Luminati Proxy manager - Change Log
- β¨ Added regexp generator
- β added Link Tester API
- π Fix mem leak via hanging events
- β Added "U-Mobile" carrier in targeting options
- β Added fast IPs pool
- β¨ Closing inactive sockets in order to avoid memory leaks
- β Added "Refresh IP" Rule
- β Forwarding for google domains
- β¨ Whitelist block page instructions
- β¨ "Admin Whitelisted IPs" option available in General Settings
- π Avoid lowercasing headers for proxied requests
- π Fixed managing history db
- π Fixed Proxy Tester when sending concurrent requests
- β Improved Test Affiliate tab
- β Added button to open a modal with IPs/gIPs
- β New tab in proxy configuration: Headers
- β Refreshing IPs/gIPs from LPM
- π Fixed memory leaks
- β Improved performance
- π Fixed web access security issue
- π Fixed BW up and BW down in proxies list
- β improved Timeline in logs: waterfall and other rules are visible
- β added taking screenshots in 'Test affiliate links'
- β¨ move logs to luminati_proxy_manager dir
- β changed SOCKS 5 port to be the same as main proxy port
- π fixed countries list for global shared zones
- π fixed dialog on port conflict in electron app
- π no version in exe name (for resident tasks)
- β HAR viewer improvements
- β Refreshing IPs/gIPs from LPM
- β UI improvements and additional tooltips
- π Fixed memory leaks
- β Improved performance
- π Fixed web access security issue
- π Fixed initializing web sockets
- π Fixed BW up and BW down in proxies list
- π Stopped logging small issues to the console
- π Fixed Test Affiliate redirections
- π Fixed installation script node version dependency
- π fixed city selection in targeting options
- π added handling TCP errors
- π fixed providing ASN manually
- β improved Timeline in logs: waterfall and other rules are visible
- β added taking screenshots in 'Test affiliate links'
- β¨ move logs to luminati_proxy_manager dir
- β changed SOCKS 5 port to be the same as main proxy port
- β removed hutil from dependency
- β added small cities for targeting
- β new feature in logs: select and resend
- β¨ new feature: Test affiliate links
- β added sending success rate info to
- π fixed memory leaks
- π fixed selecting Carrier in Targeting
- π fixed RegExp for url in Rules
- π fixed memory leaks
- β new database with locations and ASNs
- β removed option "direct_exclude"
- β recent statistics are synced with dashboard in control panel
- π fixed memory leak for waterfall
- π fix shasum for debian based systems
- β added global settings page
- π fixed countries list for global shared zones
- π fixed issue with PATH in sudo
- π fixed dialog on port conflict in electron app
- π no version in exe name (for resident tasks)
- β HAR viewer improvements
- π fixed npm downgrade issue
- π fixed build_tools installation on non-debian systems
- π fixed debug log info
- π fixed targeting for certain cities
- β¨ HAR viewer improvements
- β added support for HAR viewer in Firefox
- β added new HAR viewer
- π fixed setting max requests
- π Fixed memory leak introduced in latest versions
- β Added request_stats_limit flag to limit usage stats saved to sqite db (this will not affect ports with history: true)
- π fix saving RegExp in proxy configuration
- β¨ UI improvements
- β compability with broken config files
- π fix port conflicts on starting the process
- β improved performance of starting the process
- β¨ UI improvements
- β¨ UI improvements
- π bug fixes
- β¨ UI improvements
- π bug fixes
- β¨ new logs viewer
- π fixed bugs related to socks5
- π fixed reverse resolve bug
- β daemon mode improvements
- β¨ add external proxies support
- β¨ UI improvements
- β¨ install script improvements
- β improved logging
- β allow tcp requests to 43 (whois) via socks and connect (only on zones with special permission)
- π fixed proxy error handing and provide meaningful proxy errors
- π fixed socks connection establish error handling
- π fix https request to ip (will not be ssl analyzed)
- π fixed overload error on osx
- β¨ ui improvments
- β view response body in recent request log viewer
- β¨ stability fixes
- β¨ improved upgrading on windwos binary
- π allow google authentication token to be refreshed
- β¨ multiple performance improvements in request pipeline
- β¨ improved recent stats to show only user generated requests
- π socks5 to work with multiply ports
- π fixed recent stats bandwidth calculations
- β¨ added links to messages in notification center
- β added report a bug to easily get support
- β¨ optimization improvments for linux/mac
- β added banip api endpoint
- β¨ UI and bug fixing
- β¨ improved configuration tab and added download option
- β¨ UI and bug fixing
- β add min request time as rule trigger type
- β¨ improved multiply feature
- β adding HAR view for request history
- β¨ UI and bug fixing
- π fix crash when enabling history
- β¨ improved view of request history
- β¨ polishing UI elements
- β¨ improved bash installation script on Mac
