Creating a spotify clone using Firebase as the primary authentication method, it also uses the Sound API from the device running the app
I wanned to create this app to expand my knowleadge in SwiftUI and demostrate my expertice in the area
{Provide a link to your YouTube demonstration. It should be a 4-5 minute demo of the app running and a walkthrough of the code.}
Xcode 15.4 -> Development IDE SwiftUI/IOS 17.5
- Dependencies:
- Firebase 10.27 -> For authentication and cloud services
- GoogleSignIn IOS 7.1 -> Specifically for Google auth using Firebase
- Medium tutorial
- Firebase Documentation for auth in IOS
- SwiftTUI tutorial for beginner 12H IOS 15 and 16
- Add Apple Login
- Add Facebook Login
- Add a real database for storage user
- Connect a spotify API
- Create a carrousel for view the artist
- Modal Sheet for review artits information and reproduce preview of sounds (the api allows to reproduce preview of the sounds for free and MIT licence)