YubiKitDemo application provides demos for most of the functionality of the YubiKey 5Ci and NFC-Enabled YubiKeys. To successfully use this application, you need to be in possession of one of these keys.
Here's a breakdown of the demo functions:
The FIDO2 tab is a demo for FIDO2/CTAP2. Press Register on the top and follow the steps to register a test account with basic authentication + YubiKey as 2nd form of authentication (2FA). After registering, try to authenticate with the same basic auth credentials and YubiKey as 2FA by selecting the Authenticate tab. In both cases the application will ask to insert the YubiKey to perform the FIDO2 operations as 2FA to basic auth (username + password).
The OTP tab is a demo for scanning an OTP over NFC or reading an OTP from a YubiKey 5Ci. To read an OTP press the Read button. The application will ask how to read the OTP. When selecting Scan my key the application needs a YubiKey with NFC support (YubiKey NEO or YubiKey 5 NFC) to read an OTP from it. Scan the NFC-Enabled key when the NFC scan action sheet is presented. When selecting Plug my key the demo application will read an OTP from a YubiKey 5Ci plugged into the Lightning connector.
The QR tab is a demo for the built-in QR code reader from YubiKit. Press scan to scan a QR code with YubiKit.
The Other tab is a collection of small or more concise demos (like the demos for the RawCommand service and the PC/SC like interface). This section also offers self-contained FIDO demos for both FIDO2 and FIDO U2F.
- Clone this repo from Mac Terminal
$ git clone https://github.com/Yubico/yubikit-ios.git
- Launch the project in Xcode (11+)
$ cd YubiKitDemo
$ open YubiKitDemo.xcodeproj
- Build and Run the YubiKitDemo on a real device