Even if Flutter bundles its own Dart it's better to first try ClojureDart alone first.
ClojureDart needs at least Java 8.
It's a tad laborious as you have to install dependencies.
If you already have the clj
command installed make sure to upgrade to at least the This release allows to easily use private git deps.
Creates a directory for the project with the following deps.edn:
mkdir hello
cd hello
cat << EOF > deps.edn
{:paths ["src"] ; where your cljd files are
:deps {tensegritics/clojuredart
{:git/url "https://github.com/tensegritics/ClojureDart.git"
:sha "1d26407274094ae043a9f89d26940cb6f23c5682"}}
:aliases {:cljd {:main-opts ["-m" "cljd.build"]}}
:cljd/opts {:kind :flutter
:main acme.main}}
is the root namespace of the project where the main
function is defined.
(To update an existing project to the latest ClojureDart, just do clj -M:cljd upgrade
clj -M:cljd init
First create a directory where clojure files live
mkdir -p src/acme
cat << EOF > src/acme/main.cljd
(ns acme.main
(:require ["package:flutter/material.dart" :as m]
[cljd.flutter :as f]))
(defn main []
.title "Welcome to Flutter"
.theme (m/ThemeData .primarySwatch m.Colors/pink))
.appBar (m/AppBar
.title (m/Text "Welcome to ClojureDart")))
(m/Text "Let's get coding!"
.style (m/TextStyle
.color m.Colors/red
.fontSize 32.0))))
Install XCode if you don't have it yet. Starts it once to accept licenses.
In another terminal:
open -a Simulator
You can either use Android Studio or Genymotion.
Download Android Studio from https://developer.android.com/studio
💡 There's currently a small incompatibility between the latest Studio (Eels) and Flutter: Android Studio renamed the directory containing its JRE from jre
to jbr
. Go to where Android Studio is installed (eg for a typical MacOS install: /Applications/Android Studio.app/Contents/
) and do ln -s jbr jre
(you may need to sudo
this command).
Now run flutter doctor
. Android Studio shoud be fully green. Good job! However you still certainly have a warning about using a command-line tool name sdkmanager
to install other command line tools. Something like this.
✗ cmdline-tools component is missing
Run path/to/sdkmanager --install "cmdline-tools;latest"
See https://developer.android.com/studio/command-line for more details.
The trick is that the SDK manager is a GUI in Android Studio:
Once everything is downloaded, run flutter doctor
again, it will instruct you on how to accept licenses.
Now we are almost done, we only have to create the virtual device. This is done in Android Studio Virtual Device Manager which can be found from a buried on the welcome dialogs (plural):
Once in the device manager, you pick the device and then an Android version and you'll get your virtual device listed:
Now, flutter emulators
2 available emulators:
apple_ios_simulator • iOS Simulator • Apple • ios
Pixel_5_API_33 • Pixel 5 API 33 • Google • android`
And flutter emulators --launch Pixel_5_API_33
will start the emulator (maybe asking for some OS permissions the first time)!
Please follow those guidelines to install and setup Genymotion.
Configure the SDK within Genymotion (
Genymotion > Preferences > ADB > Use custom Android SDK tools
) then use the path/$HOME/Android/sdk
(default location after installing Android Studio)- Create a new device within Genymotion
In Android Studio
Select Tools > SDK Manager > Plugins > Genymotion
, and restart Android Studio- Then, select
Files > Settings
- On the sidebar, select
Tools > Genymotion plugin
- Select the path to your Genymotion folder
within your flutter project, run
flutter devices
: Genymotion should appear among connected devices. (make sure your genymotion device is still on)
clj -M:cljd flutter
When you edit your cljd file, the watcher recompiles cljd files and, on success, hot reloads the application. Sometimes the application may not pick up your change so hit the return key to get the watcher to restart the application.