Releases: TES3MP/TES3MP
TES3MP VR 0.8.1
The first ever playable release of TES3MP VR, the result of combining TES3MP and OpenMW VR. Given that TES3MP 0.8.x is based on OpenMW 0.47, the last OpenMW VR codebase that was also based on OpenMW 0.47 was used as the foundation for the merger.
The VR client build provided here also contains TES3MP VR commits up to the 6th of May as hotfixes.
Please note: The server and the non-VR client are found in the regular 0.8.1 release at
TES3MP 0.8.1
- Allow GameSettings packet to override clientside VR settings
- Include projectile origins in packets for attacking and casting, necessary for VR compatibility
This version uses OpenMW 0.47 as a foundation.
TES3MP 0.8.0
- Synchronization of custom records for interior cells, allowing for on-the-fly creation of entirely new interiors or ones based on existing interiors
- Synchronization of custom records for clientside scripts, allowing for on-the-fly creation or overriding of MWScripts
- Synchronization of custom records for containers, doors, activators, statics, ingredients, apparatuses, lockpicks, probes, repair tools, lights, body parts, sounds and record-based game settings
- Synchronization of clientside local variables based on which clientside scripts are set to be synchronized by the server
- Synchronization of clientside global variables based on rules defined for each one in the server scripts, with the possibility of also creating new clientside globals on-the-fly
- Synchronization of active spell effects for players and actors that no longer relies on players witnessing the spellcasting associated with the effects
- Synchronization of death animations for players and actors
- Synchronization of merchant inventories and gold pools
- Synchronization of environmental sounds made by players, e.g. when picking up or dropping items, when opening or closing chests and doors
- Synchronization of plant harvesting from herbalism mods
- Reworked attack synchronization with more precision, fixing skipped attacks for creatures with fast attack animations and making melee attack animations not depend on the direction a player or actor is moving in on the current client
- Reworked spellcasting synchronization, fixing improper failed spellcasting for actors with fast casting animations and reducing desyncs by not tying spellcasting for non-local actors and players to their animations on the current client
- Reworked equipment synchronization for players with less spammy packets
- Packet for resetting interior and exterior cells on-the-fly
- Packet for setting players as allies so they don't break each other's stealth and so their companions don't fight back when attacked by mistake
- Packet for overriding cell destinations, useful for moving players to instances of interiors instead of regular interiors
- Packet for tracking hits received by objects
- Packet for tracking dialogue choices selected by players
- Packet for tracking the cooldowns of powers used by players
- Allow GameSettings packet to override clientside game settings
- Allow custom records to override AI services for NPCs, alarm and flee values for NPCs and creatures, as well as scales, blood types, soul values and attack damage for creatures
- Fix freezes related to having too many players in a single interior cell
- Fix packet spam from some situations where actors start fights with players during dialogue
- Fix ObjectActivate packets not being sent when picking up items from inventory screen
- Fix ObjectDelete packets not being sent when non-container items are purchased from merchants who own them
- Fix PlayerItemUse packets not being sent when using quick keys
- Fix ConsoleCommand packets being ignored when sent by the server without a cell being associated with them
- Fix desyncs caused by late-arriving ActorAuthority packets by sending the packets to everyone on the server instead of only the players who have the associated cell loaded
- Fix indexes used when synchronizing the unassigning of quick keys
- Fix stealing being ignored when using Take All on owned containers
- Fix guards ignoring fights between players and other guards
- Prevent players from attacking while in persuasion dialogues with NPCs
- Prevent players from sending DoorState packets when not logged in
- Prevent NPCs from saying their dying words if they have been loaded up as dead from the server
- Prevent players and actors from playing their equipping sounds when they are first encountered
- Alleviate actor-related desyncs by not ignoring an entire packet when one of the actors referenced in it cannot be found
- Track kills caused through spell effects that do damage over time
- Track uses of the console by players
- Add serverside script functions for saving the identities of summoners
- Implement hashing for player passwords
This version uses OpenMW 0.47 as a foundation.
Note: the builds provided contains commits up to the 26th of April as hotfixes.