- π fixed exe installer
- π proxy port with default zone
- β added 'carier' selector for mobile/residential
- β number of requests per port
- β bandwidth calculation per port
- π fixed socks5 for Firefox browser
- β¨ ui improvments
- β onboarding flow for easier setup
- β¨ multiple ui improvments
- β rule trigger 'max request time'
- β notification center
- π add subjectAltName on certificate generation
- β added proxy tester tool in main nav bar
- β¨ improved performance of edit and save proxies
- π fixed request authorization feature
- β add file log transport
- π fix google bypass on selective dc zones
- π fix whitelist IP to include localhost
- β¨ improvments in UI on proxies page and rules
- π fix multiply and duplicate port conflict
- π fix reserved session timeout
- β¨ peformance improvments and UI for proxies page
- β html body as a rule trigger
- β 'ban ip' as a rule action
- β 'reserved IP pool' as a rule action
- π fix session_duration 0 to disable session duration
- β 'waterfall' rule action to retry using different port
- β added password and port fields to edit page
- β instant proxy duplication
- π fix selection of boolean values in edit page
- β remove git dependency
- β reserved session
- β new edit page design structure
- β new add proxy modal design
- β add experimental cluster mode under '--cluster' flag in cmd
- β add race request option
- β add new rule action 'retry port'
- π fix selection of mobile peers
- β improve log performance
- β fix exe link on windows
- β added install script for Linux/MacOs installs
- β added option to create many ports from allocated ips
- β published to npm
- β added 'how to use' page
- β improved onboarding flow
- π fixed upagrade issue from previous version
- β new navbar layout
- β upgradable .exe version
- β improved ssl sniffing performance
- π bug fixes and ui improvments
- β added option to view vip IP pool
- β added option to select specific vip per port
- π fixed login bug
- π fixed debug log info
- β added new onboarding flow
- β added rotating User agent and cookies
- π fixed multiple bugs and UI issues
- β added export proxies list as CSV file
- π fixed x-lpm-session header
- β added dynamic presets
- β added timeout option to improve request performance
- π ui and bug fixing
- β added success rate counting
- π multiple ui and bug fixing
- π fixed city selector
- β improve proxy list ui
- β improve stats ui
- β improve quick-start wizard ui
- π fix rule editing in proxy form when rules are undefined
- π fix proxy form when rules are set
- π fix rule options not remembered in form
- β add reset rules button in proxy form
- β add rules form analytics
- π fix analytics for input fields
- π fix upgrade popup not firing in electron app
- β release status code rule
- π fix 1mb limit on proxy configuration size
- π fix broken save button in proxy form when rules present
- β add google analytics events on proxy edit modal
- β upgrade to new hutil version (fixes port handling in url globs)
- β allow setting rules per port
- β remove internal browser and show terminal with log in exe
- β add disable_color flag to disable colors in terminal
- β modify UI
- π fix logging bug
- β modify UI
- β add file logging
- β support custom urls for proxy status check
- π fix allocated ips
- π fix session handling with proxy-authorization header
- β add x-lpm-session header support
- π fix UI create proxy
- β added certificate setup instructions
- π fix typeerror when using rules
- β added back button in stats
- β windows binary file show dialog on port conflicts
- π fixed high memory usage on high number of concurrent requests
- β added reset stats button
- π fixed memory leak in stats
- π fix UI css
- β¨ add stats feature
- π fix google login
- π fix upgrade modal
- π fix allocated ips selection
- π fix login for renamed users
- β limit minimum values to numeric input fields
- β added support for ip whitelist on each port
- β added analytics events on buttons and proxies
- π fix reverse lookup for http
- β added firewall ports tester in tools
- π fix login problem for root users
- π fix --iface parameter to accept ip addresses as well as interface names
- π fix login for renamed customers
- β added "--timeout" parameter
- π fix login problem with some users
- β¨ speed and stability improvements
- β sessions are initialized on first request
- π fix keep default zone if enabled/available
- β¨ fix correct config proxy zones
- π fix memory leak
- π fix dropin proxy select available zone, static by default
- π fix saving configuration from UI
- π fix port conflicts crash
- β¨ stability improvements
- π fix "port": "auto" when no proxies are running
- π fix permission "asn" check
- β¨ stability improvements
- π fix high cpu usage after multple UI reloads
- β added "port": "auto" option support to POST /api/proxies - auto selects next available port
- β¨ fix manager crash on socks ECONNREFUSED ECONNRESET errors
- β¨ further reduce load on lumtest
