The MongoDB Connector provides a Swift wrapper around the mongo-c client library, enabling access to MongoDB servers.
This package builds with the Swift Package Manager and is part of the Perfect project. It was written to be standalone, and does not require PerfectLib or any other components.
Ensure you have installed and activated the latest Swift 4.0 toolchain.
This package requires the Homebrew build of mongo-c.
To install Homebrew:
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
To install mongo-c:
brew install mongo-c-driver
Ensure that you have installed libmongoc.
sudo apt-get install libmongoc
Add this project as a dependency in your Package.swift file.
majorVersion: 3
For more information about using Perfect libraries with your project, see the chapter on "Building with Swift Package Manager".
The following will clone an empty starter project:
git clone
cd PerfectTemplate
Add this to the Package.swift file:
let package = Package(
name: "PerfectTemplate",
targets: [],
dependencies: [
.Package(url:"", versions: Version(0,0,0)..<Version(10,0,0)),
.Package(url:"", versions: Version(0,0,0)..<Version(10,0,0))
Create the Xcode project:
swift package generate-xcodeproj
Open the generated PerfectTemplate.xcodeproj
file in Xcode.
The project will now build in Xcode and start a server on localhost port 8181.
Important: When a dependency has been added to the project, the Swift Package Manager must be invoked to generate a new Xcode project file. Be aware that any customizations that have been made to this file will be lost.
At the head of your Swift file, import the MongoDB package:
import MongoDB
When you are opening a new connection to a MongoDB server, firstly obtain the connection URL. This will be the fully qualified domain name or IP address of the MongoDB server, with an optional port.
Once you know the connection URL, open a connection as follows:
let client = try! MongoClient(uri: "mongodb://localhost")
Where "localhost" is replaced by the actual server address.
Once the connection has been opened, a database can be assigned:
let db = client.getDatabase(name: "test")
In order to work with a MongoDB Collection, it must be defined:
let collection = db.getCollection(name: "testcollection")
Once a connection and associated connections are defined, it is wise to set them up to be closed using a defer
defer {
Use the find
method to find all documents in the collection:
let fnd = collection.find(query: BSON())
// Initialize empty array to receive formatted results
var arr = [String]()
// The "fnd" cursor is typed as MongoCursor, which is iterable
for x in fnd! {
For more detailed documentation on the MongoDB Collections class, see the chapter on MongoDB Collections.