- Ensures that attackers cannot modify messages without being detected
- Message Verifier:
- Random Function
- Giant lookup table, provably secure but impractical
- Pseudorandom Function
- Functions all known to Mallory, choose n-bit index key known only to recv, sender
- Cryptographic Hashes
- Fixed function, no key
- Properties:
- Preimage resistance:Given output h, hard to find input m s.t. h = H(m)
- Second-preimage resistance:Given input m1 , hard to different m 2 s.t. H(m1 ) = H(m2 )
- Collision resistance:Hard to find any pair of inputs m1 ,m 2 s.t. H(m1 )=H(m2 )
- Examples:
- Insecure: #MD5 #SHA-1
- Secure: [[SHA-256]], SHA-512, SHA-3
- Random Function
- Psudorandom Generator #PRG