Releases: TeamAmaze/AmazeFileManager
Releases · TeamAmaze/AmazeFileManager
- Advanced files selection support (select inverse / type / date / similar items)
- Stat listing fails and fallback to ls fails when rooted
- Issues with android tv overscan on v3.6.2
- Root file listing parsing issue
- Sort Apps by User and System Apps in app manager
- Crash when amaze cloud plugin is installed and migrate from v3.6.1 to v3.6.2
- Minor Updates to Dialogs
- Implement DocumentFile mode of HybridFile
- CI always fails for external contributors
- Adhere to Google drive branding guidelines
- Fix unsafe unboxing for sftp execute()
- null Boolean in HybridFile
- MainActivity should handle view intents of compressed archives
- Mediastore not updated when files are saved using 'send to'
- Update history icon color
- NPE when clicking properties on directory in SFTP mount
- Small fixes to TabFragment
- Fix printStackTrace and convert files to kt
- Remove studio mode
- NPE when clicking on popup items after triggering system split screen
- Migration crash when updating database
- Check for empty archive and toast user
- Crash on drag event in adapter
- Trying to open navigation drawer using swipe gesture for devices with back gesture on sides
- Share option should be visible for cloud files
- Running tests seems to have broken
- Failure at publishing test case coverage report to codacy
- Hide file feature not working
- Zip from multilevel folder created on Amaze are buggy on Windows 10
- Few layout issues on android tv
- Null RecyclerAdapter
- Complation error on ktx-core
- App crashes when extracting an empty compressed file
- Crash on extract RAR on Android 6.0
- StringIndexOutOfBoundsException on opening compressed file
- Crash when extract .tar.gz file
- Updated icon color for shortcuts
- FTP MLSD command failed
- Gridview image placeholder loading circular icons
- Shortcut icons not recognisable
- New file dialog allows spaces at the end and beginning
- FTP server on stock install is not usable
- Fix ExternalSdCardOperation.getDocumentFile()
- Exit on AppsListFragment should exit app
- Add handling for in AppsListFragment
- Exit menu item at Apps Manager is not responding
- Leak found from App Manager back to file list
- Runs have logs that are too long
- DataUtils.menuMetadataMap leaks MenuItemImpl via value
- DataUtils.menuMetadataMap leaks MenuItemImpl via key
- DataUtils$DataUtilsHolder leaks MainActivity when opening Settings
- Sort button at App Manager is not responding
- Fix Apps list sort button and correct rebase mistakes at FtpService related classes
- Update to Kt 1.5
- Added App Name & Package to error reports
- Scrolling up in "open with" app selection bottom sheet is very difficult
- NPE while extracting zip file
- NPE on ftp setting
- Auto Capitalization & Request Focus while creating new file or folder
- NPE inZipHelperTask: Null file
- Remove "Folder to create zips" configuration
- Indicator leaks DisablableViewPager
- LinearLayout leaked at MainActivity
- NPE on SearchAsyncTask: null MainFragment
- Fix SftpConnectDialog::onCreateDialog very long method
- Support extracting APKS
- NPE on MainActivity: null String on checkForExternalIntent
- NPE on FileUtil::mktextfile : null OutputStreamWriter
Merge pull request #2130 from TeamAmaze/bugfix/2113 Bugfix/2113
Merge pull request #2095 from TeamAmaze/bugfix/2087 Bugfix/2087
- Tab find database query fails and loads home directory sometimes
- Crash on trying to persist drawer selected item
- Few minor changes related to About Amaze screen
- Opening Amaze doesn't restore the last opened path on either tabs
- Unable to open files when folder has too much content
- Ringtone picker isn't working on Samsung / Android 9
- Cut/paste operation from SMB to device fails to delete source file
- SSH move/back navigation fixes
- Bump version to 3.5.0 Beta 2
- Navigation drawer doesn't preserve selected item on orientation change
- Search Result Title disappears after screen rotation
- Unable to save file under /system from TextEditorActivity
- Fix screen rotation problem after PR #1947 applied
- OTG storage not visible in Amaze on Android >= N
- Fix broken symlinks on SSH server causing incomplete file listings
- White screen at Amaze startup, even when dark theme is selected
- Copy and paste on remote server crashes Amaze
- Crash on display of properties dialog in landscape
- Change internal storage name on Android N +
- FAB button is visible when screen is rotated in FtpServerFragment
- seems good ^^ minor improvement would be to make the purple "paste" text brighter or white and bold or something else to improve visibility in a dark environment such as this :3
- Crash on switching from FTPServer and back to internal storage
- Crash on device rotation
- Crash on double tap to open Amaze from system launcher app drawer
- FTP server cannot be used without WiFi, and there is no prompt
- After giving storage permission normally, rotating the screen and clicking the back button will cause you to be unable to use amazefilemanager normally
- Documents shortcut does not show any files
- 1796/1689 : Fix cut operation when nested paster present / source not present
- Add declaration of cache folder for FileProvider
- For more security spongycastle -> bouncycastle