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Life-Cycle Process Models for SwolfPy (swolfpy_processmodels)

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  • Life-cycle process models for solid waste management (SWM) processes.
  • Built-in Monte Carlo simulation
Life-cycle process models
  Process model Description
1 Landfill (LF) Calculates emissions, material use, and energy use associated with construction, operations, closure and post-closure activities, landfill gas and leachate management, and carbon storage.
2 Waste-to-Energy (WTE) Calculates emissions, mass flows, and resource use and recovery for the mass burn WTE process.
3 Gasification & Syngas Combustion (GC) Calculates emissions, mass flows, and resource use and recovery for the GC process (Produced syngas from gasification is combusted to produce electricity by steam turbine).
4 Composting (Comp) Calculates emissions, mass flows, and resource use and recovery for aerobic composting process and final use of compost.
5 Home Composting (HC) Calculates emissions, mass flows, and resource use and recovery for home composting process and final use of compost.
6 Anaerobic Digestion (AD) Calculates emissions, mass flows, and resource use and recovery for anaerobic digestion process and final use of compost.
7 Single-Stream Material Recovery facility (SS_MRF) Calculates cost, emissions, and energy use associated with material recovery facilities.
8 Refuse-Derived Fuel (RDF) Calculates cost, emissions, and energy use associated with RDF production facilities.
9 Reprocessing (Reproc) Calculates emissions, mass flows, and resource use and recovery associated with recycling materials.
10 Transfer Station (TS) Calculates cost, emissions, and energy use associated with Transfer Stations.
11 Single Family Collection (SF_Col) Calculates cost, emissions, and fossil fuel use associated with MSW collection from single family sector.
12 Multi Family Collection (MF_Col) Calculates cost, emissions, and fossil fuel use associated with MSW collection from multi-family sector.
13 Commercial Collection (COM_Col) Calculates cost, emissions, and fossil fuel use associated with MSW collection from commercial sector.
14 Animal Feed (AnF) Calculates cost, emissions, and energy use associated with conversion of food waste to animal feed and final use of produced feed.


1- Download and install miniconda from:

2- Update conda in a terminal window or anaconda prompt:

conda update conda

3- Create a new environment for swolfpy:

conda create --name swolfpy python=3.9

4- Activate the environment:

conda activate swolfpy

5- Install swolfpy_processmodels in the environment:

pip install swolfpy_processmodels

6- Use in python (e.g., Landfill model):

import swolfpy_processmodels as sppm
model = sppm.LF()
LCI_report =