- β¨ reduce rate of /cp/lum_local_conf requests
- β¨ reduce rate of lumtest requests
- β¨ reduce rate of proxy check_credentials requests
- π fix infinite requests when credentials are invalid
- β added --cookie, --no-cookie options
- π fix option to set Pool size from allocated IPs
- β added smart rules scripting for zero-fail-rate (alpha)
- π fixed Google account login
- π fixed fatal exception when zone has no passwords
- π fixed inability to make POST requests with ssl analyzing
- π resolved build failures on node v4
- β update default zone passwords from
- β¨ gather better stack traces during crashes
- π₯ force login when credentials are out of date
- β zone information is now always up-to-date with
- π whitelist, recent_ips, and stats no longer show empty lists
- π zone password changes no longer old passwords in config files
- π removed spurious SOCKS error when using dropin proxy
- π fixed errors encountered when giving password on the command line
- π fixed compile errors on Node versions < 6
- β made --dropin flag on by default
- β¨ apply proxy defaults late to avoid polluting configs with defaults
- π₯ report exception message when prereq check fails
- π avoid login error when customer=undefined
- π enable login to work correctly when using --no-config
- π ensure that proxies are correctly initialized in put/post
- π₯ remove inaccurate/confusing parameter reporting in UI
- β¨ slow down rate of requests to to reduce load
- π fixed issue with automating upgrading
- β made automatically saved config files shorter
- π removed login issues when using --password on the command line
- π fixed --dropin to work correctly when credentials given on command line
- β made handling of command-line arguments work reliably
- π fixed event listener leak
- π fixed usage of stringify in error reports
- β added additional analytics events
- β report location of config file during startup
- β¨ added analytics events for understanding crashes
- β¨ update API doc
- π fix API usage
- π fix startup on win
- β added feature to set pool from allocated IPs
- β added feature to save history in external DB
- π tests failed with Node 5
- π₯ move --resolve (manager level) to --reverse_lookup_file (proxy level)
- β¨ added --reverse_lookup_dns and --reverse_lookup_values options
- β¨ show allocated IPs for static plans
- β¨ update REST api docs
- β¨ improve app stability
- π SOCKS now works with sticky_ip
- β¨ use es6-shim
- β¨ use indexOf instead of include to support old browsers
- β¨ More correct usage message for docker users
- β¨ Add warning for proxy with history and no debug info
- π History now show all pages
- β¨ Improve presets description, and make it more clear
- β Show session info for single session proxies
- β Random single session now support refresh_sessions, max_requests & session_duration
- β¨ Improve app stability
- π Remove empty country from the UI
- π Allow editing of proxies with socks and multiply properly using dialog
- β¨ Add ability to dismiss upgrade (you can do upgrade from dropdown menu)
- π Explicit any country was not working properly
- π Add countries that have no cities/states into UI
- β¨ Warn when keep_alive value is outside effective range 0-60
- β¨ Added alert for SSL connection to IP URLs
- β¨ Handle 404 URLs
- π Allow setting max requests from the UI
- π Allow windows and other OS to handle the large CSV file properly
- π Fix bug in loading of countries to UI
- β¨ simplify handling of cities options in the UI
- π Handle city names with spaces properly
- π Treat zones with no plans proprly
- β¨ presets now show the values they set as disabled
- π₯ Clean up unused endpoint (/api/block)
- π Treat resolve false as no resolve file and not as auto resolve
- β¨ Support short_username for shorter credentials headers
- β¨ Improve db handling
- β¨ Remove unnecesary warnings
- β Improve proxy settings UI by presets
- β¨ show sticky sessions in the pool dialog
- β¨ Improve session editing (in form and inline)
- β Detect config errors when saving config from UI
- β¨ UI improvements
- β Allow defining multiple identical ports using the multiply property
- β¨ Link to FAX from inside the app
- π Obtain session info using protocol defined by --secure_proxy
- π Proxy field descriptions displayed wrong
- π Upgrade notification will display correctly
- β¨ proxy API prevent port conflicts when saving proxy
- π₯ API changes move POST /delete to DELETE /proxies
- π Upgrade message when no newer version is available
- β¨ Link to changelog in upgrade message
- β make keep_alive support single session
- β¨ get last version using cdn
- β¨ make --session visible in UI and CLI
- β sticky_ip sessions now support keep_alive, max_requests and session_duration
- β¨ proxy inline form will prevent port conflicts when saving proxy
- β FAQ now contain REST api documentation
- π drop in mode proxy use sticky_ip sessions and not pool sessions
- π do not show alerts for requests