TES3MP 0.7-alpha
- Synchronization of custom records for spells, potions, enchantments, creatures, NPCs, armor, books, clothing, miscellaneous items and weapons
- Synchronization of weather
- Synchronization of world map exploration
- Synchronization of spells cast through items
- Synchronization of player reputations
- Reworked attack synchronization now accounts for "cast on strike" enchantments, knockdowns and projectile speeds
- Reworked container synchronization that relies on server approval of every container change
- Reworked object synchronization that relies on server approval of every action on objects and tracks whether actions originated from regular gameplay, the console or from ingame scripts
- Reworked time synchronization that preserves ingame date and does not allow for any unilateral clientside time changes
- Reworked summoning synchronization that prevents duplicate summons and retains summon durations
- Reworked inventory, equipment, attribute, skill and dynamic stat packets that are sent more often while containing minimal instead of maximal data
- Packet for activation of objects
- Packet for using items in inventory
- Packet for actor AI
- Packet for actor deaths, used to track their killers
- Packet for overriding collision on objects
- Packet for setting momentum of players
- Packet for saving and loading marked locations and selected spells
- Player scales and disguises as creatures are now included in shapeshift packets
- Soulgem souls are now included in item and object placement packets
- Physics framerate caps and enforced log levels are now included in game settings packets
- Journal entry timestamps are now included in journal packets
- The value of the OnPCDrop variable for player-placed objects is now preserved by being included in object placement packets
- Video play packets no longer have hardcoded synchronization
- Death packets now include clear information about the killers, and deaths through spells are no longer treated as suicides
- Inventory packets no longer include bound items, preventing them from becoming persistent upon quitting
- Fix broken check in equipment synchronization that was preventing throwing weapon synchronization from working
- Fix rare inability to start up game caused by use of potentially invalid pointer for storing cell unloads
- Death as a werewolf now removes status as known werewolf, to prevent infinite aggression from NPCs
- Death as a criminal now prevents witnesses to previous crimes from continuing combat
- Players are now kicked from the server when failing to reply to its handshake
- Players can no longer open up their rest menu before logging in
- NPC followers now follow players correctly from interiors to exteriors and vice versa, and are able to follow non-authority players
- NPCs can now start combat through dialogue with non-authority players
- The console window now displays the unique index of a selected object
Note: The Windows and Linux builds include commits up to the 20th of May 2019, with C++ hotfixes for combat sync, packet spam, the equipping of enchanted items, the placement of items in full containers, the handling of soulgems, the tracking of kills done through magic, the synchronization of spell scroll usage and various client and server crashes, as well as Lua script hotfixes for player data loss, the duplication of enchanted items, the inability to save cell data for cells containing non-ASCII characters in their names, the correct removal of inventory items from the server data, and some server crashes.
The macOS build includes commits up to the 31st of January.
TES3MP 0.6.2
- Packet for quick keys
- Packet for player sounds
- Packet for player animations
- Packet for console commands
- Enchantment charge values are now included in item and object placement packets
- Settings packet can now be used to separately enable or disable resting in beds, resting in the wilderness and waiting
- Changes in attribute and skill modifiers now send their respective packets
- Attribute and skill packets using 0 as a modifier can now remove all attribute or skill fortification effects from a player
- Completion of vendor trades and skill training now sends inventory packets
- Item drag and dropping is now finished when arrested or when moved to another cell by the server
- Window minimization no longer pauses the game
- Actor speech captions are now searched for in dialogues instead of being sent in packets
Note: The "hotfixed" releases include C++ hotfixes up to the 27th of January that have resolved additional problems, as well as all additional changes made to the 0.6.2 branch of the Lua scripts after that date.
TES3MP 0.6.1
- Record player positions before their last cell change
- Remove inertia from players who are teleported via a packet
- Fix data loss caused by server packets attempting to add invalid items, spells and quests
- Fix client crashes caused by items with state disabling scripts, as well as their side effects of making players disappear to others
- Fix server crashes caused by improper interior initialization when exterior 0, 0 is loaded
- Fix server freezes caused by infinite topic packet spam from local scripts
- Fix spell casting probability synchronization
- Prevent players from using excessively long names
Significant improvements made to the Lua scripts are not included in this changelog because they are technically a separate project.
Note: The Windows release includes hotfixes up to the 4th of September which have resolved additional problems, plus a server crash fix from the 10th of October, an extra Lua config option for topic sharing from the 23rd of October and a Lua library addition allowing players to use Unicode characters in their names from the 12th of November.
TES3MP 0.6.0
- Synchronization of NPC & creature positions, stats, equipment, speech, attacks, spells & animations
- Reworked server browser with major stability fixes and additional information about servers
- Synchronization of client & server plugins (non-automated)
- Synchronization of leveled & summoned creature spawns
- Synchronization of rotation animations
- Synchronization of journal entries
- Synchronization of faction ranks, reputation and expulsion states
- Synchronization of dialogue topics
- Synchronization of kill counts checked in quest progression
- Synchronization of trap states
- Synchronization of object states (i.e. whether they are enabled or disabled)
- Synchronization of player werewolf states
- Synchronization of time of day
- Saving & loading of read skill books
- Fix to messagebox buttons for client scripts
- Fix to synchronization of object locking/unlocking
- Packet for jailing players
- Packet for setting the difficulty for each player
- Bandwidth optimization for all packet types
- Various fixes to client & server crashes
Note: The Windows release includes hotfixes up to the 23rd of August, which have resolved client, server and server browser crashes.
TES3MP 0.5.1
- Fixes to server crashes caused by incorrect cell comparison added by bandwidth optimization changes
- Fixes to server browser freezes caused by connection failures and incomplete data received from master server
TES3MP 0.5.0
- Server browser
- MasterClient class for allowing the server to respond to server browser requests
- Synchronization of containers
- Reworked world packets allowing for multiple WorldObjects with multiple ContainerItems each
- Script functions for getting and setting WorldObject and ContainerItem data
- Bandwidth optimization by forwarding the most frequent player packets only to other players in the same loaded cells
TES3MP 0.4.1
- Complete implement of spellbook