Releases: Viglino/ol-ext
Releases · Viglino/ol-ext
- Collapse on search #561
- bug SelectCluster using circles #557
- bug using last version #551
- title harmonization #549 #550
- Multigeometry on legends #548
- Add new Canvas ans SVG filters
- Bug on key events #545
- Bug overlays on perspective maps
- Tilt on perspective maps #544
- add TouchCursor interaction to use on mobile touche devices
- add SketOverlay layer
- add Voronoi calculation
- add pointAtTime and showAtTime on profile #526
- bug on synchronize #517
- add WMSCapabilities control
- add FlowLine arrows
- add iFrame API to handle a map in an iFrame
- bug on Swipe #515, #518
- Add arrows on FlowLine style
- Bug on GeolocationBar filter
- Bug on Swipe control when decluttering #515
- Bug on legend control #508
- Add Profile.poitAtTime()
- Get cluster extent from API #505
- Shadow style doesn't use pixelratio #489
- Permalink bug (refresh on Vector change)
- Fix legend in IE11 (#508)
- Add PointAtTime and ShowAt on Profil
- Bug on GeoRSS format (#500)
- Endless loop in Search #482
- bug on map.animateFeature #464
- offset on style/Photo #472
- import typo #475
- ADD GPS track simulation to ol/interaction/GeolocationDraw
- ADD minZoom and immediate recenter button on ol/control/GeolocationBar
- ADD default Style
- DOC hint detection with FlowLine #420
- BUG AnimationPath when map is rotated
New Blink animation
Update Geoportail source/layer
Bug on SearchGeoportail when malformed responses
- bugs on canvas operation (clip, swipe, etc.) with olv6 (use inversePixelTransform)
- add layerGroup to the layerSwitcher
- minor bugs
- Bug on ol/interactio/Transform when map is rotated #393
- enhance ol/control/TimeLine #406 #355
- bug fix on ol/filter rotation #408
- add layerGroup options to ol/control.LayerSwitcher
- add ol/Overlay/animatedCanvas and ol/particule