Writes to Garbage Logs/ {Name} [{PlaceId}]/
FormatTable({a, "b", 1, game:GetService("Players"), pcall})
FormatTable({ workspace, 20, { pcall, 0X20 } }, {
OneLine = true;
IgnoreNumberIndex = true;
NoIndentation = false;
MetatableKey = nil;
GenerateScript = false;
NoAntiRep = false;
LargeStrings = false;
FormatArguments(a, "b", 1, game:GetService("Players"), pcall)
local Result = FormatTable({ 1, "b", game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer}, {
OneLine = false;
IgnoreNumberIndex = false;
NoIndentation = false;
MetatableKey = Key;
GenerateScript = true;
NoAntiRep = false;
LargeStrings = false;
}) --// Will return a table with two arguments, [1] will contain FindFunction(), [2] will contain the generated code
local Proxy, Key = newproxy(true), game:GetService("HttpService"):GenerateGUID(false)
setrawmetatable(Proxy, {
[Key] = "Hello there"
FormatTable({ workspace, 20, Proxy }, {
OneLine = false;
IgnoreNumberIndex = false;
NoIndentation = false;
MetatableKey = Key;
GenerateScript = false;
NoAntiRep = false;
LargeStrings = false;
DownloadMeshes(game, "Jailbreak-Asset-Dump/") --// file format: {AssetName} {(Index)}.obj
DownloadTextures(game, "Jailbreak-Asset-Dump/") --//file format: {AssetName} {(Index)}.png
loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NoTwistedHere/Roblox/main/RemoteSpy.lua"))() --// spying on :InvokeClient can only be done if executed before the game loads
WriteToFile = true
RobloxConsole = false
GetCallerV2 = false --// Cannot be enabled mid-game
RemoteSpyEnabled = true
GenerateCode = true
Enabled = {
BindableEvent = false;
BindableFunction = false;
RemoteEvent = true;
RemoteFunction = true;
OnClientInvoke = true;
OnClientEvent = true;
OnInvoke = false;
Event = false;
Writes to RemoteSpyLogs/Remote Spy Logs [{PlaceId-PlaceVersion}]
(if enabled)
Threads = 10
IgnoreEmpty = true --// Ignore scripts with no bytecode
loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NoTwistedHere/Roblox/main/ScriptDumper.lua"))() --// Place the loadstring in your autoexec if you wish to decompile scripts before they have the chance to hide themselves
Writes to Game Dumps/{PlaceId-Name}/Scripts for {Name} [{GameId-PlaceVersion}]