$greeting $to'" pipeline: welome: action: print message: $message
endly variables/required.yaml
endly variables/required.yaml to=Endly
endly variables/required.yaml to=Endly greeting=Greetings
User defined function
listing loaded UDF
endly -j
@variables/udf.yaml example
init: fiveDaysAgo: $FormatTime('5daysAgoInUTC','yyyyMMdd') 10DaysAhead: $FormatTime('5daysAheadInUTC','yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss') encodedMsg: $Base64Encode("This is test") ID: $uuid.next pipeline: task1: action: print message: $ID $fiveDaysAgo $10DaysAhead $encodedMsg
endly variables/udf.yaml
- Loading external data
- @variables/external.yaml examle
init: userJ: $AsData($Cat('variables/user.json')) userY: $AsData($Cat('variables/user.yaml')) pipeline: info: action: print message: '${userJ.name}: ${userY.email}, ${userY.phones[1]}' update: action: print init: user: $userJ 'user.dob': 2001-01-01 message: $AsJSON($user)
endly variables/external.yaml
Array/Collection type variable usage
init: i: 2 array: - id: 1 name: name 1 - id: 2 name: name 2 - id: 3 name: name 3 pipeline: shift: action: print init: item: ${<-array} message: $AsJSON($item) push: action: nop init: - name: myItem value: id: 10, name: name 10 - '->array': $myItem lastNameInfo: action: print message: ${array[$i].name} summary: action: print message: $AsJSON($array)
Basic arithmetic
init: i: 1 j: 10 k: 100 pipeline: task1: action: print message: ${(k/j)+i}
Action response variable
- After each action execution response can be access via $ACTION_NAME
- endly variables/inspect
- @variables/inspect.yaml
pipeline: task1: inspect: action: docker:inspect '@name': endly logging: false ipInfo: action: print message: ${inspect.Info[0].NetworkSettings.IPAddress} networkInfo: action: print message: $AsJSON(${inspect.Info[0].NetworkSettings.Networks}) task2: inspect: action: docker:inspect '@name': endly ':name': endlyInfo logging: false ipInfo: action: print message: ${endlyInfo.Info[0].NetworkSettings.IPAddress} networkInfo: action: print message: $AsJSON(${endlyInfo.Info[0].NetworkSettings.Networks})
Note that if name is both part of docker:inspect contract (endly -s='docker:inspect'), and workflow action node model (action has name attribute), '@' prefix is used for service contract, and ':' for workflow model respectively. In task1 name of action is inherited from node name ('inspect'), in task2 name is specified with ':' prefix.
- Action template repeats N time group of flattened actions defined under template node:
- @template/basic.yaml example
pipeline: init: action: print message: init ... tasksX: tag: $pathMatch range: 1..002 description: '@desc' subPath: basic/${index}_* template: action1: action: print message: "action 1 - idx: $index, tagId: $tagId, path: $path" action2: action: print request: '@print' done: action: print message: done.
- template node
- range
- template variables: $index, $tagId, $path, $subPath
- request location auto-discovery
- description discovery
- Tags selection
endly template/basic.yaml -i=tasksX_basic_caseYY
- Data loading
endly template/stress_test
- @template/stress_test.yaml
pipeline: test: tag: LoadTest data: ${tagId}.[]Requests: '@data/Request*.json' range: '1..002' subPath: stess_test/${index}_* template: init: action: nop comments: set endpoint port and address init: idx: $AsInt($index) threadCont: ${idx * 4} testEndpointPort: 803$AsInt($index) testEndpoint:${testEndpointPort} endpointUp: action: http/endpoint:listen comments: start test endpoint${testEndpointPort} port: $testEndpointPort rotate: true baseDirectory: ${path}/endpoint/ info: action: print message: starting load testing $testEndpont load: action: 'http/runner:load' comments: run load test (40k * 5) assertMod: 40 threadCount: $threadCont '@repeat': 40000 requests: ${data.${tagId}.Requests} load-info: action: print message: 'QPS: $load.QPS: Response: min: $load.MinResponseTimeInMs ms, avg: $load.AvgResponseTimeInMs ms max: $load.MaxResponseTimeInMs ms'
- data node
Basic validation example
endly validation/test
pipeline: init: action: workflow:print message: init test ... test: workflow: assert actual: key1: value1 key2: value20 key3: value30 expected: key1: value1 key2: value2 key3: value3 key4: value4
Simple validation
# to get validator:assert contract: endly -s=validator:assert #run assets endly -run='validator:assert' actual A expect B #or endly validator:assert actual A expect B
Data structure validation
endly -run='validator:assert' actual '@validation/actual1.json' expected '@validation/expect1.json'
Data structure validation with @indexBy@ directive
endly -run='validator:assert' actual '@validation/actual2.json' expected '@validation/expect2.json'
Data structure alternative transformation validation (switch/case)
endly -run='validator:assert' actual '@validation/actual3.json' expected '@validation/expect3.json'
Partial validation with @assertPath@ directive
endly -run='validator:assert' actual '@validation/actual4.json' expected '@validation/expect4.json'
See more about validation expression
Validation expressions:
Conditional action execution
pipeline: task1: action1: when: $p = b1 action: print message: hello from action 1 action2: when: $p = b2 action: print message: hello from action 2 action3: when: $HasResource('control/hello.txt') action: print message: $Cat('control/hello.txt')
endly -r control/when
endly -r control/when p=b1
Parallel execution,
pipeline: task1: multiAction: true action1: action: print message: hello from action 1 sleepTimeMs: 3000 async: true action2: action: print message: hello from action 2 sleepTimeMs: 3000 action3: action: print message: hello from action 3 sleepTimeMs: 3000 async: true
endly control/parallel
- works on task level with flatten action:multiAction: true
Defer execution
pipeline: task1: action1: action: print message: hello action 1 action2: when: $failNow=1 action: fail message: execption in action 2 defer: action: print message: allway run
endly control/defer.yaml
endly control/defer.yaml failNow=1
Handling error
pipeline: task1: action1: action: print message: hello action 1 action2: when: $p = failNow action: fail message: execption in action 2 action3: action: print message: hello action 3 task2: action1: action: print message: hello task 2 action 1 catch: action: print message: caught $error.Error
endly control/error
endly control/error p=failNow
init: self.i: 1 pipeline: loop: info: action: print message: pushing message ${self.i} # trigger: # action: msg:push # dest: # URL: mye2eQueue # type: queue # vendor: aws # messages: # - data: 'Test: this is my ${self.i} message' # attributes: # id: $self.i inc: action: nop logging: false init: _: ${self.i++} until: action: goto logging: false task: loop when: $self.i <= 10 done: action: print comments: done
endly control/loop
- Enabling logging
endly workflow/helloworld -d
- Inspecting workflow domain model
endly workflow/helloworld -f=yaml -p
- Diagnose endly execution with gops
gops stack ENDLY_PID