These files are infrastructure that support the rest of the project, but aren't strictly speaking part of the shipped code.
This is a standard prolog file that can be used to initialize the prolog environment. in out case this means loading all the regexc modules.
This file is run by the doc_server
target in the Makefile.
These files are all modules that contain the logic of regexc.
This is where the grammer for relating regular expressions to Abstract syntax trees lives. This module exports a string_ast relation and a couple other utilities for deal with ASTs.
This module has the support utilities for the interface to call regex_ast. That includes predicates for printing errors, handling a list of regular expressions, and combining the results of parsing them.
This module deals with NFAs and DFAs. It also exports the routine for converting ASTs into NFAs.
Input for the transitions in statemachines are stored as character ranges. This module contains predicates relating to ranges.
This module contains some generic helper functions.
This contains the optparse application as well as the main entry point for the regexc distributable. This file should problably get broken up for testability.