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File metadata and controls

244 lines (164 loc) · 8.08 KB

API Reference


Return the index page.

GET /<name>[.<ext>] or /<name>/<filename>[.<ext>]

Fetch the paste with name <name>. By default, it will return the raw content of the paste.

The Content-Type header is set to text/plain;charset=UTF-8. If <ext> is given, the worker will infer mime-type from <ext> and change Content-Type. This method accepts the following query string parameters:

The Content-Disposition header is set to inline by default. But can be overriden by ?a query string. If the paste is uploaded with filename, or <filename> is set in given request URL, Content-Disposition is appended with filename* indicating the filename (with <ext> if it exists).

  • ?a=: optional. Set Content-Disposition to attachment if present.

  • ?lang=<lang>: optional. Returns a web page with syntax highlight powered by prism.js.

  • ?mime=<mime>: optional. Specify the mime-type, suppressing the effect of <ext>. No effect if lang is specified (in which case the mime-type is always text/html).

Examples: GET /abcd?lang=js, GET /abcd?mime=application/json.

If error occurs, the worker returns status code different from 200:

  • 404: the paste of given name is not found.
  • 500: unexpected exception. You may report this to the author to give it a fix.

Usage example:

$ curl

$ curl | feh -

$ firefox ''

$ curl '' -w '%{content_type}' -o /dev/null -sS

GET /<name>:<passwd>

Return the web page to edit the paste of name <name> and password <passwd>.

If error occurs, the worker returns status code different from 200:

  • 404: the paste of given name is not found.
  • 500: unexpected exception. You may report this to the author to give it a fix.

GET /u/<name>

Redirect to the URL recorded in the paste of name <name>.

If error occurs, the worker returns status code different from 302:

  • 404: the paste of given name is not found.
  • 500: unexpected exception. You may report this to the author to give it a fix.

Usage example:

$ firefox

$ curl -L

GET /a/<name>

Return the HTML converted from the markdown file stored in the paste of name <name>. The markdown conversion follows GitHub Flavored Markdown (GFM) Spec, supported by remark-gfm.

Syntax highlighting is supported by prims.js. LaTeX mathematics is supported by MathJax.

If error occurs, the worker returns status code different from 200:

  • 404: the paste of given name is not found.
  • 500: unexpected exception. You may report this to the author to give it a fix.

Usage example:

# Header 1
This is the content of ``

alert("Script should be removed")

## Header 2

| abc | defghi |
:-: | -----------:
bar | baz

**Bold**, `Monospace`, *Italics*, ~~Strikethrough~~, [URL](

- A
 - A1
 - A2
- B


1. first
2. second

> Quotation

\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} e^{-x^2} = \sqrt{\pi}
$ curl [email protected] -Fn=test-md

$ firefox


Upload your paste. It accept parameters in form-data:

  • c: mandatory. The content of your paste, text of binary. It should be no larger than 10 MB. The filename in its Content-Disposition will be present when fetching the paste.

  • e: optional. The expiration time of the paste. After this period of time, the paste is permanently deleted. It should be an integer or a float point number suffixed with an optional unit (seconds by default). Supported units: s (seconds), m (minutes), h (hours), d (days), M (months). For example, 360.24 means 360.25 seconds; 25d is interpreted as 25 days. It should be no smaller than 60 seconds due to the limitation of Cloudflare KV storage.

  • s: optional. The password which allows you to modify and delete the paste. If not specified, the worker will generate a random string as password.

  • n: optional. The customized name of your paste. If not specified, the worker will generate a random string (4 characters by default) as the name. You need to prefix the name with ~ when fetching the paste of customized name. The name is at least 3 characters long, consisting of alphabet, digits and characters in +_-[]*$=@,;/.

  • p: optional. The flag of private mode. If specified to any value, the name of the paste is as long as 24 characters. No effect if n is used.

POST method returns a JSON string by default, if no error occurs, for example:

    "url": "",
    "admin": "",
    "expire": 100,
    "isPrivate": false

Explanation of the fields:

  • url: String. The URL to fetch the paste. When using a customized name, it looks like https//
  • suggestUrl: String or null. The URL that may carry filename or URL redirection.
  • admin: String. The URL to update and delete the paste, which is url suffixed by ~ and the password.
  • expire: String or null. The expiration seconds.
  • isPrivate: Bool. Whether the paste is in private mode.

If error occurs, the worker returns status code different from 200:

  • 400: your request is in bad format.
  • 409: the name is already used.
  • 413: the content is too large.
  • 500: unexpected exception. You may report this to the author to give it a fix.

Usage example:

$ curl -Fc="kawaii" -Fe=300 -Fn=hitagi  # uploading some text
  "url": "",
  "admin": "",
  "isPrivate": false,
  "expire": 300

$ curl [email protected] -Fn=panty -Fs=12345678   # uploading a file
  "url": "",
  "admin": "",
  "isPrivate": false

# because `curl` takes some characters as filed separator, the fields should be
# quoted by double-quotes if the field contains semicolon or comma
$ curl [email protected] -Fn='"hi/hello;g,ood"' -Fs=12345678
  "url": ";g,ood",
  "admin": ";g,ood:QJhMKh5WR6z36QRAAn5Q5GZh",
  "isPrivate": false

PUT /<name>:<passwd>

Update you paste of the name <name> and password <passwd>. It accept the parameters in form-data:

  • c: mandatory. Same as POST method.
  • e: optional. Same as POST method. Note that the deletion time is now recalculated.
  • s: optional. Same as POST method.

The returning of PUT method is the same as POST method.

If error occurs, the worker returns status code different from 200:

  • 400: your request is in bad format.
  • 403: your password is not correct.
  • 404: the paste of given name is not found.
  • 413: the content is too large.
  • 500: unexpected exception. You may report this to the author to give it a fix.

Usage example:

$ curl -X PUT -Fc="kawaii~" -Fe=500
  "url": "",
  "admin": "",
  "isPrivate": false,
  "expire": 500

$ curl -X PUT -Fc="kawaii~"
  "url": "",
  "admin": "",
  "isPrivate": false

DELETE /<name>:<passwd>

Delete the paste of name <name> and password <passwd>. It may take seconds to synchronize the deletion globally.

If error occurs, the worker returns status code different from 200:

  • 403: your password is not correct.
  • 404: the paste of given name is not found.
  • 500: unexpected exception. You may report this to the author to give it a fix.

Usage example:

$ curl -X DELETE
the paste will be deleted in seconds

$ curl
not found