Implemented a robust error handling middleware and logging system to improve application reliability and debugging capabilities.
- Implement global error handling middleware
- Create custom error classes for different types of errors
- Implement try-catch blocks in all async functions
- Set up Winston logger
- Implement log levels (error, warn, info, debug)
- Add log rotation to manage log file sizes
- Implement log analysis for detecting high error rates
- All errors are caught and handled appropriately
- Errors are logged with relevant context information
- Logs are easily searchable and provide valuable debugging information
- High error rates trigger alerts for immediate attention
- src/middleware/errorHandler.ts
- src/utils/logger.ts
- src/utils/logAnalyzer.ts
Implemented client-side form validation for the login, registration, and tarot reading request forms to improve user experience and reduce server load.
- Validate email format
- Ensure password meets minimum requirements (e.g., length, complexity)
- Display real-time feedback on validation status
- Disable submit button until form is valid
- Validate username (e.g., length, allowed characters)
- Validate email format
- Ensure password meets minimum requirements (e.g., length, complexity)
- Implement password confirmation field and validation
- Display real-time feedback on validation status
- Disable submit button until form is valid
- Ensure a spread is selected before submission
- Validate any additional input fields (if applicable)
- Display real-time feedback on validation status
- Disable submit button until form is valid
- Create reusable validation utility functions
- Implement a custom hook for form validation
- Add appropriate ARIA attributes for accessibility
- Ensure error messages are screen reader friendly
- All forms prevent submission with invalid data
- Users receive immediate feedback on input validity
- Error messages are clear, concise, and passive-aggressive
- Form validation is accessible to screen readers
- Validation logic is consistent across all forms
- src/components/Login.tsx
- src/components/Register.tsx
- src/components/TarotReading.tsx
- src/utils/validation.ts
- src/hooks/useFormValidation.ts
Improved the frontend error handling and user feedback mechanisms to provide a better user experience and more informative error messages.
- Implement a global error boundary component
- Create a custom error page for uncaught errors
- Create a utility function for handling API errors
- Implement consistent error message display across components
- Handle network errors and timeouts
- Implement toast notifications for success and error messages
- Add loading indicators for asynchronous operations
- Improve form submission feedback
- Ensure error messages are announced to screen readers
- Implement focus management for error messages and notifications
- Implement client-side error logging
- Set up error reporting to a monitoring service (e.g., Sentry)
- Users are informed of errors in a clear and accessible manner
- Error messages are consistent across the application
- Loading states are clearly indicated to users
- Error information is logged for debugging purposes
- Critical errors are reported to the development team
- src/components/ErrorBoundary.tsx
- src/components/ErrorPage.tsx
- src/utils/apiErrorHandler.ts
- src/hooks/useApiRequest.ts
- src/utils/sentry.ts
Added detailed comments to all major components and utility functions to improve code readability and maintainability. Updated project documentation to reflect recent changes and improvements.
- Add comments to TarotReading component
- Add comments to Login component
- Add comments to Register component
- Add comments to UserDashboard component
- Add comments to ErrorBoundary component
- Update api.ts utility file with detailed comments
- Add comments to passiveAggressiveMessages.ts utility file
- Add comments to validation.ts utility file
- Add comments to database.ts utility file
- Update with project overview, features, and setup instructions
- Update with current status, completed tasks, and future plans
- All major components have comprehensive comments explaining their functionality
- Utility functions are well-documented with clear explanations of their purpose and usage
- Code comments follow consistent style and provide valuable insights
- provides clear project overview and setup instructions
- accurately reflects the current state of the project
- src/components/*.tsx
- src/utils/*.ts