Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope CurrentUser
iex (iwr '')
Keybinding | Description |
gD |
Jump to the declaration of the symbol under the cursor. |
gd |
Go to the definition of the symbol under the cursor. |
gi |
Show all implementations of the symbol under the cursor. |
<leader>D |
Go to the type definition of the symbol under the cursor. |
<leader>wa |
Add a workspace folder to the LSP client. |
<leader>wr |
Remove a workspace folder from the LSP client. |
<leader>wl |
List all workspace folders currently known to the LSP client. |
<leader>e |
Show diagnostic information in a floating window. |
[d |
Jump to the previous diagnostic message. |
]d |
Jump to the next diagnostic message. |
<leader>q |
Set the list of diagnostics to the location list. |
<leader>ld |
Same as <leader>q , set diagnostics to the location list. |
<leader>qd |
Set diagnostics to the quickfix list. |
<leader>so |
Open Telescope for LSP document symbols search. |
<leader>sd |
Open Telescope to search and view diagnostics. |
K |
Show hover documentation for the symbol under the cursor. |
gf |
Open LSP symbol finder for the current document. |
<leader>gf |
Open LSP symbol finder with implementation details. |
gx |
Trigger a code action for the symbol under the cursor. |
<leader>ca |
Trigger a code action for the symbol under the cursor (with a description). |
Keybinding | Description |
<leader>ff |
Find Files |
<leader>fg |
Live grep file content |
<leader>ob |
Search opened buffers |
<leader>O |
Search opened buffers |
<leader>fh |
Search help manual page |
<leader>td |
Toggle Todo Telescope |
<leader>jl |
Toggle Telescope jumplist |
<leader>fw |
Grep strings below the cursor |
<leader>so |
Search document symbols with LSP |
<leader>sd |
Search diagnostics with Telescope |
<leader>ht |
Search harpoon marks |
<leader>cf |
Fuzzy search in the current buffer without line numbers |
This is the list of plugins avaliable in this config.
Plugin Name | Description |
barbecue.lua | Breadcrumb navigation bar for your Neovim. |
flash.lua | Navigation with a flash-style highlighting mechanism. |
neotest.lua | Running and managing tests directly within Neovim. |
nvim-ufo.lua | Adds folding capabilities with better context awareness. |
which-key.lua | Displays available keybindings in a popup window. |
close-buffers.lua | Allows better buffer management, like closing multiple buffers at once. |
format.lua | A plugin for on-the-fly code formatting. |
lsp | Neovim LSP client. |
nvim-dap.lua | Integrates debugging tools using the Debug Adapter Protocol (DAP). |
scrollbar.lua | Adds a customizable scrollbar to Neovim. |
cmp.lua | Implements a completion framework for coding. |
gitsigns.lua | Displays Git changes and diffs in the sign column. |
lspsaga.lua | Enhances the default LSP UI with rich features like code actions and diagnostics. |
nvim-hlslens.lua | Highlights search matches and displays additional information. |
telescope.lua | A fuzzy finder for files, buffers, and other resources. |
cursorword.lua | Highlights the word under the cursor. |
gomove.lua | Adds easy-to-use keybindings for moving and duplicating text. |
lualine.lua | A customizable status line for Neovim. |
luasnip.lua | A snippet engine for managing code templates (Stored in /lua/snippets/). |
nvim-spectre.lua | A search-and-replace tool with a preview feature. |
nvim-surround.lua | Simplifies surrounding text objects with pairs (e.g., parentheses, quotes). |
treesitter.lua | Provides enhanced syntax highlighting and code understanding using Tree-sitter. |
trouble.lua | Displays diagnostics and quickfix lists in a structured and user-friendly way. |
dashboard.lua | Adds a configurable startup dashboard to Neovim. |
harpoon.lua | A tool to quickly navigate between frequently used files. |
indent-blankline.lua | Adds visual indicators for indentation levels. |
mason.lua | Manages LSP servers, DAP servers, linters, and formatters. |
nvim-tree.lua | Adds a file explorer sidebar to Neovim. |
todo-comments.lua | Highlights and organizes TODO comments in code. |
diffview.lua | Provides a Git diff viewer for better version control. |