Assuming you have Homebrew installed.
brew install perl
brew link --force libxml2
cpan -I HTML::TableExtract
cpan -I LWP::UserAgent
cpan -I CGI
cpan -I Alien::RRDTool
brew unlink libxml2
Update the cable-modem
and cablegraph
to use /usr/local/bin/perl
instead of /usr/bin/perl
Create /var/db/cable and give write access (chmod / chown)
Create cron job:
export EDITOR=nano
crontab -e
*/5 * * * * zsh -c /Users/user/Desktop/dg1670-scrape/cgi-bin/cable-modem
Move files to cgi-bin or htbin directory and run:
python -m CGIHTTPServer 8000