- π avoid crashing when there is a new host for collecting stats
- β refresh_sessions for sequential pools will only refresh the used session, and not all
- β¨ Proxy settings dialog will prevent port conflicts when saving proxy
- π refresh_sessions now refresh sticky_ip sessions properly
- β¨ export history to CSV
- β Reintroducing direct_include/direct_exclude
- β¨ use pagination in proxies
- β¨ use pagination in pool
- β¨ show history details below instead of modal
- β support stopping a running daemon using --stop-daemon
- β¨ use pagination in history details
- β¨ Shuffle proxy hosts before using them, to spread traffic
- π Avoid checking proper installation of optional dependencies
- β Auto generate random seed for proxies, to avoid multiple instances share the same session
- β allow specifing seed for proxies to make them share the same IPs
- β¨ use autocomplete for 'city' field in inline edit
- π History can now be filtered by context
- β¨ use autocomplete for 'city' field in proxy edit form
- β¨ lock UI during upgrade
- β¨ use select for zone field in inline edit
- β¨ update tooltips
- π show working URL for admin in case iface is used
- π Maintain HTTP header order and casing
- β¨ move 'add' and 'duplicate' buttons on top of the table
- β¨ prevent memory leak warning for large pool_size
- β¨ prevent edit field if zone has no permissions for it
- β¨ improve layout of proxies table
- β¨ do not show not relevant errors
- β¨ register IP in zone whitelist during login
- π login/logout issues
- π fix cases with Google sign-in with non-configured proxies
- β¨ show proxy status details in next line
- β history now includes all requests made by proxy-manager for that proxy
- π₯
options have been removed; use--bypass_proxy
instead (was restored on version 0.9.33) - β¨ Use a drop-down to select the State/Province/Region in the proxies table, instead of free form text
- π fix bug in saving history setting in UI
- π fix request alerts on headers
- β¨ use HTML tooltip for proxy status icon
- β¨ show proxy status details in popup
- β add X-Hola-Context header, that will not be passed over outside the manager, but will be added to the response and history
- β¨ improve checks for proxy saving
- β¨ visual changes for proxies table
- π handle gracefully old data table that do not exists
- β¨ delete zones from local DB after logout
- β¨ improve tests
- β¨ visual changes for login screen
- π fix freezes of /proxies page
- β¨ improve upgrade process
- π fix upgrade for Windows
- π₯ remove experimental React version
- π close HTTPS connection after "Refresh session" clicked to allow software to connect to new residential IP
- π Maintain the letter casing of the header names
- β improve upgrade process
- π₯ Luminati Proxy Manager will now refuse to run on older versions of Node.js
- β¨ delete credentials from config after logout
- β¨ Allow installation for node 4 & 5 to allow upgrades to continue to work
- π₯ Dropping support for node 4 & 5, please upgrade to node 6 or above
- β¨ Use encoded creds instead of plain-text for Google OAuth login
- β¨ Move refresh and delete buttons to the top
- β¨ Update columns icon
- π Avoid crush if proxies have been deleted, while request comes in
- β¨ check proxy before saving to config file
- π₯ Force login in order to perform management operations through the UI
- π fix 25 null_response now filter by domain as well
- π delete proxies after logout
- β¨ Improved proxy edit form
- β¨ allow to select city w/o selected state
- π₯ delete credentials from config and stop proxies after log-out
- β Replace text inputs for city and state by comboboxes
- β¨ Hide irrelevant fields
- β Proxy status UI and API
- β¨ Separate "Default" and "Any" options for country
- β¨ Hide pool dialog for proxies that have no pool
- β¨ Improved proxy edit form
- β¨ Improved stability and reduces memory
- β¨ Improve email login
- β¨ Added warning on default zone change
- π₯ Remove statistics
- β¨ improve tests
- β¨ improve SSL load time
- β Google login to luminati
- π history bug fix
- β improved login message
- π₯ drop-in proxy was changed to be disabled by default, and enabled only by the dropin cli argument or config value
- π fix pool_size 0 behavior and load proxy bug
- π₯ you can now login with credentials
- π₯ Removed core-dump support, can still be used when installed on the machine independently
- π₯ Setting max_requests, keep_alive or session_duration no longer automatically enable pool behaviors, you have to explicitly specify pool_size
- β¨ Fixed laggy behavior of the proxies page when it has been open for a long time
- π bypass_proxy bug fix
- β max_requests now support range - where each session gets a random max_request value in the range
- β¨ UI now allow define ranges for session_duration
- π₯ Remove support for country specific super proxy (will use super proxy from any country if already configured for a specific country)
- π₯ Credential will be rechecked every hour and after every proxy modification
