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df6722d · Sep 22, 2023




How to install demos out of their integrated components

The UD-SV web based online demos regroup a set of specific demos that illustrate various visualizations/applications on top city related data. Each such demo is achieved by integrating some ad-hoc subset of free and open available software components (refer to the architecture).

The following documentation considers each specific demo and for each one explains

  • which required components should be installed: don't install all the components but stick to the SUBSET required for the demo you are trying to replicate (taken among all the available components)
  • how to install such components and
  • how to assemble/integrate such components in order to obtain a fully functionnal demo

Once your chosen demo is installed feel free to experiment with it, extend it and/or customize it to suit your needs.

Installing demos

UD-Viz-demo (just the front end)

UD-Viz-demo (front end) together with UD-Serv/API_Enhanced_City (back-end)

Computing 3DTiles temporal tilesets and web visualize them:

installation notes

How to install (document) Enhanced City demo

Installing components