- β Support core dump on crush using optional dependency in core-dump - removed on v0.8.18
- π History bug fix
- β Settings page replaced with login flow
- π₯ Removed /api/status API
- β History can now be configured at the proxy level
- β¨ Warnings on saving proxy if there are any small issues with the settings
- β¨ IP resolution file is now to be edited from the tools tab
- β¨ Configuration file is now to be edited from the tools tab
- β cache super-proxy IPs between runs in local DB
- π₯ /api/create endpoint was removed, the same functionality can be done using a POST request to /api/proxies
- β¨ Improved tests
- π Fix SOCKS port handling in arguments and clone using UI
- π₯ The web UI can now be run in normal and guest modes as well as in root mode (default)
- β¨ Improved tests
- β¨ Improved proxy error message
- π Handle password that contain special characters properly
- β Column list in proxies overview is now configurable
- β Added warning when enabling history with not SSL analyzing
- β¨ Added history alert for IP urls
- β¨ Add uninstall/install instructions to node upgrade notice
- π Specifying --socks port will not longer create conflict on the drop-in proxy
- β Notify on Auto IP resolution and warn about missing IP resolution when using SOCKs (#18)
- β notification about recommended version of node (6+)
- π obtain proxy peer IP & country for https requests from headers
- π₯ secure_proxy can not be configured per proxy (like all other parameters) with command line giving advantage only over defaults settings
- β ssl analyzing can now be turned on/off individually for each proxy
- π Proxies with unavailable network interfaces no longer cause errors
- π Default values for binary options are now working correctly
- β User can now view IPs for accessing each proxy from outside of localhost
- β History backup archives are being removed after a month
- π Kilobyte is now counted as 1000 bytes instead of 1024
- β Request history archives can now be viewed along with the newer records
- π History no longer crushes in case requests completes come before history initiation is complete
- β Display and save the Proxy Peer IP in the history
- β Added bypass_proxy regexp for accessing assets directly
- β deamon mode using pm2
- β¨ Removed per-proxy local statistics to avoid discrepancies with the global statistics
- β Archived request logs can now be viewed via the UI
- β¨ Displaying extra arguments in --no-config mode only
- β IP resolution file can now be edited from within the UI
- π "Delaying pool for 10 seconds" messages were shown even when the problem had been already resolved as well as after the application had been terminated
- π Session info was not displayed
- β iOS certificate instructions in the FAQ
- π Empty proxy settings are no longer stored in the configuration file
- β¨ Moving the allow_proxy_auth from performance to IP policy
- β¨ Improve debug log
- π Credentials UI now works when using --no-config
- π π₯ Socks interface now listen only on selected interface
- π Do not initiate and use more sessions then pool_size if refresh is hit multiple times
- β Logs now contain timestamp information
- π Semiautomatic upgrade fixed for Windows
- β Default zone can now be changed
- π Proxies info is now correctly updated on credentials change
- β The application can now be updated semiautomatically via the UI
- β Quick start wizard for beginner users
- β Statistics on sessions from IP pool are now available
- π Various minor bugs fixed
- β Quicker credentials check
- β IP pool for a given local proxy can now be viewed
- β FAQ section added
- β Sessions can now be refreshed from the UI/Rest without removing or changing proxy settings
- π Restarting is fixed under Windows
- β Graceful shutdown from the UI and automatic restart on configuration change
- β Configuration can be edited from within the UI
- β UI Preselect available port for new proxy
- β nodejs API now does not have to be bound to a specific port
- β History now stores body of each request
- β Requests from history can now be modified and replayed
- β Resettable statistics on local proxies
- β Allow SSL connections/analyzing to insecure domains
- π do not parse password as numbers even if format fit
- β PhantomJS is now an optional dependency
- β Major changes to the UI
- β Adding
support that keeps unused pool sessions alive
- π₯ session_timeout was replaced by session_init_timeout, and its usints have been changed from milliseconds to seconds
- π₯ SOCKS Interface can now be configured using UI and config files for each proxy
- π₯ NodeJS api has changed its require method: from
- π₯ Null response for HTTPS connect requests return error code 501
- π₯ Drop-in mode is now on by default
- π₯ The rest api
parameter was replaced byidle_timeout
- π₯ The cli & config parameter
was replaced by therequest_timeout
- π₯ Default proxy port was changed from
- β additional features
- β¨ improvements
- π bug fixes
- π₯ breaking changes